Teaching Experiences:
Department of Mathematics, North Dakota State University (Fall 2012 - present)
Spring 2023: Partial Differential Equations I (MATH 784).
Fall 2022: Calculus II (MATH 166), Fourier Analysis (MATH 481/681).
Fall 2021: Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH 266), Modern Probability Theory (MATH 878), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Mathematical Data Science.
Spring 2021: Complex Analysis (MATH 452/652), Advanced Actuarial Exam Study (MATH 476).
Fall 2020: Intermediate Linear Algebra (MATH 329).
Spring 2020: Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH 266), Partial Differential Equations I (MATH 784), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Stochastic Processes.
Fall 2019: Numerical Analysis I (MATH 488/688), Mathematical Software- Python (MATH 460/660), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Deep Learning and Neural Networks.
Summer 2019: Game Theory (at North Dakota Governor's School ).
Spring 2019: Topics in Applied Mathematics- Introduction to Machine Learning (MATH 867).
Fall 2018: Special Problems In Mathematics (MATH 374), Topics in Linear Algebra (MATH 429/629), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations.
Summer 2018: Game Theory (at North Dakota Governor's School ).
Spring 2018: Partial Differential Equations (MATH 483/683), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Introduction to Financial Mathematics, Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Machine Learning Algorithms.
Fall 2017: Special Problems In Mathematics (MATH 374), Ordinary Differential Equations I (MATH 760), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Introduction to Financial Mathematics.
Spring 2017: Partial Differential Equations (MATH 483/683), Topics in Applied Mathematics- Probability Theory in Finance (MATH 867), Undergraduate reading course (MATH 494) : Stochastic Calculus- II.
Fall 2016: Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Stochastic Differential Equations, Undergraduate reading course (MATH 494) : Stochastic Calculus.
Summer 2016: Calculus I (MATH 165), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Brownian Motion Calculus.
Spring 2016: Actuarial Exam Study (MATH 376), Partial Differential Equations I (MATH 784), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Financial Modeling using Lévy Processes.
Fall 2015: Calculus I (MATH 165), Applied Differential Equations (MATH 480/680).
Summer 2015: Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Stochastic Process (MATH 867).
Spring 2015: Calculus II (MATH 166), Partial Differential Equations I (MATH 784).
Fall 2014: Numerical Analysis I (MATH 488/688).
Summer 2014: Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Lévy Processes in Finance, Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Stochastic Processes.
Spring 2014: Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH 266), Actuarial Exam Study (MATH 376), Mathematical Methods in Physics II (MATH 783/ PHYS 753), Undergraduate reading course (MATH 494) : Introduction to Financial Mathematics.
Fall 2013: Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH 266), Applied Differential Equations (MATH 480/680), Undergraduate reading course (MATH 494): Introduction to Financial Mathematics, Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Topics in Mathematical Finance.
Summer 2013: Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Stochastic Differential Equations-II.
Spring 2013: Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH 266), Numerical Analysis II (MATH 489/689), Graduate reading course (MATH 793) : Stochastic Differential Equations-I.
Fall 2012: Calculus III (MATH 265), Numerical Analysis I (MATH 488/688).
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas- El Paso (Spring 2011 - Spring 2012)
Instructor: Applied Analysis I (MATH 3335), Applied Analysis II (MATH 4336), Mathematics for the Social Sciences I (MATH 1320), Mathematics for the Social Sciences II (MATH 2301), Individual Studies in Mathematics (MATH 4399).
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, College Station (Fall 2006 - Summer 2010)
Instructor: Mathematical Concepts- Calculus (MATH 131).
Recitation TA : Calculus I (MATH 151), Calculus II (MATH 152).
Assistant for Online graduate level courses: Mathematical Communication and Technology (MATH 696), Seminar in Geometry (MATH 666), History of Mathematics (MATH 629).
Grader (Graduate level): Analysis for Applications -II (MATH 642), Differential Geometry -I (MATH 622), Methods of Applied Mathematics-I (MATH 601), Methods and Applications of Partial Differential Equations (MATH 602).
Grader (Undergraduate level): Engineering Mathematics (MATH 251), Topics in Applied Mathematics (MATH 311).
Department of Mathematics, University of Texas- Pan American (Fall 2004 - Spring 2006)
Instructor: Intermediate Algebra (MATH 1334), Elementary Algebra (MATH 1330).
| Curriculum Vitæ