Lying and deception
"This above all; to your own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, you cannot be false to any man." -Shakespeare, "Hamlet."
What is a lie?
- Imparting information you know to be false.
- Deception: intentionally misleading, in words, gestures, silence, withholding information.
Why should truth be fundamental to society? (Louis Day)
- Deception undermines individual autonomy.
- Respect for persons as end, rather than tools to manipulate.
- Trust.
Responsibility of journalists
- Accuracy
- Promote understanding.
- Fair.
Responsibility of public relations practitioners/advertisers
- Lying ruins credibility, may be illegal in advertising.
- Hazards to health and safety must be disclosed.
Can journalists deceive?
- Act as anonymous restaurant reviewers?
- Dress up in lab coats to investigate hospital ER?
- Hide in the bushes?
Kant's "compelling reason"
- Reason for deception must be important.
- Decision must be made for humanitarian purposes, not self-interest.
- Arguments in favor of deception FAR outweigh arguments against compromising truth.
Activity: Describe in writing an instance from your own life in which you used a lie or deception to achieve a goal. It may have been with an employer, your parents, your teachers, your friends, a girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse.
- Why did you feel the lie/deception to be necessary?
- What were the consequences?
- Did it meet the test of Kant's "compelling reason?"
- If you were to do it again, would you make the same decision?