Department of Psychology

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Mail:      Psychology (NDSU Dept. 2765)
               PO Box 6050
               Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Phone:  (701) 231-6312
Fax:       (701) 231-8426
Office:   316F Minard Hall


Research Area: Our lab studies cognition/affect relationships across a diversity of topic areas such as personality, self-regulation, automaticity, subjective well-being, and aggression. The work takes place at the intersection of personality, social, and cognitive psychology and generally concerns affective outcomes. A particular ongoing interest is the manner in which explicit and implicit components of personality interact in predicting emotional experiences and behaviors.


Teaching: So far, at NDSU, I've taught Experimental Social Psychology (470/670), Personality Psychology (468/668), and Emotions (782).


Michael D. Robinson

Curriculum Vitae

March, 2018


Department of Psychology

NDSU Dept. 2765

North Dakota State University

PO Box 6050

Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Phone: (701) 231-6312



1990 – B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz

1996 – Ph.D., University of California, Davis

Advisor: Joel T. Johnson

Area: Social Psychology; Social Cognition

Professional History:

June 1996-June 1999 – Postdoctoral Fellow, NIMH Emotion Consortium

University of Wisconsin and University of Illinois

Directors: Paul Ekman and Richard J. Davidson

Advisor: Gerald L. Clore

Area: Social Cognition; Cognition and Emotion

June 1999-August 2001 – Research Assistant Professor,

University of Illinois

Area: Cognition and Emotion

August 2001-2005 – Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University

August 2005-2010 – Associate Professor, North Dakota State University

August 2010-current - Professor, North Dakota State University

Areas: Personality/Social Psychology; Cognition and Emotion;

Affect and Health


Clore, G. L., & Robinson, M. D. (in press). Five questions about emotion: Implications for social-personality psychology. In: K. Deaux & M. Snyder (Eds.), Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Fetterman, A. K., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (in press). On feeling warm and being warm: Daily perceptions of physical warmth fluctuate with interpersonal warmth. Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Robinson, M. D. (in press). Cognitive approaches to personality. In: O. P. John & R. W. Robins (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.

Robinson, M. D., & Sedikides, C. (in press). Personality and the self. In: P. J. Corr & G. Matthews (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology (2nd ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., & Meier, B. P. (in press). A social cognitive analysis of antagonism and reactive aggression. In: J. D. Miller & D. R. Lynam (Eds.), The handbook of antagonism: Conceptualizations, consequences, and treatment of the low end of agreeableness. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.

Robinson, M. D., & Klein, R. J. (2018). What do subjective well-being judgments mean? Sources and distinctions, processes and mechanisms. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), Handbook of well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF Publishers. DOI:

Baumert, A., Schmitt, M., Perugini, M., Johnson, W., Blum, G., Borkenau, P. Costantini, G., Denissen, J. J. A., Fleeson, W., Grafton, B., Jayawickreme, E., Kurzius, E., MacLeod, C., Miller, L. C., Read, S. J., Roberts, B., Robinson, M. D., Wood, D., & Wrzus, C. (2017). Integrating personality structure, personality process, and personality development. European Journal of Personality, 31, 503-528.

Baumert, A., Schmitt, M., Perugini, M., Johnson, W., Blum, G., Borkenau, P. Costantini, G., Denissen, J. J. A., Fleeson, W., Grafton, B., Jayawickreme, E., Kurzius, E., MacLeod, C., Miller, L. C., Read, S. J., Roberts, B., Robinson, M. D., Wood, D., & Wrzus, C. (2017). Working towards integration of personality structure, process, and development. European Journal of Personality, 31, 577-595.


Fetterman, A. K., Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2017). Dispositional properties of metaphor: The predictive power of the sweet taste metaphor for trait and daily prosociality. Journal of Individual Differences, 38, 175-188.

Klein, R. J., Liu, T., Diehl, D., & Robinson, M. D. (2017). The personality-related implications of Stroop performance: Stress-contingent self-control in daily life. Journal of Research in Personality, 70, 156-165.

Krishnakumar, S., Hopkins, K., & Robinson, M. D. (2017). When feeling poorly at work does not mean acting poorly at work: The moderating role of work-related emotional intelligence. Motivation and Emotion, 41, 122-134.

Penzel, I. B., Persich, M. R., Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2017). Linguistic evidence for the failure mindset as a predictor of life span longevity. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, 348-355.

Robinson, M. D. (2017). Affect. In: A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Robinson, M. D. (2017). Mood. In: A. E. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Robinson, M. D., Bair, J. L., Liu, T., Scott, M. J., & Penzel, I. B. (2017). Of tooth and claw: Predator self-identifications mediate gender differences in interpersonal arrogance. Sex Roles, 77, 272-286.

Robinson, M. D., Boyd, R. L., Fetterman, A. K., & Persich, M. R. (2017). The mind versus the body in political (and nonpolitical discourse): Linguistic evidence for an ideological signature in U.S. politics. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 36, 438-461.

Robinson, M. D., & Eid, M. (2017). Introduction to the happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being. In: M. D. Robinson & M. Eid (Eds.), The happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being (pp. 1-19). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Robinson, M. D., & Eid, M. (2017). The happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.


Fetterman, A. K., Bair, J., Werth, M., Landkammer, F., & Robinson, M. D. (2016). The scope and consequences of metaphoric thinking: Using individual differences in metaphor usage to understand how metaphor functions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110, 458-476.

Krishnakumar, S., Hopkins, K., Szmerekovsky, J., & Robinson, M. D. (2016). Assessing workplace emotional intelligence: Development and validation of an ability-based measure. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150, 371-404.

Robinson, M. D., Bair, J. L., Persich, M. R., & Moen, N. R. (2016). Linguistic agency and lifespan longevity. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, 829-834.

Robinson, M. D., Boyd, R. L., & Persich, M. R. (2016). Dispositional anger and the resolution of the approach-avoidance conflict. Emotion, 16, 838-849.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2016). Cognitive control processes underlying individual differences in self-control. In: E. Hirt, L. Jia, & J. Clarkson (Eds.), The state of depletion: Advances in the psychology of self-regulation and self-control (pp. 301-324). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.

Abeyta, A. A., Routledge, C., Juhl, J., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Finding meaning through emotional understanding: Emotional clarity predicts meaning in life and adjustment to existential threat. Motivation and Emotion, 39, 973-983.

Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Not sugar and spice and everything nice: Name-letter preferences as a predictor of daily hostile behavior. Self and Identity, 14, 147-156.

Bresin, K., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). You are what you see and choose: Agreeableness and situation selection. Journal of Personality, 83, 452-463.

Fetterman, A. K., Bair, J. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Submissive, inhibited, avoidant, and escape motivated: The correlates and consequences of arm-crossing. Motivation Science, 1, 37-46.


Fetterman, A. K., Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Power versus affiliation in political ideology: Robust linguistic evidence for distinct motivation-related signatures. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 1195-1206.

Fetterman, A. K., Kruger, N. N., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Sex-linked mating strategies diverge with a manipulation of genital salience. Motivation and Emotion, 39, 99-103.

Fetterman, A. K., Liu, T., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Extending color psychology to the personality realm: Interpersonal hostility varied by red preferences and perceptual biases. Journal of Personality, 83, 106-116.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Interpersonal arrogance and the incentive salience of power versus affiliation cues. European Journal of Personality, 29, 28-41.

Krishnakumar, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Maintaining an even keel: An affect-mediated model of mindfulness and hostile work behavior. Emotion, 15, 579-589.

Meier, B. P., Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). Black and white as valence cues: A large-scale replication effort of Meier, Robinson, and Clore (2004). Social Psychology, 46, 174-178.

Meier, B. P., Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Lappas, C. M. (2015). The myth of the angry atheist. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 149, 219-238.

Moeller, S. K., Troop-Gordon, W., & Robinson, M. D. (2015). When the going gets touch, the differentiated keep going: Cybernetic self-determination, daily obstacles, and persistent goal pursuit. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 149, 427-442.

Ostafin, B. D., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2015). Introduction: The science of mindfulness and self-regulation. In: B. D. Ostafin, M. D. Robinson, & B. P. Meier (Eds.), Handbook of mindfulness and self-regulation (pp. 1-6). New York: Springer.

Ostafin, B. D., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2015). Handbook of mindfulness and self-regulation. New York: Springer.


Robinson, M. D., & Bresin, K. (2015). Personality and action control: BAS Reward predicts motor control accuracy. Personality and Individual Differences, 83, 214-218.

