Ph.D., University
of Cambridge (Britain), journalism history, 1992. Dissertation explored
French journalism during World War I. Advisor: Dr. J. M. Winter. (University ranking.)
Dissertation: “Newspapers of the French Left in Provence and Bas-Languedoc during the First World War,” available at
M.A., University of Warwick (Britain), cultural history, 1980.
B.S., mass communications, B.A., history, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1978. Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Minor: French.
Certificate of French Studies, University of Burgundy (France), 1983.
Professor of Communication, North Dakota State University, Fargo, 2009-present.
Associate Professor of Communication, North Dakota State University, 1999-2009.
Assistant Professor of Communication, North Dakota State University, 1993-1999.
Courses taught:
Online courses (content can be reviewed from the Classes page links):
Student evaluations of selected courses.
Professor of Communication (temporary), University
of North Dakota (Grand Forks), 1992-93.
Courses taught: intro to graphic design, advanced design, photography, promotional
of Mass Communication, Minnesota State
University Moorhead, 1985-87.
Courses taught: media writing, copy editing, visual communication.
Graduate Committees
Committee chair (advisor):
Pahuja, C. (2016). Comprehensive exam option.
Stack, E. (2013). Adult sibling communication: Attachment style and strategy.
Schloesser, N. (2012). Growing up gay: The experiences of rural youth in North Dakota and Minnesota.
Adams, S. (2012). Hell hath no fury like a scorned soap fan: A case study of soap opera fan activism.
Teigen, D.. (2011). The press and the historical development of three women’s intercollegiate athletic programs in the Upper Midwest, 1950-1980.
Fischer, M. (2009). The Food and Drug Administration's role in a democratic society: a communication ethics perspective.
Decker, C. (2007). Persistence and change: How online newspapers reflect the cultural impact of new information technologies in the Midwest.
Listopad, S. (2006) A focus on community: The rise of the village voice and the alternative press during an era of unrest.
Conzemius, T. (2005) The emotional effect of spokes-characters in magazine print advertisements.
Perreault, R. (2004) New technology in college athletics: Moving from printed to electronic documents in sports information.
Eichele, K. (2004) Web of beauty: A content analysis of the internet and body image.
Saplis, J. (2003) Adoption patterns of technological advances by sports information directors in the north central athletic conference.
Braden, J. (2003) An analysis of newspaper coverage of military activity during the Pleiku campaign in Vietnam: 25 October 1965-18 November 1965.
Sherlin, M. (2002). Perceptions of the architecture and content of the North Dakota State University prospective students web pages.
Behm, R. (2001).
Women’s rights and dress: A study of proper women’s silhouette and
women’s rights.
Schlangen, B. (2001). Outspokenness in a small, conservative Midwestern community:
A study of the spiral of silence.
Duncan, J. (2001). Branding in mergers and acquisitions: Preserving brand equity
in the process.
McWilliams, C. (2001) (co-advisor). A rhetorical analysis of Charleton Heston’s
speech at Harvard University.
Wynia, E. (1999). Applying culturally relevant speech communication teaching
strategies to Native American students at Sisseton Wahpeton Community College.
Norri, J. (1998). The message, the image and the way it persuades: A metaphorical
analysis of state travel slogans.
Chaussee, M. (1997). Behind the scenes: A case study…in small market television.
Richardson, M. (1997). Wounded Knee: A study of newspaper style and coverage.
Ravn, N. (1996). Realizing the electronic opportunities: Establishing a web
presence for the North Dakota State University athletic department.
Coumbe, M. (1996). System-wide advocacy: A state’s higher education system
in crisis.
Venette, T. (1995). Mass communication education: The effects on students’ ethical decision-making abilities.
Committee member:
Nancy Lill, 1994.
Terri Omlid, 1994.
Jill Jensen, 1994.
Scott Kalar, 1994.
Lori Liebl, 1994.
Michelle Johnson, 1995.
Jackie Hess, 1995.
Shannon VanHorn, 1996.
Barb Moquist, 1996.
Steve Bestvater, 1996.
Dave Wahlberg, 1997.
Michelle Snider, 1997.
Kari Selisker, 1997.
Connie Nelson, 1997.
Paul Achter, 1997.
Dennie Neumann, 1997.
Kathy Coyle, 1997.
