Ross F. Collins

Résumé of photography and visual arts.

The three Ross's

Professor of Communication, North Dakota State University, Fargo USA

Ph.D., University of Cambridge (Britain), 1992.
M.A., University of Warwick (Britain), 1980.
B.S., B.A., Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1978.
• Nikon School, 1978.
• Charles Harbutt (Magnum Photo) Photography Workshop, 1975.
• Studio photography, color photography workshops, Bemidji (MN) State University, 1974 and 1975.

Instructor of Mass Communications, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1984-87. Taught Visual Communication, emphasizing photography and the psychology of visual perception.
Assistant Professor of Communication, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, 1993. Taught Intro to Graphic Design, Advanced Graphic Design, Photocommunication I.
Professor of Communication, North Dakota State University, Fargo, 1993-present. Teaching Design for Print, Basic Photography, Advanced Photography.

Related experience:
• Senior Editor, North Dakota State University Press, 1994-2015.
• Coordinator, interdisciplinary program in New Media and Web Design, 2004-2017.

About 435 bylined photographs published in about two dozen local, regional and national publications. Publications include:
• The New York Times.
• Best of Photography Annual.
• The Fargo-Moorhead Forum.
• The Detroit Lakes (MN) Tribune.
• Red River Heritage Press.
• NPPA News Photographer.
• Travel World.
• Numerous other newspapers, commercial brochures, magazines, booklets, etc.
Staff Photographer, The Forum (circulation 60,000), 1978.
Free-lance photographer/writer, 1981-84.

Solo Exhibits:
2015, North Dakota University Department of Communication.
2002, North Dakota State University President’s Gallery.
1997 and 2005, North Dakota State University Department of Communication.
1993, Gallery 4, Moorhead, "City Sidewalks."
1992, MeritCare Art Gallery.
1992, State Bank of Fargo Art Gallery.
1991, St. Ansgar’s Hospital Gallery.
1988, Queens' College, University of Cambridge.
1986, Moorhead State University Department of Mass Communications.
1980, MSU Department of Mass Communications.
1978, MSU Department of Mass Communications.
Shared exhibit:
1983, St. Ansgar’s Hospital Gallery, shared exhibit with Dorothy Spielman.

Other exhibits:
2018, The Big Show, FM Visual Artists, Moorhead.
2018, “State of the Union,” national juried exhibit, Memorial Union Gallery, North Dakota State University, Fargo.
2017, FM Visual Artists Educators’ Show, Arts Partnership, Fargo.
2016, Best of Photography Annual (juried), published by Photographer's Forum.
2016, The Big Show, FM Visual Artists, Moorhead.
2016, FM Visual Artists Educators’ Show, Plains Art Museum, Moorhead (juried).
2015, Spirit Room constraint show, Fargo.
2001, North Dakota State University Memorial Gallery faculty/staff art show (juried).
1994, Art on the Plains (juried).
1994, Fargo-Moorhead Regional Art Show.
1994, Minnesota Monthly Photography Contest, Minneapolis.
1993, “New Photography Juried Exhibition,” Los Angeles County Fair.
1993, Best of Photography Annual (juried), published by Photographer's Forum.
1993, "The State of Contemporary American Photography. A National Juried Exhibition." Artsquad Contemporary Fine Art, Easton, PA.
1993, "Summer Arts XVII" (juried), University of South Dakota, Vermillion.
1993, Poudre Valley Art League Exhibition (juried), Fort Collins, CO.
1992, Barnesville (MN) Photography Show.
1992, Grand Forks (ND) Art Show.
1991, Barnesville (MN) Photography Show.
1991, Fargo-Moorhead Regional Art Show.
1990, Barnesville (MN) Photography Show.
1989, Fargo Regional Art Show.
1987, Fargo Regional Art Show.
1985, Fargo Regional Art Show.
1983, Fargo Regional Art Show.

Founder, Celebrate Local Photography! A group of area photojournalists and art photographers, 2018.
Partner, Gallery 4 Artists’ Collective (juried), 1992-1994, and for special shows 2005-2015.
Exhibiting member, Log Cabin Gallery, Moorhead, 2005.
Exhibitor, Summer RiverArts Fest, Moorhead, 2006.

Invited gallery talk on photography, North Dakota State University Memorial Union Gallery staff-faculty show, 2011.
Judge, Suburban Newspapers of America, photojournalism division, 2007.
Judge, Picture of the Year, Fargo-Moorhead Camera Club, 2004 and 2007.
Judge, North Dakota State University International photography shows, 1999-2002.

Ross F. Collins and Keith D. Greenwood, eds. Photocommunication Across Media. New York and London: Routledge/Focal Press, 2018.
Best of Photography Annual (juried), published by Photographer's Forum, 2016.
Ross F. Collins and Andrew D. Pritchard, “Pictures from the Sky: Propaganda Leaflet Psyop during the Korean War.” Visual Communication Quarterly 23 (Fall 2016), 210-222.
"Smartphone Universe 2014," calendar of photography, North Dakota State University Department of Communication, 2014.
Book review, "Reading Magnum: A Visual Archive of the Modern World" in Visual Resources. An International Journal of Documentation 31 (Summer 2014), 154-158.
Best of Photography Annual (juried), published by Photographer’s Forum, 1994.
"Toward a Way of Seeing." Two-part essay, Art Forum, 1993.
Images. Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1986.

2017-18, Creative Artist of the Year, Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota.
1992, "Addy Award," F-M Advertising Federation (shared).
1991, Barnesville Photography Show, Honorable Mention.
1991, Fargo-Moorhead Regional Art Show, Merit Award.
1990, Fargo Regional Art Show, First Place.
1990, Barnesville Photography Show, Second Place.
1989, Fargo Regional Art Show, Second Place.
1987, Fargo Regional Art Show, Merit Award.
1985, Fargo Regional Art Show, Honorable Mention.
1979, National Press Photographers Association, national Clip Contest.
1979, National Press Photographers Association, Region 9 Clip Contest.

Full vita

Ross F. Collins