Common name: Nais tiger moth.
Hodges #: 8171.
Identification: Rfw 17.9 mm, dfw costal margin white from base to
end of discal cell, hws of both sexes yellow orange, female always with
solid black border. The ptagiae are unmarked yellow in both sexes.
In A. phalerata and A. vittata, the ptagiae are black, edged
with yellow in both sexes.
Similar species: 8169, 8171.1.
Distribution: southern Canada and U.S., east of the Rockies.
Hosts: Larvae reported from Viola-- violets, Trifolium--
clover, and Plantago-- plantain.
Note: confusion with the relatively recently described A.
carlotta as well as the possibility of yet another un-described species
in the genus (Ferguson 1985), necessitates re-evaluation of all literature
records as to distribution and host data.

IN, Tippecanoe Co., light, 8- VI- 1977. B. Stiles. |