Mohan Dutta, 1998.
Steve Roisum, 1998.
Nancy Pearson, 1998.
Melissa Fletschock, 1999.
Jody Mattern, 2000.
Denise Elmer, 2000.
Jim Schaefle, 2000.
Carrie Jacobsen, 2000 (Sociology).
Candace Philbrick, 2001 (Child Development/Family Science).
Tracy Briggs Jensen, 2001.
Amanda Brown 2001.
Carrie Johnson, 2001.
Bev Martinson, 2001.
Kym Overland, 2003.
Andrea Ramstad, 2003.
Renae Streifel, 2003.
Leif Munkel, 2003.
Sara Crouse, 2003.
Megan Schmidt, 2003.
Linda Short, 2003.
Ginger Buxa, 2004.
Wyl McCully, 2004.
Mich Raile, 2004.
Branden McKnight, 2006.
Joshua Hernandez, 2006 (English).
Sucheta Bhattacharya, 2006.
Kathleen Vidoloff, 2007.
Donna Atherton, 2007.
Heather Nesemeier, 2007.
Shane Balken, 2007.
Rich Lodewyk, 2007.
Amy Wieser Willson, 2007.
David Kahl Jr., 2008.
Kimberly Weisman, 2008.
Nana Sajaia, 2008.
Michael Fowler, 2008.
Garvis Semore, 2008.
Tanya Underdahl, 2009 (Physical Education and Recreation).
Jen Reierson, 2009.Muhabbat Yakubova, 2009.
Kathy Maher, 2009 (history).
Angela Hatton, 2010.
Vijaya Jyoti, 2010 (geology).
Denise Brown Swain, 2010.
Blair Foy, 2010.
Abigail Bakke, 2011 (English).
Joe Chianakas, 2011.
Ranjana Sharma, 2011 (Computer Science).
Nigel Haarstad, 2012.
Ramya Chandrasekaran, 2012.
Lisa Gulland-Nelson, 2012.
Vaibhav Kumar Anu, 2013 (Computer Science).
Heidi Kruse, 2013.
Scott Olson, 2014 (History).
Gunther Michael Jahnl, 2016.
Major advisor:
Kay Beckermann, 2019.
Kelly Wolf, 2009.
Shelly Stowman, 2010 (co-advisor).
Andrew D. Pritchard, 2014.
Committee member:
Pat Paulson, 2001 (Computer Science).
Shannon VanHorn, 2005.
Deneen Gilmour, 2007.
Jeff Child, 2007.
Greg Carlson, 2007.
Adam Tyma, 2008.
Keri Spiering, 2008
Kim Cowden, 2009.
Katie Hasbargen, 2011.
Cloy Tobola, 2011.
Public relations/communications officer, Minnesota State University Moorhead, summers of 1988 and 1989, and March 1991-December 1991.
Self-employed free-lance (writing and photography), 1981-84.
Staff writer, The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, daily and Sunday, circulation 60,000, 1979.
Staff photographer, The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, 1978.
Copy editing intern, The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, summer 1977; Reporting/photography
intern, Detroit Lakes Tribune, summer 1976; student editor, MSUM Advocate, 1977-78; founder, MSUM chapter of Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ),
Have published about 445 bylined articles and commentaries, and 435 bylined photographs, in about two dozen local, regional, national and Canadian publications, including The New York Times, San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Examiner, Regina Leader-Post, Tallahassee Democrat, Peoria Journal-Star, Bakersfield Californian, (on-line historical opinion journal), and Best of Photography Annual. Assistant editor, Red River historical society journal. Have done work for 38 educational, health care, governmental, political, historical and retail institutions and firms, five advertising agencies, and eight newspapers.
Have displayed photography in 34 national, regional, and local shows, and juried exhibits. Numerous awards. Exhibiting Partner, Gallery 4 artists' collective (juried), 1992-94, and associate member, 2014-2015.
Ross F. Collins, Children, War and Propaganda. Revised Edition. New York: Peter Lang, 2023.
Ross F. Collins, Chocolate. A Cultural Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2022.
Ross F. Collins and Keith D. Greenwood, eds. Photocommunication Across Media. Beginning Photography for Professionals in Mass Media. New York and London: Routledge (Focal Press), 2018.