Robinson, M. D., Cassidy, D. M., Boyd, R. L., & Fetterman, A. K. (2015). The politics of time: Conservatives differentially reference the past and liberals differentially reference the future. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, 391-399.

Robinson, M. D., & Fetterman, A. K. (2015). The embodiment of success and failure as forward versus backward movements. PlosOne. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117285

Robinson, M. D., Liu, T., & Bair, J. L. (2015). Affect-related influences on color perception. In: A. J. Elliot, M. D. Fairchild, & A. Franklin (Eds.), Handbook of color psychology (pp. 660-675). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Robinson, M. D., & Routledge, C. (2015). Personality and the self: Toward an integration. In: J. D. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed., Vol. 17, pp. 814-820). Oxford, England: Elsevier.

Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (2015). Personality processes and processes as personality: A cognitive perspective. In: M. Mikulincer & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), APA handbook of personality and social psychology (Vol. 4, pp. 129-145). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2014). What can metaphors tell us about personality? In-Mind.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Gilbertson, E. P. (2014). Implicit self-importance in an interpersonal pronoun categorization task. Current Psychology, 33, 185-198.

Landau, M. J., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2014). Introduction. In: M. J. Landau, M. D. Robinson, & B. P. Meier (Eds.), The power of metaphor: Examining its influence on social life (pp. 3-16). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


Landau, M. J., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2014). Metaphor research in social-personality psychology: The road ahead. In: M. J. Landau, M. D. Robinson, & B. P. Meier (Eds.), The power of metaphor: Examining its influence on social life (pp. 269-286). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Landau, M. J., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2014). The power of metaphor: Examining its influence on social life. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Moeller, S. K., Nicpon, C. G., & Robinson, M. D. (2014). Responsiveness to the negative affect system as a function of emotion perception: Relations between affect and sociability in three daily diary studies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1012-1023.

Robinson, M. D. (2014). Retrospective reports. In: A. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. i-j). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Robinson, M. D. (2014). Toward a metaphor-enriched personality psychology. In: M. J. Landau, M. D. Robinson, & B. P. Meier (Eds.), The power of metaphor: Examining its influence on social life (pp. 133-152). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Robinson, M. D., Boyd, R. L., & Fetterman, A. K. (2014). An emotional signature of political ideology: Evidence from two linguistic content-coding studies. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 98-102.

Robinson, M. D., & Bresin, K. (2014). Higher levels of psychopathy are predictive of poorer motor control: Implications for understanding the psychopathy construct. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 36, 201-210.

Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., & Hilmert, C. J. (2014). Cortisol reactivity in the laboratory predicts ineffectual attentional control in daily life. Psychology and Health, 29, 781-795.

Robinson, M. D., & Moeller, S. K. (2014). Frustrated, but not flustered: The benefits of hierarchical approach motivation in weathering daily frustrations. Motivation and Emotion, 38, 547-559.

Robinson, M. D., Zabelina, D. L., Boyd, R. L., Bresin, K., & Ode, S. (2014). The self’s symbolic role in implicit approach/avoidance: Movement time evidence. The Journal of Social Psychology, 154, 311-322.


Boyd, R. L., Bresin, K., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Cognitive egocentrism differentiates warm and cold people. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 90-96.

Bresin, K., Boyd, R. L., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Egocentric perceptions of the environment in primary, but not secondary, psychopathy. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37, 412-418.

Bresin, K., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Losing control, literally: Relations between anger control, trait anger, and motor control. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 995-1012.

Fetterman, A. K., Bresin, K., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Emotion repair and the direction of attention in aversive contexts: Evidence from an attention-demanding task. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 107-110.

Fetterman, A. K., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). For which side the bell tolls: The laterality of approach-avoidance associative networks. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 33-38.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Do you use your head or follow your heart? Self-location predicts personality, emotion, decision making, and performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 316-334.

Liu, T., Ode, S., Moeller, S. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Neuroticism as distancing: Perceptual sources of evidence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 907-920.

Palder, S. L., Ode, S., Liu, T., & Robinson, M. D. (2013). Living large: Affect amplification in visual perception predicts emotional reactivity to events in daily life. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 453-464.

Robinson, M. D., Boyd, R. L., & Liu, T. (2013). Understanding personality and predicting outcomes: The utility of cognitive-behavioral probes of approach and avoidance motivation. Emotion Review, 5, 303-307.

Robinson, M. D., Fetterman, A. K., Hopkins, K., & Krishnakumar, S. (2013). Losing one’s cool: Social competence as a novel inverse predictor of provocation-related aggression: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1268-1279.


Robinson, M. D., & Gordon, K. H. (2013). Personality dynamics: Insights from the personality social cognitive literature. In: S. K. Huprich & C. J. Hopwood (Eds.), Personality assessment in the DSM-5 (pp. 91-106). New York: Routledge.

Robinson, M. D., & Liu, T. (2013). Perceptual negativity predicts greater reactivity to negative events in daily life. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 926-930.

Robinson, M. D., Watkins, E. R., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2013). Cognition and emotion: An introduction. In: M. D. Robinson, E. R. Watkins, & E. Harmon-Jones (Eds.), Handbook of cognition and emotion (pp. 3-18). New York: Guilford Press.

Robinson, M. D., Watkins, E. R., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2013). Handbook of cognition and emotion. New York: Guilford Press.

Anicha, C. L., Ode, S., Moeller, S. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Toward a cognitive view of trait mindfulness: Distinct cognitive skills predict its observing and nonreactivity facets. Journal of Personality, 80, 255-285.

Bresin, K., Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Motor control accuracy: A consequential probe of individual differences in emotion regulation. Emotion, 12, 479-486.

Bresin, K., Hilmert, C. J., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Response speed as an individual difference: Its role in moderating the agreeableness-anger relationship. Journal of Research in Personality, 46, 79-86.

Clore, G. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Five new ideas about emotion and their implications for social-personality psychology. In: K. Deaux & M. Snyder (Eds.), Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology (pp. 315-336). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Clore, G. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Knowing our emotions: How do we know what we feel? In: S. Vazire & T. D. Wilson (Eds.), Handbook of self-knowledge (pp. 194-209). New York: Guilford Press.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Interpersonal cognitive self-focus as a function of neuroticism: Basal tendencies and priming effects. Personality and Individual Differences, 52, 527-531.


Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2012). Anger as ‘seeing red’: Evidence for a perceptual association. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 1445-1458.

Meier, B. P., Moeller, S. K., Riemer-Peltz, M., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Sweet taste preferences and experiences predict pro-social inferences, personalities, and behaviors. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 163-174.

Moeller, S. K., Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., & Hanson, D. M. (2012). The big chill: Interpersonal coldness and emotion-labeling skills. Journal of Personality, 80, 703-724.

Ode, S., Winters, P. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Approach motivation as incentive salience: Perceptual sources of evidence in relation to positive word primes. Emotion, 12, 91-101.

Robinson, M. D., Moeller, S. K., Buchholz, M. M., Boyd, R. L., & Troop-Gordon, W. (2012). The regulatory benefits of high levels of affect perception accuracy: A process analysis of reactions to stressors in daily life. Emotion, 12, 785-795.

Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., Palder, S. L., & Fetterman, A. K. (2012). Explicit and implicit approach motivation interact to predict interpersonal arrogance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 858-869.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., Meier, B. P., Moeller, S. K., & Fetterman, A. K. (2012). Counting to ten milliseconds: Low anger, but not high anger, individuals pause following negative evaluation. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 261-281.

Van Boven, L., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Boys don’t cry: Cognitive load and priming increase stereotypic sex differences in emotion memory. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 303-309.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). When aggressive individuals see the world more accurately: The case of perceptual sensitivity to subtle facial expressions of anger. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 540-553.

Zabelina, D. L., Robinson, M. D., Council, J. R., & Bresin, K. (2012). Patterning and nonpatterning in creative cognition: Insights from performance in a random number generation task. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 6, 137-145.


Boyd, R., Robinson, M. D., & Fetterman, A. K. (2011). Miller (1944) revisited: Movement times in relation to approach and avoidance conflicts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1192-1197.

Bresin, K., Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., & Leth-Steensen, C. (2011). Driven, distracted, or both? A performance-based ex-Gaussian analysis of individual differences in anxiety. Journal of Personality, 79, 875-904.

