COMM 700: Research Methods in Communication
1. Name two ways we gain knowledge of the world in addition to methods of scientific research
2. For purposes of communication research, what is the definition of "science?
3. "The more violent television programs a pre-school child watches, the more violent his or her behavior will be." This is an example of
a. A research question or
b. A hypothesis.
4. The earliest study of communication dates to ancient:
a. Rome
b. Greece.
c. Egypt.
d. China.
5. The research question is, "does God exist?" Using scientific research methods, why is it impossible to answer this question?
6. What is the difference between basic and applied research?
7. Research in communication is normally most closely related to
a. Research in English.
b. Research in biology.
c. Research in sociology.
d. Research in agriculture.
8. Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative methods of research.
9. Which is an example of qualitative research?
a. Historical and critical studies.
b. experiments.
10. Which is an example of quantitative research?
a. Surveys.
b. Ethnographic studies.
11. We talk about the spiral nature of research. What does this mean?
12. Which of these is not required for research?
a. Clear writing.
b. Orderly thinking.
c. Objectivity.
d. Set aside prejudices.
13. Researchers need to ask questions that can be answered using research methods. What is the problem with this research question: " Is there a pattern to the ways people watch television?"
14. The research question reads, "What is the relationship between the use of satellite television in developing countries and changes in literacy rates?" Name:
a. an independent variable.
b. a dependent variable.
15. The research question reads, "What is the relationship between the frequency of women in characters of TV commercials and their portrayal of submissive or dominant roles? What is a constant in this research question?
16. What is a confounding variable?
17. Researchers always suggest a null hypothesis when examining hypothesis-based research projects. Suggest a null hypothesis for this H: "The more hours of television a pre-school child watches, the more violent will be his behavior."
18. The H above is one-tailed. Change it to a two-tailed H.
19. Why do researchers base literature reviews nearly exclusively on academic journal articles and books, and not on sources in the popular press?
20. What is the difference between a conceptual definition and an operational definition?
21. Most theories are deductive. What does this mean?
22. In theory-building, what does a "rule of correspondence" mean?
23. Of these four choices, which is the so-called "lowest level of theory?"
a. Prediction.
b. Control.
c. Description.
d. Explanation.
24. A conceptual definition of communication competence might be, "the ability to interact well with others." Imagine a possible operational definition of communication competence.
25. What is the difference between a literature review and a book or article report?
26. One of the topic headings covered in a research prospectus is the research question or hypothesis; name four others:
27. What is the difference between limitations and delimitations?
28. Give an example of a categorical syllogism.
29. A communication research student wishes to examine if people who stutter have greater speech dysfluencies than non-stutterers. What is the problem with this question?
30. You read in a research journal this conclusion, "This case study in crisis communication shows clearly that a company's public affairs division must use pro-active, and not reactive communication to best manage a crisis." This researcher is clearly making what kind of argument?
31. You read in a research journal this conclusion: "Clearly Georges Clemenceau of France was influenced in his approach to treaty negotiations by the wide publication of Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points at the end of World War I." This researcher is clearly making what kind of argument?
32. Smith-Corona Typewriter Co. in the 1970s surveyed 400 high school and college instructors, who reported that students who typed their papers usually get the highest grades. From that the company advertised that typing is responsible for higher grades. Explain the fallacy of this company's survey conclusions.
33. Why would want to operationalize your variables?
34. What is a nominal-level measurement?
35. You read two journal articles concerning violence on television. One reports a reliability coefficient of .8. The second reports a reliability coefficient of .7. What does this mean?
36. I set up a measurement scale for a survey using the categories strongly approve/approve/neutral/disapprove/strongly disapprove. What is this common scale called?
37. Name two ways we can assure validity.
38. Your advisor says for a stronger study, you ought to triangulate your research. What does this mean?