Ross F. Collins, ed., Editing Across Media. Content and Process for Print and Online Publication. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. Publishers, 2013.
Ross F. Collins, Children, War and Propaganda. New York: Peter Lang, 2011.
Ross F. Collins, Debating the Issues in World War I. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008.
Ross F. Collins and E. M. Palmegiano, eds. The Rise of Western Journalism, 1815-1914. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2007. (Also contributed chapter on France.)
Ross F. Collins, World War I. Volume 5, The Greenwood Library of American War Reporting. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005.
Ross F. Collins, "College President to Cattle Town Editor: Asa Mercer and Frontier Journalism on the Northern Plains." Media History Monographs 15 (2012-2013):
Ross F. Collins, "Cowboys and Cow Town Newspapers in Dakota Territory." Media History Monographs 3 (1999-2000):
Ross F. Collins, "The Development of Censorship in World War I France." Journalism Monographs 131 (February 1992).
Ross F. Collins, “The French Press 1815-1905.” In Andress, David, ed. The Routledge Handbook of French History. London: Routledge, 2024.
Ross F. Collins, “The Militarization of Childhood During the Second World War.” In Alexander Denzler, Andreas Hartmann, Kathrin Kiefer, and Markus Raasch, Familie und Krieg. Frankfort/New York: Campus Verlag, 2023.
Ross F. Collins and Andrew D. Pritchard, "Pictures from the Sky: Propaganda Leaflet Psyop during the Korean War." Visual Communication Quarterly 23 (Fall 2016), 210-222.
Ross F. Collins, "Myth as Propaganda in World War I: American Volunteers, Victor Chapman, and French Journalism." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 92 (Autumn 2015), 642-661.
Ross F. Collins, "This is Your Propaganda, Kids: Building a War Myth for World War I Children." Journalism History 31, (Spring 2012), 13-22.
Ross F. Collins, "Cattle Barons and Ink Slingers; How Cow Country Journalists created a Great American Myth." American Journalism 24 (Summer 2007), 7-29. Lead article. Winner, best research article 2008 (honorable mention).
Ross F. Collins, "Marianne Meets Anastasie." Relevance. The Quarterly Journal of the Great War Society 13 (Spring 2004), 3-6.
Ross F. Collins, "Could SARS Set off Another Great Pandemic?" History News Service, distributed to 300 daily newspapers and news services in the United States and Canada, April 2003.
Ross F. Collins, "'Cossacks Marching to Berlin!': A New Look at French Journalism during the First World War." American Journalism 18 (Fall 2001), 29-44.
Ross F. Collins, "The Business of Journalism in Provincial France during World War I." Journalism History 27 (2001), 112-121.
Ross F. Collins, "Dot-Coms and the Great Die-Off," History News Service, distributed to 300 daily newspapers and news services in the United States and Canada, July 2000.
Ross F. Collins, "Gun Control and the Old West," History News Service, distributed to 300 daily newspapers and news services in the United States and Canada, July 1999.
Ross F. Collins, "Cattlemen and Cow Town Editors: The Bad Lands Cow Boy of Dakota Territory." North Dakota History 67 (2000), 26-38.
Ross F. Collins, "E-Mail Discussion Groups in the Classroom: Fired Up—or Fed Up—with Free Discussion?" North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre 11 (1998), 48-52.
Ross F. Collins, "Using the Web for Class Discussions: A Pilot Study." North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre 10 (1997), 69-72.
Ross F. Collins, "The Web Paper as an Alternative to the Traditional Term Paper Assignment in a Social Science Classroom," Proceedings of the 30th Annual Small College Computing Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, 1997, 144-7.
Juell, P., J. Grosen, C. Balachandran, P. McClean, R. Collins, B. Saini-Eidukat, V. Tareski, F. Dooley, N. Lilleberg, J. Ross and T. Colville, "Year Two of NDSU's Instructional Web Project." Proceedings of the 30th Annual Small College Computing Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, 1997, 205-9.
Ross F. Collins, "A Battle for Humor: Satire and Censorship in Le Bavard.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 73 (Autumn 1996).
Ross F. Collins, "Hyper on HyperCard: Using Computer Multimedia Techniques to Recruit Students in Higher Education." Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Instructional Technology Conference, Fargo, 1995.
