Common name: LeConte's haploa.
Hodges #: 8111.
Identification: Rfw 20.2 mm. fw usually with dark diagonal
bar from approximate position of pm line at inner margin to apex; markings
can be much reduced or expanded. Darkest H. lecontei lack
white spots in the fold between base and tornus. Note characteristic
'tail' on costal spot beyond discal cell, corresponding spot in H.
confusa is roughly circular.
Similar species: 8109, 8112.
Distribution: southern Canada and U.S., east of Rockies.
Hosts: Larvae recorded from a wide variety of woody plants
including the following: Acer-- maples, Betula-- birch,
Cornus-- dogwood, Malus--apple, Populux-- poplar, aspen,
Prunus-- plum, cherry, Pyrus-- pear, Ulmus-- elms.
Note: Pure white haploas are best identified by association with
maculate individuals.

ND, Richland Co., West I allotment, Sheyenne Nat'l
grasslands. T135N R52W Sec. 10. Hg/UV lt. 28- VI-
1996. coll. G. Fauske, C. Locken, K. Urlacher.

ND, Richland Co., Sheyenne Nat'l grasslands, nr
Hankinson. UV lt. trap. 24- VI- 1984. coll. G. Fauske

MN, Lake Co., McNair site. T56N R11W Sec.
24. Hg/UV lt. 27- VI- 1992. coll. G. Fauske.