Compton, R. J., Arnstein, D., Freedman, G., Dainer-Best, J., Liss, A., & Robinson, M. D. (2011). Neural and behavioral measures of error-related cognitive control predict daily coping with stress. Emotion, 11, 379-390.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2011). Routine cognitive errors: A trait-like predictor of individual differences in anxiety and distress. Cognition and Emotion, 25, 244-264.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., Gordon, R. D., & Elliot, A. J. (2011). Anger as seeing red: Perceptual sources of evidence. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 311-316.

Moeller, S. K., Ewing Lee, E. A., & Robinson, M. D. (2011). You never think about my feelings: Interpersonal dominance as a predictor of emotion decoding accuracy. Emotion, 11, 816-824.

Ode, S., Robinson, M. D., & Hanson, D. M. (2011). Cognitive-emotional dysfunction among noisy minds: Predictions from individual differences in reaction time variability. Cognition and Emotion, 25, 307-327.

Robinson, M. D., & Gordon, K. H. (2011). Personality dynamics: Insights from the personality social cognition literature. Journal of Personality Assessment, 93, 161-176.

Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., & Hilmert, C. J. (2011). Regulated and unregulated forms of cortisol reactivity: A dual vulnerability model. Psychosomatic Medicine, 73, 250-256.

Robinson, M. D., & Tamir, M. (2011). A task-focused mind is a happy and productive mind: A processing perspective. In: K. Sheldon, T. Kashdan, & M. Steger (Eds.), Designing the future of positive psychology: Taking stock and moving forward (pp. 160-174). New York: Oxford University Press.

Zabelina, D. L., Robinson, M. D., Ostafin, B. D., & Council, J. R. (2011). Manipulating mindfulness benefits creative elaboration at high levels of neuroticism. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 29, 243-255.


Claes, L., Robinson, M. D., Muehlenkamp, J. J., Vandereycken, W., & Bijttebier, P. (2010). Differentiating bingeing/purging and restrictive eating disorder subtypes: The respective roles of temperament, effortful control, and cognitive control. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 166-170.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Contingent self-importance among pathological narcissists: Evidence from an implicit task. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 691-697.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., & Gordon, K. H. (2010). Neuroticism as a risk factor for behavioral dysregulation: A mindfulness-mediation perspective. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29, 301-321.

Hilmert, C. J., Ode, S., Zielke, D. J., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Blood pressure reactivity predicts somatic reactivity to stress in daily life. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 282-292.

Mauss, I. B., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Measure of emotion: A review. In: J. de Houwer & D. Hermans (Eds.), Cognition and emotion: Reviews of current research and theories (pp. 99-127). New York: Psychology Press.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., Carter, M. S., & Hinsz, V. B. (2010). Are sociable people more beautiful? A zero-acquaintance analysis of agreeableness, extraversion, and attractiveness. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 293-296.

Moeller, S. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Cognitive sources of evidence for neuroticism’s link to punishment-reactivity processes. Cognition and Emotion, 24, 741-759.

Moeller, S. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Sex differences in implicit punishment sensitivity: Evidence from two cognitive paradigms. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 283-287.

Moeller, S. K., Robinson, M. D., & Bresin, K. (2010). Integrating trait and social-cognitive views of personality: Neuroticism, implicit stress priming, and neuroticism-outcome relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 677-689.

Ode, S., Hilmert, C. J., Zielke, D. J., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Neuroticism’s importance in understanding the daily life correlates of heart rate variability. Emotion, 10, 536-543.


Robinson, M. D. (2010). Is personality really the study of behaviour? European Journal of Personality, 23, 426-428.

Robinson, M. D., & Barrett, L. F. (2010). Belief and feeling in self-reports of emotion: Evidence for semantic infusion based on self-esteem. Self and Identity, 9, 87-111.

Robinson, M. D., Moeller, S. K., & Fetterman, A. K. (2010). Neuroticism and responsiveness to error feedback: Adaptive self-regulation versus affective reactivity. Journal of Personality, 78, 1469-1496.

Robinson, M. D., Moeller, S. K., & Ode, S. (2010). Extraversion and reward-related processing: Probing incentive motivation in affective priming tasks. Emotion, 10, 615-626.

Robinson, M. D., Schmeichel, B. J., & Inzlicht, M. (2010). A cognitive control perspective of self-control strength and its depletion. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4, 189-200.

Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (2010). Personality processes in anger and reactive aggression: An introduction. Journal of Personality, 78, 1-8.

Unkelbach, C., von Hippel, W., Forgas, J. P., Robinson, M. D., Shakarchi, R. J., & Hawkins, C. (2010). Good things come easy: Subjective exposure frequency and the faster processing of positive information. Social Cognition, 28, 538-555.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). The anatomy of anger: An integrative cognitive model of trait anger and reactive aggression. Journal of Personality, 78, 9-38.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Associative and spontaneous appraisal processes independently contribute to anger elicitation in daily life. Emotion, 10, 181-189.

Wilkowski, B. M., Robinson, M. D., & Troop-Gordon, W. (2010). How does cognitive control reduce anger and aggression? The role of conflict monitoring and forgiveness processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 830-840.

Zabelina, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Child’s play: Facilitating the originality of creative output by a priming manipulation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 4, 57-65.


Zabelina, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Creativity as flexible cognitive control. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 4, 136-143.

Zabelina, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2010). Don’t be so hard on yourself: Self-compassion facilitates creative originality among self-judgmental individuals. Creativity Research Journal, 22, 288-293.

Feltman, R., Robinson, M. D., & Ode, S. (2009). Mindfulness as a moderator of neuroticism-outcome relations: A self-regulation perspective. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 953-961.

Mauss, I. B., & Robinson, M. D. (2009). Measures of emotion: A review. Cognition and Emotion, 23, 209-237.

Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2009). Can agreeableness turn gray skies blue?: A role for agreeableness in moderating neuroticism-linked dysphoria. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28, 436-462.

Robinson, M. D. (2009). Levels of processing (and emotion). In: D. Sander & K. R. Scherer (Eds.), Oxford companion to affective sciences (pp. 238-239). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Robinson, M. D. (2009). Self-report. In: D. Sander & K. R. Scherer (Eds.), Oxford companion to affective sciences (pp. 359-360). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Robinson, M. D., Meier, B. P., Tamir, M., Wilkowski, B. M., & Ode, S. (2009). Behavioral facilitation: A cognitive model of individual differences in approach motivation. Emotion, 9, 70-82.

Robinson, M. D., Moeller, S. K., & Goetz, P. W. (2009). Are self-deceivers enhancing positive affect or denying negative affect?: Toward an understanding of implicit affective processes. Cognition and Emotion, 23, 152-180.

Robinson, M. D., Pearce, E. A., Engel, S. G., & Wonderlich, S. A. (2009). Cognitive control moderates relations between impulsivity and bulimic symptoms. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 33, 356-367.

Robinson, M. D., & Sedikides, C. (2009). Traits and the self: Toward an integration. In: P. J. Corr & G. Matthews (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology (pp. 457-472). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.


Wilkowski, B. M., Robinson, M. D., & Friesen, C. K. (2009). Gaze-triggered orienting as a tool of the belongingness self-regulation system. Psychological Science, 20, 495-501.

Wilkowski, B. M., Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., Carter, M. S., & Feltman, R. (2009). “Hot-headed” is more than an expression: The embodied representation of anger in terms of heat. Emotion, 9, 464-477.

Compton, R. J., Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., Quandt, L. C., Fineman, S. L., & Carp, J. (2008). Error-monitoring ability predicts daily stress regulation. Psychological Science, 19, 702-708.

Goetz, P. W., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2008). Attentional training of the appetitive motivation system: Effects on sensation seeking preferences and reward-based behavior. Motivation and Emotion, 32, 120-126.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., & Caven, A. J. (2008). Why a Big Mac is a good mac: Associations between affect and size. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 46-55.

Meier, B. P., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2008). Bringing out the agreeableness in everyone: Using a cognitive self-regulation model to reduce aggression. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1383-1387.

Moeller, S. K., Robinson, M. D., & Zabelina, D. L. (2008). Personality dominance and preferential use of the vertical dimension of space: Evidence from spatial attention paradigms. Psychological Science, 19, 355-361.

Ode, S., Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (2008). Can one’s temper be cooled?: A role for agreeableness in moderating neuroticism’s influence on anger and aggression. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 295-311.

Ready, R. E., & Robinson, M. D. (2008). Do older individuals adapt to their traits?: Personality-emotion relations among younger and older adults. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1020-1030.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., & Meier, B. P. (2008). Approach, avoidance, and self-regulatory conflict: An individual differences perspective. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 65-79.