Ross F. Collins, "Building a Celebrity: the Marquis de Morés and the Gilded Age." North Dakota Journal of Speech and Theatre 7 (Autumn 1994).
Ross F. Collins, "Positioning the War: The Evolution of Civilian War-Related Advertising in France." Journalism History 19 (Autumn 1993).
Ross F. Collins, "Bridge to a Better Student." American Secondary Education 22 (Fall 1993).
Encyclopedia articles
Ross F. Collins, "Press and Newspapers" in John Merriman and Jay Winter, eds., Encyclopedia of Europe 1914-2004, Volume 4: Europe since 1914. New York: Thomson Gale, 2006, 2082-2090.
Ross F. Collins, "Frontier Press (U.S.)." The Encyclopedia of the World Press (Dennis Griffiths, editor; Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London, 2002).
Ross F. Collins, "Bismarck Tribune." David R. Wishart, ed., Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2004, 506-7.
Ross F. Collins, "Censorship in World War I." Ready Reference: Censorship. 3 vols. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1997, 863-865.
Ross F. Collins, "World War I: French Propaganda." Robert Cole, ed., The Encyclopedia of Propaganda. 3 vols. Pasadena: Sharpe Reference, 1998, 879-881.
German Propaganda and U.S. Neutrality in World War I in The American Historical Review 122 (October 2017), 1235-1236.
Innocent Weapons: The Soviet and American Politics of Childhood in the Cold War in The American Historical Review 120 (Fall 2015), 1927-1928.
A Global Guide to the First World War—Interactive Documentary in American Journalism 32 (Winter 2015), 103-105.
Medora: Boom, Bust, and Resurrection in North Dakota History 79 (December 2014), 35.
Reading Magnum: A Visual Archive of the Modern World in Visual Resources in An International Journal of Documentation 31 (Summer 2014), 154-158.
The Battle for the Mind: War and Peace in the Era of Mass Communication in H-Net Reviews, March 2012, H-War,
Wyoming Range War: The Infamous Invasion of Johnson County in Great Plains Quarterly 31 (Spring 2011), 168.
Negotiating in the Press: American Journalism and Diplomacy, 1918-1919 in Journalism History 36 (Winter 2011), 249-50.
Of Spies and Spokesmen: My Life as a Cold War Correspondent in Journalism History 34 (Winter 2009), 242-3.
Charles F. Lummis: Editor of the Southwest in American Journalism 23 (Fall 2006), 118-119.
Paperwork: Fiction and Mass Mediacy in the Paper Age in Journalism History 32 (Spring 2006), 53.
Broadcasting Freedom. the Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (2002), 211-213.
The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century, in American Journalism 18 (2001).
The Authorized Press in Vichy and German-Occupied France, 1940-1944. A Bibliography, in American Journalism 18 (2001).
Making the News. Modernity & the Mass Press in Nineteenth-Century France, in Journalism History 25 (Autumn 1999).
The Fear of Sinking, in Journalism History 23 (Winter 1997-98).
To Strike at a King, in American Journalism 15 (Summer 1998).
French Newspaper Opinion on the American Civil War, in Journal of International Communication 4 (December 1997).
Publishing and Cultural Politics in Revolutionary Paris, 1789-1810, in American Journalism, Winter-Spring 1993.
Bylines in Despair. Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and the U.S. News Media, in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 72 (Spring 1995).
The News Under Russia's Old Regime, in American Journalism 10 (Summer-Fall 1993).
Curricular Publications
Ross F. Collins, Weird Ways of News. A User’s Guide to News Values. Online book, 2011 (45,000 words):
Creating a Student WebPaper. Fargo: NDSU Department of Communication, 1996. Booklet.
Graduate Handbook. Fargo: NDSU Department of Communication, 1996 and 1999. Booklet.
Small Packages:
Write Bright, Have Fun, Be Read. Fargo: NDSU Department of Communication,
1993. Booklet.
Other selected publications
Garden columnist, Extraordinary Living magazine, 2019-present.
"Medieval Mud," article and four photos published in the Fargo-Moorhead Forum, Sept. 4, 2016;
"Ross and Dr. Dan: A Tale of Two Centuries" Blog, 2011-2013:
"Bellagio, Italy: Pearl of the Lake." (The Fargo-Moorhead Forum,
September 2002, article and photographs.
