Featured student work
Personality profiles of NDSU people (fall 2024).NDSU advanced writing students feature stories of interesting North Dakota State University people.
A history of the pandemic at NDSU (fall 2023).
Advanced writing students approach the pandemic from a variety of angles, both student-centered and staff-centered, based on interviews with those who were there and those who remember.
Introductory grammar video: "Ross's Big 5." Learn grammar in a (virtual) outdoor classroom.
Weird Ways of News: an online textbook.
Ross's Durable Dozen: Twelve classic principles for professional writers in mass media.
PowerPoint presentations
Writing reviews and critiques.
Reporting speeches and lectures.
Featured readings
Writing based on an interview: Ross's top 10 tips.
English: the packrat's dream. Ross's five top controversies of English grammar.
10 Common Typographic pitfalls
Includes keystroke combinations for quote, dash, and other substitutions.
How they used to look: famous mass media, 1674-1974.