Robinson, M. D., Zabelina, D. L., Ode, S., & Moeller, S. K. (2008). The vertical nature of dominance-submission: Individual differences in vertical attention. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 933-948.


Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2008). Clear heads are cool heads: Emotional clarity and the down-regulation of antisocial affect. Cognition and Emotion, 22, 308-326.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2008). Putting the brakes on antisocial behavior: Secondary psychopathy and post-error adjustments in reaction time. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1807-1818.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2008). The cognitive basis of trait anger and reactive aggression: An integrative analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 12, 3-21.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2008). Guarding against hostile thoughts: Trait anger and the recruitment of cognitive control. Emotion, 8, 578-583.

Wonderlich, S. A., Engel, S. G., Peterson, C. B., Robinson, M. D., Crosby, R. D., Mitchell, J. E., Smith, T., Klein, M., Lysne, C., Crow, S., Strauman, T., & Simonich, H. (2008). Examining the conceptual model of integrative cognitive-affective therapy for BN: Two assessment studies. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 41, 748-754.

Goetz, M. C., Goetz, P. W., & Robinson, M. D. (2007). What’s the use of being happy?: Mood states, useful objects, and repetition priming effects. Emotion, 7, 675-679.

Meier, B. P., Hauser, D. J., Robinson, M. D., Friesen, C. K., & Schjeldahl, K. (2007). What’s ‘up’ with God?: Vertical space as a representation of the divine. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 699-710.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2007). Aggressive cues activate hostile thoughts: People low, rather than high, in trait aggression are more susceptible. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 29, 23-34.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., Crawford, L. E., & Ahlvers, W. J. (2007). When “light” and “dark” thoughts become light and dark responses: Affect biased brightness judgments. Emotion, 7, 366-376.

Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2007). Agreeableness and the self-regulation of negative affect: Findings involving the neuroticism/somatic distress relationship. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 2137-2148.


Robinson, M. D. (2007). Gassing, braking, and self-regulating: Error self-regulation, well-being, and goal-related processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 1-16.

Robinson, M. D. (2007). Lives lived in milliseconds: Using cognitive methods in personality research.  In: R. W. Robins, R. C. Fraley, & R. Krueger (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in personality psychology (pp. 345-359). New York: Guilford Press.

Robinson, M. D. (2007). Personality, affective processing, and self-regulation: Toward process-based views of extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1, 223-235.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (2007). Traits, states, and encoding speed: Support for a top-down view of neuroticism/stress relations. Journal of Personality, 75, 95-120.

Robinson, M. D., & Compton, R. J. (2007). The happy mind in action: The cognitive basis of subjective well-being. In: M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp. 220-238). New York: Guilford Press.

Robinson, M. D., Meier, B. P., Wilkowski, B. M., & Ode, S. (2007). Introversion, inhibition, and displayed anxiety: The role of error reactivity processes. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 558-578.

Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., Moeller, S. K., & Goetz, P. W. (2007). Neuroticism and affective priming: Evidence for a neuroticism-linked negative schema. Personality and Individual Differences, 42, 1221-1231.

Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., Wilkowski, B. M., & Amodio, D. M. (2007). Neurotic contentment: A self-regulation view of neuroticism-linked distress. Emotion, 7, 579-591.

Tamir, M., & Robinson, M. D. (2007). The happy spotlight: Positive mood and selective attention to rewarding information. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1124-1136.

Weger, U. W., Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., & Inhoff, A. W. (2007). Things are sounding up: Affective influences on auditory tone perception. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, 517-521.


Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2007). Where danger lies: The spatial priming of negative affect. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 29, 85-90.

Wilkowksi, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2007). Keeping one’s cool: Trait anger, hostile thoughts, and the recruitment of limited capacity control. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1201-1213.

Wilkowksi, B. M., Robinson, M. D., Gordon, R. D., & Troop-Gordon, W. (2007). Tracking the evil eye: Trait anger and selective attention within ambiguously hostile scenes. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 650-666.

Zabelina, D. L., Robinson, M. D., & Anicha, C. L. (2007). The psychological tradeoffs of self-control: A multi-method investigation. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 463-473.

Armstrong, J. F., Wittrock, D. A., & Robinson, M. D. (2006). Implicit associations in tension-type headaches: A cognitive analysis based on stress reactivity processes. Headache, 46, 1281-1290.

Engel, S. G., Robinson, M. D., Wonderlich, S. J., Meier, B. P., Wonderlich, S. A., Crosby, R. D., et al. (2006). Does the avoidance of body and shape concerns reinforce eating disordered attitudes?: Evidence from a manipulation study. Eating Behaviors, 7, 368-374.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2006). Does “feeling down” mean seeing down?: Depressive symptoms and vertical selective attention. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 451-461.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., Gaither, G. A., & Heinert, N. J. (2006). A secret attraction or defensive loathing?: Homophobia, defense, and implicit cognition. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 377-394.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (2006). Turning the other cheek: Agreeableness and the regulation of aggression-related primes. Psychological Science, 17, 136-142.

Ready, R.E., Robinson, M.D., & Weinberger, M.  (2006).  Age differences in the organization of emotion knowledge: Effects involving valence and time frame.  Psychology and Aging, 21, 726-736.


Robinson, M. D., & Cervone, D. (2006). Riding a wave of self-esteem: Perseverative tendencies as dispositional forces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 103-111.

Robinson, M. D., & Compton, R. J. (2006). The automaticity of affective reactions: Stimulus valence, arousal, and lateral spatial attention. Social Cognition, 24, 469-495.

Robinson, M. D., Goetz, M. C., Wilkowski, B. M., & Hoffman, S. J. (2006). Driven to tears or to joy: Response dominance and trait-based predictions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 629-640.

Robinson, M. D., Mitchell, K. A., Kirkeby, B. S., & Meier, B. P. (2006). The self as a container: Implications for implicit self-esteem and somatic symptoms. Metaphor and Symbol, 21, 147-167.

Robinson, M. D., & Neighbors, C. (2006). Catching the mind in action: Implicit methods in personality research and assessment. In: M. Eid & E. Diener (Eds.), Handbook of multimethod measurement in psychology (pp. 115-125). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Robinson, M. D., & Oishi, S. (2006). Trait self-report as a “fill in” belief system: Categorization speed moderates the extraversion/life satisfaction relation. Self and Identity, 5, 15-34.

Robinson, M. D., & von Hippel, W. (2006). Rose-colored priming effects: Life satisfaction and affective priming. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1, 187-197.

Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (2006). Loving, hating, vacillating: Agreeableness, implicit self-esteem, and neurotic conflict. Journal of Personality, 74, 935-978.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., Kirkeby, B. S., & Meier, B. P. (2006). Stuck in a rut: Perseverative response tendencies and the neuroticism/distress relationship. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 135, 78-91.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., & Meier, B. P. (2006). Unstable in more ways than one: Reaction time variability and the neuroticism/distress relationship. Journal of Personality, 74, 311-343.


Rokke, P. D., & Robinson, M. D. (2006). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: A new approach to preventing relapse (book review). Clinical Psychology Review, 26, 654-655.

Storbeck, J., Robinson, M. D., & McCourt, M. E. (2006). Semantic processing precedes affect retrieval: The neurological case for cognitive primacy in visual processing. Review of General Psychology, 10, 41-55.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., & Solberg, E. C. (2006). You may worry, but can you recognize threats when you see them?: Neuroticism, threat identifications, and negative affect. Journal of Personality, 74, 1481-1506.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2006). Stopping dead in one’s tracks: Motor inhibition following incidental evaluations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 479-490.

Wilkowski, B. M., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2006). Agreeableness and the prolonged spatial processing of antisocial and prosocial information. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 1152-1168.

Clore, G. L., Storbeck, J., Robinson, M. D., & Centerbar, D. (2005). Seven deadly sins of research on affect. In: L. F. Barrett, P. M. Niedenthal, & P. Winkielman (eds.), Emotion and consciousness (pp. 384-408). New York: Guilford Press.

Kirkeby, B. S., & Robinson, M. D. (2005). Impulsive behavior and stimulus-response variability in choice reaction time. Journal of Research in Personality, 39, 263-277.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2005). The metaphorical representation of affect. Metaphor and Symbol, 20, 239-257.

Robinson, M. D., & Kirkeby, B. S. (2005). Happiness as a belief system: Individual differences and priming in emotion judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 1134-1144.

Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2005). Rotten to the core: Neuroticism and implicit evaluations of the self. Self and Identity, 4, 361-372.