"Nothing Compares to Fez." The Fargo-Moorhead Forum, November
2000, article and photographs.
"Toward a Way of Seeing." Two-part essay, Art Forum, 1993.
(Editor) Grassroots Development in the Dakotas. Grand Forks, ND: The
University of North Dakota Center for Rural Health, 1992.
"A Brief Tour of Paris Archives." Clio Among the Media (published by
AEJMC History Division), Winter 1991.
Going Abroad: What To Know Before You Go. Booklet published by Office
of International Programs, Moorhead State University, 1988.
"The Presidents of Moorhead State University 1887-1987." Printed at Moorhead
State University, 1987.
"The Cold Financial Facts--and Hot Details." Op-ed article, Regina (Sask.)
Leader-Post, April 9, 1987.
Images. Moorhead: Moorhead State University, 1986.
"U.S. Side of Grain Marketing: What Else Can We Do?" Op-ed article, Regina
(Sask.) Leader-Post, April 9, 1987.
"Prairie Doughboys in World War I." Two-part series, Red River Heritage
Press, May 1984, June/July 1984.
"Red River on the Rampage." Red River Heritage Press, April 1984.
"Fallen Temples: A Dakota Pilgrimage." Essay, Red River Heritage Press, April 1984.
"The Collins View." Weekly political/general affairs column, published by the Moorhead Monitor, 1983-84.
"A Star-Spangled Arc de Triumphe." Op-ed article, Minneapolis Star Tribune, July 5, 1982.
"Commentary." Weekly political/general affairs radio commentary, KDSU-public
radio, Fargo, ND, 1981-82.
"Bob Asp: A Modern-Day Viking Who Dreamed For All of Us." Op-ed article, The
Forum of Fargo-Moorhead, Jan. 4, 1981.
Refereed conference presentations/papers
“The Femme Fatale and Decadence: Depiction of a Counterculture Art Movement in the Paris Press, 1880-1914.” Society for the Study of French History, Leeds, UK, July 2019.
“Myth as a lens for media history research.” Société pour l’histoire des médias international conference, Paris, May 2016.
Panelist, “The Great War: International Perspectives of Its Journalists.” American Journalism Historians Association national conference, St. Paul, Minn., October 2014.
Panelist, “Teaching Qualitative and Historical Research: Challenges and Opportunities.” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication national conference, Montreal, August 2014.
“Tracking the Blizzard: Justifying Propaganda Leaflet Psyop during the Korean War.” (Co-authored with Andrew D. Pritchard.) Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication national conference, Montreal, 2014.
“French Journalism and American Volunteers during the First World War: Myth, Ignorance and Gratitude.” Society for the Study of French History international conference, Cardiff, Wales, July 2013.
“Visions of Gold, Viewed from Abroad: International Journalism and the California Gold Rush.” American Journalism Historians Association national conference, Raleigh, N.C., October 2012.
“Cowboy Journalism: A History of the American Frontier Press.” Northern Great Plains History Conference, Fargo, September 2012.
"College President to Cattle Town Editor: Asa Mercer and Frontier Journalism on the Northern Plains." Joint Journalism Historians Conference, New York City, March 2011.
"It's Your War Kids: Children in World War I." American Journalism Historians Association national conference, Birmingham, Ala., 2009.
"Les Voluntaires Américains," invited research presentation for international conference, "Les Americans en Guerre: 1917-1918, Colloque International," Verdun, Sept. 18, 2008.
"American Children’s Publications and the First World War," Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and War in the Modern Age, an international conference, University of Kent, UK, July 2008.
"Propaganda and World War I," Research Roundtable, Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota, September 2007.
Two refereed scholarly papers, North Dakota Arts and Humanities Summit, Fargo, October 2006.
"Power and Control of the Press in France," Society for the Study of French History, international conference, Brighton, England, July 2006.
Panel presentation, "History in the Headlines," American Journalism Historians Association national conference, Cleveland, October 2004.
"Censorship and Propaganda in France during the First World War." Society for the Study of French History, international conference, Coventry, England, April 2004.
"Cattle Barons vs. Ink-Slingers: The Decline and Fall of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, 1887-1894." History division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication national convention, August 2003.
Panel presentation, "International Perspectives on Journalism History." American Journalism Historians Association national conference, Nashville, October 2002.
