Fourier Analysis: Math 481/681
The goal of the course is to develop experience working with Fourier series and Fourier transform, which can be (somewhat simplistically) described as a technique replacing a given function
(or signal, as engineers would say) with a sum of simpler trigonometric functions. Along with the necessary mathematical background (orthogonality, integrable functions, distributions),
we will cover quite a few applications culminating in the fast fourier transform algorithm ("the most important numerical algorithm of our lifetime" as some say).
Fall 2024:
- Classes: MWF 10:00am-10:50am, NDSU South Engineering, Rm 208
- Office hours: MWF 11:00am-12:00pm or by appointment (Minard 408E32)
- Syllabus: (pdf)
- Textbook (optional): Brad G. Osgood, Lectures on the Fourier Transform and Its Applications (Amazon).
The lecture notes on which the book is based can be found (here).
Other useful links:
I plan (tentatively) to include the following topics:
- Fourier Series.
- Fourier Transform.
- Distributions and Their Forier transform. Delta function.
- Sampling and Interpolation.
- Discrete Frourier Transform.
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