Robinson, M. D., Meier, B. P., & Solberg, E. C. (2005). What shields some can shackle others: The approach-related consequences of threat categorizations vary by agreeableness. European Journal of Personality, 19, 575-594.


Robinson, M. D., Meier, B. P., & Vargas, P. T. (2005). Extraversion, threat categorizations, and negative affect: A reaction time approach to avoidance motivation. Journal of Personality, 73, 1397-1436.

Robinson, M. D., Meier, B. P., Zetocha, K. J., & McCaul, K. D. (2005). Smoking and the Implicit Association Test: When the contrast category determines the theoretical conclusions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 201-212.

Robinson, M. D., & Tamir, M. (2005). Neuroticism as mental noise: A relation between neuroticism and reaction time standard deviations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 107-114.

Gasper, K., & Robinson, M. D. (2004). Locating the self in the stream of emotion: Problems and promises. Psychological Inquiry, 15, 145-149.

Johnson, J. T., Robinson, M. D., & Mitchell, E. B. (2004). Inferences about the authentic self: When do actions say more than mental states. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 615-630.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2004). Does quick to blame mean quick to anger?: The role of agreeableness in dissociating the blame/anger relationship? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 856-867.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2004). Why the sunny side is up: Associations between affect and vertical position. Psychological Science, 15, 243-247.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (2004). Why good guys wear white: Automatic inferences about stimulus valence based on color. Psychological Science, 15, 82-87.

Robinson, M. D. (2004). Personality as performance: Categorization tendencies and their correlates. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13, 127-129.

Robinson, M., D., Storbeck, J., Meier, B. P., & Kirkeby, B. S. (2004). Watch out! That could be dangerous: Valence-arousal interactions in evaluative processing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1472-1484.

Robinson, M. D., Vargas, P. T., Tamir, M., & Solberg, E. C. (2004). Using and being used by categories: The case of negative evaluations and daily well-being. Psychological Science, 15, 521-526.


Solberg, E. G., Diener, E., & Robinson, M. D. (2004). Why are materialists less satisfied? In: T. Kasser & A. Kanner (Eds.), Psychology and consumer culture: The struggle for a good life in a materialistic world (pp. 29-48). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Storbeck, J., & Robinson, M. D. (2004). Preferences and inferences in encoding visual objects: A systematic comparison of semantic and affective priming. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 81-93.

Tamir, M., & Robinson, M. D. (2004). Knowing good from bad: The paradox of neuroticism, negative affect, and evaluative processing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 913-925.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., Clore, G. L., Martin, L. L., & Whitaker, D. (2004). Are we puppets on a string?: The contextual meaning of unconscious expressive cues. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 237-249.

Robinson, M. D., Rokke, P. D., & Tamir, M. (2003). Feeling about thinking: The role(s) of affect in social cognition. Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 48, 356-358.

Robinson, M. D., Solberg, E. C., Vargas, P., & Tamir, M. (2003). Trait as default: Extraversion, subjective well-being, and the distinction between neutral and positive events. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 517-527.

Robinson, M. D., Vargas, P., & Crawford, E. G. (2003). Putting process into personality, appraisal, and emotion: Evaluative processing as a missing link. In J. Musch & C. Klauer (Eds.), The psychology of evaluation: Affective processes in cognition and emotion (pp. 275-306). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (2002). Belief and feeling: An accessibility model of emotional self-report. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 934-960.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (2002). Episodic and semantic knowledge in emotional self-report: Evidence for two judgment processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 198-215.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (2002). The epistemic benefits of trait-consistent mood states: An analysis of extraversion and mood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 663-677.


Johnson, J. T., Long, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2001). Is a cause conceptualized as a generative force?: Evidence from a recognition memory paradigm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37, 398-412.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (2001). Simulation, scenarios, and emotional appraisal: Testing the convergence of real and imagined reactions to emotional stimuli. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1520-1532.

Robinson, M. D., Johnson, J. T., & Shields, S. A. (2001). The gender heuristic and the database. In: W. Gerrod Parrott (Ed.), Emotions in social psychology: Key readings in social psychology (pp. 157-169). Philadelphia, P.A.: Psychology Press. (Note: This is an edited version of our 1998 paper listed above.)

Clore, G. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2000). What is emotion regulation?: In search of a phenomenon. Psychological Inquiry, 11, 163-166.

Robinson, M. D. (2000). The reactive and prospective functions of mood: Its role in linking daily experiences and cognitive well-being. Cognition and Emotion, 14, 145-176.

Robinson, M. D., Johnson, J. T., & Robertson, D. A. (2000). Process versus content in eyewitness metamemory monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 6, 207-221.

Robinson, M. D., & Ryff, C. D. (1999). The role of self-deception in perceptions of past, present, and future happiness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 595-606.

Robinson, M., D. (1998). Running from William James’ bear: A review of preattentive mechanisms and their contributions to emotional experience. Cognition and Emotion, 12, 667-696.

Robinson, M. D., & Johnson, J. T. (1998). How not to enhance the confidence-accuracy relation: The detrimental effects of attention to the identification process. Law and Human Behavior, 22, 409-428.

Robinson, M. D., Johnson, J. T., & Shields, S. A. (1998). The gender heuristic and the database: Factors affecting the perception of gender-related differences in the experience and display of emotions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 20, 206-219.


Robinson, M. D., & Johnson, J. T. (1997). Is it emotion or is it stress?: Gender stereotypes and the perception of subjective experience. Sex Roles, 36, 235-258.

Robinson, M. D., Johnson, J. T., & Herndon, F. (1997). Reaction time and assessments of cognitive effort as predictors of eyewitness memory accuracy and confidence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 416-425.

Robinson, M. D., & Johnson, J. T. (1996). Recall memory, recognition memory, and the eyewitness confidence-accuracy correlation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 587-594.

Robinson, M. D., Johnson, J. T., & Shields (1995). On the advantages of modesty: The benefits of a balanced self-characterization. Communication Research, 22, 575-591.

Manuscripts Under Review:

Fetterman, A. K., Juhl, J. T., Meier, B. P., Abeyta, A., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). The path to God is through the heart: Metaphoric self-location as a robust predictor of religiosity.

Hooper, N., Crumptom, A., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2018). A weight-related growth mindset increases negative attitudes towards obese people.

Klein, R. J., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). The negative feedback dysregulation effect: Losses of motor control in response to negative feedback.

Krishnakumar, S., Perera, B., Hopkins, K., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). On being nice and smart: Work-related emotional intelligence predicts prosocial problem-solving.

Krishnakumar, S., Persich, M. R., Perera, B., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). Affective and effective: Military job performance as a function of work-related emotional intelligence.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). Nice! The benefits of being agreeable. Book proposal submitted to Oxford Press.

Penzel, I. B., Bair, J., Liu, T., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). The Revised Animal Preference Test: An implicit probe of tendencies toward psychopathy.

Persich, M. R., Bair, J. L., Steinemann, B., Nelson, S., Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). Hello darkness my old friend: Preferences for darkness vary by neuroticism and predict negative affect.

Persich, M. R., Krishnakumar, S., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). Are you a good friend? Assessing social relationship competence using the situational judgment test method.

Persich, M. R., Steinemann, B., Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (2018). Drawn to the light: Predicting religiosity using the “God is light” metaphor.

Robinson, M. D., & Krishnakumar, S. (2018). Reducing the dark and increasing the light: Mindfulness and its mediation by affect-related variables.

Manuscripts Under Review:

Robinson, M. D., Ode, S., & Liu, T. (2018). Perceptual approach/avoidance and the malleability of daily goal pursuit.

Robinson, M. D., Persich, M. R., Sjoblom-Schmidt, S., & Penzel, I. B. (2018). Love stories: How language use patterns vary by relationship quality.

Grants (Principal Investigator):

P.I. on Center of Biomedical Research Excellent (COBRE) grant,

October, 2010-October, 2015

North Dakota State University

P.D.: Mark McCourt, Visual Neuroscience

Grant Title: Vigilance and Avoidance in Affective Visual Processing

5 years, $650,000

P.I. on NIH ARRA Administrative Supplement to P20 RR020151, “Center

for Visual Neuroscience”, Pilot Project Mechanism (NOT-OD-09-056), September 2009- September 2011,

North Dakota State University

Grant Title: Vigilance and Avoidance in Affective Visual Processing


P.I. on NSF grant BCS 0843982, June 2009-May 2013,

North Dakota State University

Grant Title: Developing a Cognitive Control Theory of Emotion

through the Lens of Hostility, Anger, and Aggression


P.I. on Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant,

September, 2004

North Dakota State University

P.D.: Mark McCourt, Visual Neuroscience

Grant Title: Vigilance and Avoidance in Affective Visual Processing

5 years, $719,000

(Note: Because I currently have an RO1, my portion of the funded

COBRE grant was dropped.)