Invited panel presentation, "An International Approach to Journalism History." American Journalism Historians Association national conference, San Diego, October 2001.
Research in progress, Research Roundtable, North Dakota Speech and Theatre Association, September 2000.
"Journalism in Provincial France During World War I." American Journalism Historians Association national conference, Pittsburgh, October 2000.
"The Business of Journalism in World War I France." Society for the Study of French History, international conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1999.
"Wartime Journalism and the French Press: A New Look at the Eyewash." American Journalism Historians Association national conference, Mobile, Alabama, October 1997.
"The Web Paper as an Alternative to the Traditional Term Paper Assignment in a Social Science Classroom." Small College Computing Symposium, Kenosha, Wisconsin, April 1997.
"French Civilian Attitudes during the First World War: A New Look at the Eyewash." Society for the Study of French History, international conference, Birmingham, England, March 1997.
"Cattle Papers and the Cowboy." American Journalism Historians Association, national conference, London, Ont., October 1996.
Research in progress. Research Roundtable, North Dakota Speech and Theatre Association, September 1996.
"The Use of World Wide Web in Support of the Classroom." Small College Computing Symposium, St. Cloud, April 1996. (Co-author.)
"Georges Clemenceau and the French Press." Research Roundtable, North Dakota Speech and Theatre Association, September 1995.
"Humor and World War I." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication national convention, Atlanta, August 1994.
"War and Advertising." AEJMC Midwest History Division conference, St. Paul, March 1991.
"French Censorship in Wartime." history division, AEJMC national convention, Minneapolis, August 1990.
Other selected panels and lectures
Panelist, "Ethics vs. Propaganda in the Age of Trump: Lessons for Strategic Communicators," Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication national conference, Toronto, August 2019.
Presentation, "Eggs of a Codfish to Power of the Crowd: Evolution of the Lowly Snapshot." Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota state convention, Mandan, N.D., September 2017.
Panelist, "Journalism History News Service: A Series of Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Journalism," American Journalism Historians Association national convention, Little Rock, Ark., 2017.
Invited speaker, “The Press at the Century’s Turn. Cultural icon, corporate behemoth, corrupted arbiter.” Presentation for “The Coming of the Great War,” national symposium, National World War I Museum, Kansas City, 2013.
Panel Moderator, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, St Louis, 2011.
Panel Moderator, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, Washington, D.C., 2007.
Panel Moderator, American Journalism Historians Association national convention,
Billings, Montana, 2003.
Panel Moderator, American Journalism Historians Association national convention,
Portland, Oregon, 1999.
Panel Moderator, American Journalism Historians Association national convention,
Louisville, Kentucky, 1998.
Invited research lecturer, University of Minnesota-Morris, 1998.
Panel Moderator, American Journalism Historians Association national convention,
Mobile, Alabama, 1997.
Presenter, "E-mail Opportunities and the Modern Professor," NDSU Faculty Technology
Workshop series, Fargo, 1996.
Panel Moderator, Red River Communication Conferences, Fargo, 1996, 1997, 1998.
Responder, University of St. Thomas Undergraduate Communication Research Conference,
Minneapolis, 1996.
Moderator, ethics and the media, North Dakota Professional Communicators, Fargo,
Invited lecturer, "Perspectives on Newspapers in North Dakota." Sponsored by
the North Dakota State Historical Society, Fargo and Bismarck, 1994.
Presenter, NDSU High School Publications Workshops, 1993-2000.
Co-Principal Investigator, proposal to NDSU Planning, Priorities and Resources Committee to implement instructional Web/Internet program, 1996: $40,000.
NDSU College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1995 and 1997: Research Stipends, $2,500.
Co-Principal Investigator, proposal to NDSU Planning Priorities and Resources Committee to implement instructional Web/Internet program, 1995: $30,000.
Creative Artist of the Year (photography), Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota, 2017.
North Dakota State University Dale Hogoboom Endowed Professor, 2013-2015.
Named one of 50 Top Journalism Professors 2012, JournalismDegree.Org,
Scholar of the Year, Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota, 2008.
1999 Outstanding Teacher, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, NDSU.
Initiated into Phi Kappa Phi national honor society, 1998.
Scholar of the Year, North Dakota Speech and Theatre Association, 1994.
