North Dakota By the Numbers
Number of public colleges and universities in North Dakota: 11.
Number of students: 35,000.
National ranking, per capita expenditure for higher education: 1.
National ranking, per student expenditure for higher education: 37.
Increase in higher education funding since 1979, adjusted for inflation: 72 percent.
Increase in elementary/secondary education funding since 1979, adjusted for inflation:
116 percent.
Appropriations for human service programs since 1979, adjusted for inflation:
174 percent.
Percentage of North Dakota high school graduates who go on to higher education:
National ranking, percentage of high school graduates who go on to higher education:
Number of high school graduates per year in North Dakota: about 8,125.The
educational institutions supported by the territory are already too numerous and
are taxing the people for their completion and maintenance without any adequate
return.Dakota Territorial Gov. Gilbert Pierce, after vetoing a $45,000
appropriation to build what ultimately became North Snowshoe State University, 1885.