P.I. on grant MH68241-001, August 2003-June 2007,

North Dakota State University

Grant Title: Personality, Antisocial Thoughts, and Aggression

4 years, $565,000

P.I. on NSF grant SBR 9817649, June 1999-June 2002,

University of Illinois and North Dakota State University

Grant Title: The Comparative Automaticity of Fear


Grants (Other Roles):

Grant Title: The Sweet Life: An Examination of the Effect of Mindful

Candy Consumption on Mood

Source: National Confectioners Association

2012-2013, $55,682

Role: co-P.I.

Grant Title: Depression and Lateral Spatial Attention

Source: NSF EPSCoR

2003-2004, $15,000

Role: co-P.I.

Grant Title: Training the Hedonic Spotlight

Source: Positive Psychology Institute

2003-2004, $5,000

Role: co-P.I.

Grant Title: Cognitive Consequences of Emotion

Source: NSF

2000-2001, $250,000

Role: Supervising P.I.

Grant Title: Interventions to Improve Eyewitness Memory Monitoring

Source: University of California

1995-1996, $2,500

Role: co-P.I.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Fetterman, A. K., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (March, 2018). When I feel warm (physically), I am warm (interpersonally): Assessing the warm/warmth link in daily life. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Klein, R. J., & Robinson, M. D. (March, 2018). Mindfulness decouples the relationship between emotion and behavior: A multilevel analysis of questionnaire data. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Persich, M. R., Krishnakumar, S., & Robinson, M. D. (March, 2018). Are you a good friend? Toward an objective assessment of friendship competence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention, Atlanta, GA.

Persich, M. R., Krishnakumar, S., & Robinson, M. D. (March, 2018). Exploring health as a decision-making process through the lens of an ability-based measure. Poster presented at the 10th annual Social Personality Health Network Pre-conference, Atlanta, GA.

Al-Abase, N., Penzel, I. B., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). Would you rather be a lion or a zebra? Predicting psychopathic tendencies through predator preference. Paper presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Andrew, N., Brown, M. S., Persich, M. R., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). The happy pen? Word usage as an indicator of daily well-being. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Diehl, D., Klein, R. J., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). Does the Stroop task predict self-control? Paper presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Hill, B. E., Klein, R. J., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). Look before you leap: Mindfulness and the feeling-action relationship. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Klein, R. J., Liu, T., Diehl, D., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2017). Implicit personality: Stroop task predicts daily self-control, but only under stress. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Martin, C. A., Persich, M. R., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). When chance is your enemy: Punishment sensitivity in a cognitive task. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Newberger, J., Klein, R. J., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). Does negative feedback undermine self-control? Evidence from a motor control task. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Persich, M. R., Schumacher, H., Krishnakumar, S., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2017). Why would you do that? An ability based approach to health decision making. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Penzel, I. P., Bair, J., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2017). Which animal would you rather be? Predator self-identification as a predictor of psychopathy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Robinson, M. D., & Lee, S. (January, 2017). Pre-conference chairs. Embodiment. Papers presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Schmidt, S. S., Penzel, I. B., & Robinson, M. D. (April, 2017). Are you a good partner? Assessing romantic competence using the situation judgment test method. Paper presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.

Krishnakumar, S., Perera, B., & Robinson, M. D. (August, 2016). Being nice doesn’t mean you will finish last: Work-emotional intelligence and prosocial outcomes. Paper presented at the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.

Robinson, M. D., & Fetterman, A. K. (May, 2016). Follow your heart: Self-location and religious belief. Paper presented at the Choice Symposium, Lake Louise, Canada.

Persich, M. R., Steinemann, B., Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2016). Predicting religiosity using the “God is light” metaphor. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Robinson, M. D., & Lee, S. (January, 2016). Pre-conference chairs. Embodiment. Papers presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Robinson, M. D. (November, 2015). The surprising power of conceptual metaphor. Phi Kappa Phi Lecture, Fargo, North Dakota State University.

Robinson, M. D. (July, 2015). Agreeable self-regulation: An integration of trait, social, cognitive, and motivational perspectives. Paper presented at the expert meeting of the European Association of Personality, Annweiler, Germany.

Robinson, M. D., & Krishnakumar, S. (February, 2015). Mindfulness and self-regulation: A dispositional perspective. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.

Robinson, M. D., & Lee, S. (February, 2015). Pre-conference chairs. Embodiment. Papers presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.

Fetterman, A. K., & Robinson, M. D. (February, 2014). Do metaphors help us understand our experiences? A metaphor usage measure and its utility in theory testing. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Krishnakumar, S., & Robinson, M. D. (May, 2014). Even-keeled: Mindfulness reduces hostile affect and behavior among employees. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.

Liu, T., & Robinson, M. D. (February, 2014). Playing it safe, impulsively: Cognitive reflection reduces risk aversion. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Robinson, M. D., Fetterman, A. K., & Meier, B. P. (February, 2014). Is a sweet person a nice person? A metaphor we live by. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Robinson, M. D., & Lee, S. (February, 2014). Pre-conference chairs. Embodiment. Papers presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (May, 2014). Agreeableness and the self-regulation of hostile thoughts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.

Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2013). Self-centric perceptions of the visual world at high levels of interpersonal coldness. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Conway, P., Bosson, J., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2013). Pre-conference chairs. Building a positive career trajectory: Skills that are rarely taught. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Krishnakumar, S., Hopkins, K., & Robinson, M. D. (November, 2013). Well that just bites! Negative job emotions and counterproductive work behavior as moderated by emotional intelligence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA.

Liu, T., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2013). Get me out of here! Neuroticism and distance-enhancing perceptions. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2013). Are you in your head or your heart? Metaphoric self-locations and their consequences. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Robinson, M. D., Fetterman, A. K., & Meier, B. P. (May, 2013). A role for sweet tastes in the embodiment of prosocial motivation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Motivation (SSM), Washington, DC.

Bosson, J., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2012). Symposium co-chairs. How to be good (and bad) authors, reviewers, and editors: Advice to all concerned. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Boyd, R. L., Bresin, K., & Robinson, M. D. (July, 2012). Perceptual egotism in primary psychopathy. Poster presented at the 2012 IDeA States mini-conference on visual and cognitive neuroscience, Fargo, ND.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Boyd, R. L., Robinson, M. D., & Fetterman, A. K. (January, 2012). Stuck between a rock and a hard place: Avoidance conflicts are more difficult to resolve that approach conflicts. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Gordon, R. D. (July, 2012). Seeing red: Anger and the perception of red. Poster presented at the 2012 IDeA States mini-conference on visual and cognitive neuroscience, Fargo, ND.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2012). The head is rational and the heart is emotional: Metaphor-consistent effects of an embodiment manipulation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA, Embodiment Pre-Conference.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2012). Go with your head or use your heart? When body organs become decision making structures. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Liu, T., Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (July, 2012). Neurotic individuals see things as more distant. Poster presented at the 2012 IDeA mini-conference on visual and cognitive neuroscience, Fargo, ND.

Meier, B. P., Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Lappas, C. M. (January, 2012). The myth of the angry atheist. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Moeller, S. K., Bugno, L., Whelehan, K. M., Williams, G. A., & Robinson, M. D. (May, 2012). Emotion labeling skills, sociability, and affective experience in daily life. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Robinson, M. D. (January, 2012). You’re a sweet person (or not)! Metaphor and personality. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA, Embodiment Pre-Conference.