"Addy" Advertising Federation award for creative work, 1992.
Historial de la Grande Guerre (France), French History Society, Consort and Thirlwall Fund, and Queens' College scholarships, 1989-91.
American Friends of Cambridge University Research Scholar, 1989-90.
British Government Overseas Research Student, 1987-90.
Rotary Foundation Journalism Fellow, 1987-88.
National Press Photographers Association national award, 1979.
President, American Journalism Historians Association, 2018-19.
Member, Comité Scientifique (peer review committee), Société pour l’histoire des médias (Society for Media History), Paris, 2017-present.
Corresponding Editor, Journalism History, 2013-.
Board of Directors, American Journalism Historians Association, 2007-2010, and 2012-2013.
Class materials selected for "Syllabus Reader: Journalism, Mass Communication and Communication History," published by the American Journalism Historians Association Education Committee, 2000, pp. 143-160. Syllabus featured in AJHA Intelligencer, February 2000.
Treasurer, American Journalism Historians Association, 2000-2008.
Editor, North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre (refereed research journal), 1998-2001. Journal won Central States Communication Association best journal award, 1999.
Secretary, H-JHistory e-mail Listserv, 2000-2004.
Manuscript reviewer:
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly;
American Journalism;
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media;
Journalism History;
Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs;
Journal of Communication Inquiry;
Media History Monographs;
North Dakota History.
Research paper reviewer, AEJMC and AJHA national and regional conventions, 1994-present.
Invited textbook reviewer, Wadsworth, Allyn & Bacon, McGraw-Hill, Prentice-Hall, Oxford University Press.
Chair, Recruitment Committee, 2017-18
Chair, Awards Committee, 2014-15.
Webmaster, Department of Communication, 1997-2008. Constructed and maintained the department’s website,
Chair, faculty search committee, 2002. Served on eight faculty search committees, 1997-2008.
Member, Ph.D. program steering committee, 1998-2000.
Co-chair, graduate committee, 2000-2011.
Member, scholarship committee, 1993-1996, 2006-present.
Advisor, Society for Professional Journalists NDSU chapter, 1993-94.
Director, Prairie Portraits editorial board (student publication), 1994-1998.
President, Phi Kappa Phi, NDSU Chapter 10, 2017-18.
Faculty advisor, NDSU Photography Club, 2011-present.
Faculty advisor, NDSU Spectrum (student newspaper), 2008-2009, and 2019-present.
Member, NDSU President’s Task Force on Drug and Alcohol Prevention, 2007-2010.
Member, NDSU University Assessment Committee, 2005-2006.
Member, NDSU Graduate Council, 2004-2006.
Chair, NDSU University Senate Personnel Committee, 2000-2002.
Chair, University Senate Technology Enhanced Learning Committee, 2003-2004.
President, Phi Kappa Phi honor society Chapter 10 (NDSU), 2001-2002.
Chair, College Policy, Planning and Goals Committee, 2000-2001.
Fellow, Faculty Institute for Excellence in Learning, 2000-2001.
Member, University Senate, 1996-1999.
Fellow, Bush Foundation-funded University Leadership program, 1997.
Faculty representative, NDSU Board of Student Publications, 1995-1999, 2005-2006.
Co-Principal Investigator, Faculty Instructional Web Project, 1994-97.
Member, Spectrum student newspaper award committee, 1994-2004.
Panel presentation for "Fargo Tornado Revisited. Pulitzer Panel Discussion." Sponsored by the North Dakota Humanities Council, November 2016.
American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer, YMCA of Cass-Clay, 2014-present.
Yoga instructor, Spirit Room, Fargo, 2013-2014.
Member, Prairie Business editorial board, 1999-2004.
Member, United
Way of Cass-Clay Fund Distribution Committee, 1999-2001.
Participant, “Ride the Wind” bicycling fundraisers for MS, 2007 and 2010.
President, F-M Horticulture Society, 2011-2013.
American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA).
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ).
Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota (CSTAND).
FM Visual Artists.
Great War Society.
North Dakota Professional Communicators (NDPC).
North Dakota State Historical Society.
Society for the Study of French History.
Société pour l’histoire des médias.
Phi Kappa Phi national honor society.
American Council on Exercise.
American Philatelic Association.
American Taekwondo Association.
American Kennel Club (AKC).