Robinson, M. D. (May, 2012). Why some people are agreeable: Cognitive, regulatory, and metaphoric perspectives. Invited paper, Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., Gordon, R. D., & Elliot, A. J. (January, 2011). Anger as seeing red: Perceptual sources of evidence. Hot topic talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology embodiment pre-conference, San Antonio, TX.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., Gordon, R. D., & Elliot, A. J. (January, 2011). “Seeing red again”: Anger and its effects on perception. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Ode, S., Moeller, S. K., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2011). An avoidant way of being: Dispositional negative affect and psychological distance. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Robinson, M. D. (January, 2011). Chair. Dominance, perception, motivation, and behavior. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Robinson, M. D., Fetterman, A. K., & Ode, S. (January, 2011). If neuroticism is the poison, mindfulness is the antidote. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Robinson, M. D., & Gonzalez, R. (January, 2011). Pre-conference co-chairs. How does one do that? Adding new tools to the research toolbox. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Arndt, J., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2010). Symposium co-chairs. Giving them wings to fly: Advice for soon-to-be, new, and established faculty in the training of graduate students. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Fetterman, A. K., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2010). “I’m so angry I’m seeing red!”” Reaction time evidence for an implicit association. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Moeller, S. K., Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (January, 2010). You never think about my feelings: Interpersonal dominance and emotion decoding performance. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Ode, S., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2010). Implicit approach motivation in affective processing: Biases involving distance and size estimation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2010). Embodiment as metaphor: The case of anger and heat. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Self Pre-Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Zabelina, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2010). What makes people creative?: A cognitive control perspective. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Zabelina, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (August, 2009). Child’s play: Facilitating the originality of creative output by a priming manipulation. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association conference, Toronto, Canada.

Meier, B. P., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (May, 2009). “Hotheaded” is more than an expression: The embodied representation of anger in terms of heat. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society (APS), San Francisco, CA.

Robinson, M. D. (May, 2009). Body in mind: Social dimensions of embodied metaphor. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society (APS), San Francisco, CA.

Zabelina, D. L., & Robinson, M. D. (May, 2009). Child’s play: Facilitating the originality of creative output. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society (APS). San Francisco, CA.

Robinson, M. D. (April, 2009). Error regulation, self-regulation, and emotion regulation. Invited talk, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Meier, B. P., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (February, 2009). Bringing out the agreeableness in everyone: Using a cognitive self-regulation model to reduce aggression. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Moeller, S. K., Ode, S., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (February, 2009). Does emotional clarity facilitate facial emotion labeling? Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Ode, S., Zielke, D. J., Robinson, M. D., & Hilmert, C. J. (February, 2009). Heart rate variability as a moderator of the neuroticism-negative affect relationship. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa Bay, FL.

Zabelina, D. L., Robinson, M. D., & Council, J. R. (August, 2008). Unconscious affect and creative performance. Paper presented at the annual American Psychological Association conference, Boston, MA.

Zabelina, D. L., Robinson, M. D., Ostafin, B. D., & Council, J. R. (August, 2008). Don’t worry so much: The beneficial effects of mindfulness training on elaboration at higher levels of neuroticism. Poster presented at the annual American Psychological Association conference, Boston, MA.

Robinson, M. D. (June, 2008). Personality processes in the cancer control realm. Invited talk, National Cancer Institute, Washington, DC.

Robinson, M. D. (May, 2008). Error-regulation, self-regulation, and emotion-regulation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.

Moeller, S. K., Ode, S., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (February, 2008). Dominant minds are vertical minds: Spatial attention processes. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM.

Ode, S., Robinson, M. D., & Feltman, R. (February, 2008). The benefits of mindfulness depend on what’s in your mind: A role for mindfulness in moderating neuroticism/distress relations. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM.

Robinson, M. D., Wilkowski, B. M., Ode, S., & Meier, B. P. (February, 2008). Neuroticism and cognitive control: Toward an interactive framework. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (February, 2008). A regulatory perspective on trait anger. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM.

Robinson, M. D. (November, 2007). Error regulation and self-regulation. Invited talk, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Robinson, M. D. (March, 2007). Neurotic contentment: A self-regulation perspective. Invited talk, University of Rochester, NY.

Ode, S., Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (January, 2007). Agreeableness as self-regulation: Its role in moderating neuroticism-related depression. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.

Robinson, M. D. (January, 2007). The correlates of individual differences in automaticity and cognitive control: Evidence from daily experience. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.

Robinson, M. D., Meier, B. P., & Wilkowski, B. M. (January, 2007). Agreeable self-regulation: A social cognition perspective. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.

van Boven, L, & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2007). Boys don’t cry: Cognitive busyness increases gender stereotypic emotion memory. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.

Wilkowski, B. M., Robinson, M. D., & Ode, S. (January, 2007). Clear feelings are cool feelings: The role of emotional clarity in anger regulation. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.

Robinson, M. D. (May, 2006). The happy mind in action. Invited talk, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.

Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., & Caven, A. J. (January, 2006). The bigger the better: Associations between affect and size. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Ode, S., Robinson, M. D., & Wilkowski, B. M. (January, 2006). Igniting and extinguishing the flame: Interactive effects of neuroticism and agreeableness in predicting anger/aggression. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Robinson, M. D., & Tamir, M. (January, 2006). Epistemic consequences of mood for affective processing: Interactions of mood and personality. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Tamir, M., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2006). A happy spotlight: The effects of positive affect on selective attention. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2006). The spontaneous self-regulation of aggressive primes by low anger individuals. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA.

Robinson, M. D. (May, 2005). Why some people are stuck in the past: States, traits, and episodic encoding skills. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2005). Assumptions about stimulus valence based on vertical position. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, L. A.

Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2005). On feeling down and attending down: Depressive symptoms and vertical selective attention. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Wilkowski, B. M., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (January, 2005). Pausing in thought or ready to fight: Trait anger and task switching behavior following violent thoughts. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (May, 2004). Agreeable people and the self-regulation of hostile thoughts. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.

Zetocha, K., Meier, B. P., Robinson, M. D., & McCaul, K. D. (March, 2004). Assessing smokers’ and non-smokers’ implicit and explicit attitudes towards smoking: Are they different? Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

Meier, B. P., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2004). Down and out: Negative affect and vertical selective attention. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Tamir, M., & Robinson, M. D. (January, 2004). Recognizing bad things can be hedonically pleasing: Traits, implicit approach and avoidance, and mood states. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Robinson, M. D. (May, 2003). Personality as categorization. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA.

Meier, B. P. & Robinson, M. D. (May, 2003). Blame accessibility, anger, and the moderating role of agreeableness. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA.

Robinson, M. D. (July, 2002). Are extraverts happier?: A trait as belief perspective. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Cuenca, Spain.

Clore, G. L., Robinson, M. D., Tamir, M., & Centerbar, D. (July, 2002). When motions make emotions. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Cuenca, Spain.

Clore, G. L., Robinson, M. D., Tamir, M., & Centerbar, D. (February, 2002). Are emotions responses to stimuli or interpretations of stimuli? Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Savannah, Georgia.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (May, 2001). Trait-state congruency in affective processing. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Storbeck, J. L., Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (April, 2001). When preferences need inferences: A direct comparison of affect and cognition. Poster presented at the Social, Cognitive, and Neuroscience Conference, Los Angeles, California.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (February, 2001). Dissociating belief and feeling in self-reports of emotion. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

Crawford, E. G., Joncich, A. D., Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (August, 2000). Don’t just smile and nod: Motor effects on emotional experience are cognitively mediated. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Conference and Scholarly Presentations:

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (August, 2000). Aggregation and belief in self-reports of emotion: Evidence from a new reaction time paradigm. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (August, 2000). When do we really know what we want?: Trait-state congruency in affective processing. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (May, 2000). Aggregation and belief in self-reports of emotion. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Robinson, M. D., & Ryff, C. D. (February, 2000). Self-deception and judgments of future well-being. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Nashville, Tennessee.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (August, 1998). Ambivalent affect and emotion labeling: Evidence for a new two-factor theory. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Würzberg, Germany.

Robinson, M. D., & Clore, G. L. (August, 1998). The comparative automaticity of fear. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Emotions, Würzberg, Germany.

Robinson, M. D. (November, 1997). Sex differences in emotion, and the implication for measuring subjective well-being. Paper presented at the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, Charlotte, North Carolina.

(Some) Media 2013+: (2016). Sweet week: What a sweet tooth says about your personality. (2016). Liberal or conservative? Your choice of words gives you away. (2015). Life is different for people who think in metaphors. (2015). Will mindfulness hurt your career? (2015). 9 things to know about people who ‘think’ with their heart. (2015). 5 surprising ways mindfulness can change you. (2015). The angry atheist: Why some believers perpetuate a false stereotype of skeptics. (2015). Are you a head person or a heart person? (2014). The sweet kisses of embodied cognition.

Robinson, M. D., Fetterman, A. K., Hopkins, K., & Krishnakumar, S. (2014). Social competence and not losing one’s cool. PSPConnections. (2013). Get smarter – point to your head (yes, really).

(Some) Media 2013+: (2013). Social competence and anger: Learning to deal with people effectively has lots of positive benefits.

Journal Editing:

Associate Editor, Cognition and Emotion, 2007-2009.

Associate Editor, Emotion, 2009-2010.

Associate Editor, Journal of Personality, 2005-2009.

Associate Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2009-2016.

Associate Editor, Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2009-2017.

Co-Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2017-present.

Editorial Board:

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2007-2009.

Psychological Science, 2007-2012.

Edited Books:

Landau, M. J., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2014). Metaphor and social life. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Ostafin, B. D., Robinson, M. D., & Meier, B. P. (2015). Mindfulness

and self-regulation. New York: Springer.

Robinson, M. D., & Eid, M. (in press). The happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Robinson, M. D., Watkins, E. R., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2013). Handbook of cognition and emotion. New York: Guilford Press.


Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, College Honors, University of

California, Santa Cruz.

Awarded membership to ISRE (International Society for Research

on Emotions) and SESP (Society for Experimental Social Psychology).

Recipient of the 2004 College of Science and Mathematics Award for

Excellence in Research, North Dakota State University.

Recipient of the 2005-2008 James A. Meier Junior Professor Award,

North Dakota State University.

Awarded tenure two years early, 2005, North Dakota State University.

Appointed Associate Editor for Journal of Personality, 2005-2007; Re-

appointed for 2007-2009 term.

Listed among most published authors at Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin with 6 articles published in this journal in the last 10 years.

Research featured in a London Times article (“Just look up to find happiness”, written by Roger Dobson & Jonathan Carr-Brown, published July 24, 2005).

Editor’s pick selection at Science, September 2005 issue (Vol. 309, 2).

Appointed Associate Editor for Cognition and Emotion, 2007-2009.

Appointed Consulting Editor for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Psychological Science, 2007-2009.

Recipient of the 2007 Waldron Research Award, a University-Wide

Research-Award, North Dakota State University.

Research featured in American Psychology Association (APA) Monitor, November, 2007.

Elected as a Fellow, Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2007.

Elected as a Fellow, The Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), 2009.

Recipient of the 2009 College of Science and Mathematics Award for

Excellence in Mentoring, North Dakota State University.


Appointed Associate Editor for Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology, 2009-2012.

Appointed Associate Editor for Social and Personality Psychology

Compass, 2009-2011.

Appointed Associate Editor for Emotion, 2010-2012.

Appointed to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

Training Committee, 2009-2012.

Appointed to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

Program Committee, 2010-2011.

Added to the Editorial Board of Psychological Science, 2010.

Elected as Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology

(SPSP), 2011.

Elected as Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Division 8, 2011.

Recipient of the 2013-2016 James A. Meier Senior Professor Award,

North Dakota State University.

Nominated for Editorship, Psychological Bulletin, 2013.

Nominated for Editorship, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,


Appointed to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

Program Committee, 2014-2015.

Nominated for Editorship, Psychological Science, 2016.

Recipient of the 2015 Phi Kappa Phi Lectureship Award, North Dakota

State University.

NSF Panelist, Social Psychology Program, Arlington, VA, May 2-3, 2016.

Short List (3 people) for Editorship, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2017.


Recipient of the 2016 Dale Hogoboom Endowed Professorship Award, North Dakota State University.

Appointed Co-Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2017-present.

Awards/Recognition for Mentees:

Advisor for John Whitney, who received the Janet Trisch Memorial Award for the most outstanding honor’s thesis, 2000, University of Illinois.

Title: The influence of perceptual cues on affective processing: Are congruency effects inevitable?

Advisor for Justin Storbeck, who received a grant from the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, 2000.

Advisor for Justin Storbeck, who received the Janet Trisch Memorial Award for the most outstanding honor’s thesis, 2001, University of Illinois.

Title: Preferences and inferences in encoding visual objects: A systematic comparison of semantic and affective priming.

Advisor for Maya Tamir, who was awarded the 2002 Nancy Hirschberg memorial award for outstanding research or scholarship at the University of Illinois. Title: The epistemic benefits of trait-consistent mood states: An analysis of extraversion and mood.

Advisor for Brian P. Meier, who received a two-year Doctoral Dissertation fellowship from the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR/NSF), North Dakota State University, 2003-2004.

Advisor for Maya Tamir, who was awarded the 2004 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Award for outstanding student publication.

Title: Are we puppets on a string?: The contextual meaning of unconscious expressive cues.

Advisor for Brian P. Meier, who was awarded a Martin Seligman Research Alliance Micro-Grant for his dissertation work, 2004.

Title: Using metaphor to promote positive affect.

Advisor for Brian P. Meier, who was the recipient of the 2004 College of Science and Mathematics Ph.D. Student Award for Excellence in Research, North Dakota State University.

Advisor for Brian P. Meier, who accepted a tenure-track job at

Gettysburg College, 2005.

Awards/Recognition for Mentees:

Advisor for Maya Tamir, who accepted a tenure-track job at Boston

College, 2006.

Advisor for Benjamin M. Wilkowski, who received a two-year Doctoral Dissertation fellowship from the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR/NSF), North Dakota State University, 2006-2008.

Advisor for Darya Zabelina, who received the Estensen Award for the most outstanding graduating senior in psychology, North Dakota State University, 2007.

Advisor for Ashley Randall, who received a Fulbright Award to study

in Switzerland, 2007-2008.

Advisor for Roger Feltman, who received the Estensen Award for the most outstanding graduating senior in psychology, North Dakota State University, 2008.

Advisor for Michelle Winings, who won a departmental award for sophomore-level research contributions, North Dakota State University, 2008.

Advisor for Benjamin M. Wilkowski, who was the recipient of the 2008 College of Science and Mathematics Ph.D. Student Award for Excellence in Research, North Dakota State University

Advisor for Benjamin S. Kirkeby, who accepted a tenure-track job at Jamestown College, 2008.

Advisor for Benjamin M. Wilkowski, who accepted a tenure-track job at University of Wyoming, 2008.

Advisor for Konrad Bresin, who received the Estensen Award for the most outstanding graduating senior in psychology, North Dakota State University, 2009.

Advisor for Scott Ode, who received an SPSP Travel Award for the annual SPSP conference, 2009.

Title: Heart rate variability as a moderator of the neuroticism-negative affect relationship.

Advisor for Darya Zabelina, who received a three year NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2009-2012, $121,000.

Awards/Recognition for Mentees:

Advisor for Benjamin M. Wilkowski, who received honorable mention for the SPSP Student Publication Award.

Title: The cognitive basis of trait anger and reactive aggression: An integrative analysis.

Advisor for Darya Zabelina, who received an APS Graduate Research Travel Award, 2009.

Title: Child’s play: Facilitating the originality of creative output.

Advisor for Darya Zabelina, who received the 2009 Erlbaum Award, as announced by the Psi Chi Research Awards Committee.

Title: Don’t be so hard on yourself: Self-compassion facilitates creative originality among self-judgmental individuals.

Advisor for Sara K. Moeller, who received a Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2010-2011.

Advisor for Sara K. Moeller, who accepted a tenure-track job at St. Xavier University, Chicago, 2011.

Advisor for Jessica Bair, who received the Beatty Award for most promising sophomore-level researcher in the NDSU psychology department, 2011.

Advisor for Dede Schreiber-Gregory, who was selected for the McNair Scholars Program, North Dakota State University, 2012.

Advisor for Adam K. Fetterman, who was awarded an SPSP Travel Award for the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference, 2012.

Advisor for Adam K. Fetterman, who was selected as a finalist (and subsequently deemed a runner-up) for best student poster award at the 2012 Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, San Diego, CA.

Title: Go with your head or use your heart? When body organs become decision making structures.

Advisor for Adam K. Fetterman, who received a Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2012-2013.

Advisor for Jessica Bair, who received the Junior Research Achievement Award, NDSU psychology department, 2013.

Awards/Recognition for Mentees:

Advisor for Tianwei Liu, who was awarded an SPSP Travel Award for the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference, 2014.

Advisor for Jessica Bair, who was admitted to the Clinical PhD program at University of Minnesota, 2015.

Advisor for Adam K. Fetterman, who accepted a tenure-track job at University of Essex, 2015.

Research Interests:

* Automatic and controlled processes in cognition and emotion

* Personality and emotion

* Implicit measures of personality

* The cognitive causes and consequences of emotion

* Emotion and self-regulation

* Emotion, cognition, and health

* Judgment processes related to subjective well-being

Teaching Interests:

* Personality psychology

* Social psychology

* Social cognition

* Emotion

Michael D. Robinson
Psychology (NDSU Dept. 2765)
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Phone: (701) 231-6312
Fax: (701) 231-8426

Updated 4/6/2018

Michael D. Robinson

Professor of Psychology