Biographical & Type Information - B Baerensprung, Felix von (b. Mar. 30, 1822, Berlin; d. Aug. 26, 1864, Hornheim, near Kiel) - Attended the University of Berlin from 1840 to 1843, at which time he moved on to Halle an der Saale where he obtained a doctorate in medicine. He then moved to Prague where he studied pathology, and became interested in Entomology. In the early 1860's, as a result of an injury to his finger, his disease - dementia paralytica - broke out in full. He was placed in the mental asylum Hornheim (near Kiel). On August 26, 1864, while walking to Kiel, he fell into the sea and drowned. His collection now resides in the Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany (ZMHB). He often gave localities and indicated from whose collection the types came from, but did not indicate the number of specimens. In most cases, types should be considered STS. Citations: Veit (1865) and Deckert (2001). Baker, Charles Fuller (b. Mar. 22, 1872, Lansing, MI, USA; d. July 22, 1927, Manila, Philippines) - Obtained B.S. degree from Michigan Agricultural College, 1892 and M.A. degree from Stanford University, 1903. Death resulted from chronic dysentery after several years of ill health. Most of his Hemiptera collection now resides at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History (USNM), some specimens from Malaysia may be in the Helsinki Museum (MZHF). See Calvert (1927), Essig (1927, 1928a, b, 1931, 1959), Hoffmann (1927), Welles (1927), Cole (1928), Yule et al. (1928), Anonymous (1929), Leon (1929), Osborn (1952), and Mallis (1971) for biographical information. See Hernandez (1927) and Musgrave (1932) for bibliographies. Banks, Sir Joseph (b. Dec. 13, 1743; d. June 19, 1820, London) - Collection went first to the Linnaean Society of London, and then later was transferred to the British Museum of Natural History, London, England (BMNH). See Rose (1850), Jarvis (1944), Sawson (1958), Papavero (1971), and Carter (1974) for biographical information. See Musgrave (1932) for bibliography. Barber, Harry Gardner (b. Apr. 20, 1871, Hiram, OH, USA; d. Jan. 27, 1960, Washington, DC, USA) - Taught biology in a High School in New York City from 1898-1930. Worked on Lygaeidae systematics during spare time. Upon retirement from teaching, he was appointed specialist in charge of the Heteroptera in the USDA Bureau of Entomology (1930-1942). After his wife’s death in 1949, he became a collaborator at the USNM where he worked up until 2 weeks of his death. His library and collection were donated to the USNM. See Ashlock (1960) for bibliography and list of names proposed. See Leonard & Sailer (1960a, b) and Mallis (1971) for biographical information. Becker, Alexander (b. 1818, Sarepta; d. 1901, Sarepta) - H&K: "Verkaufte nebenbei als Ins.-Händler in Sarepta seine Ausbeuten – Restbestände hatten stark gelitten." Gaedike & Groll website: "Verkaufte nebenbei als Insekten-Händler in Sarepta seine Ausbeuten (Kirghisen-Steppe, Kaukasus, Daghestan etc.). Restbestände hatten stark gelitten." See Anonymous (1901) and Wiren (1901) for biographical information. Belfrage, Gustav Wilhelm (b. Apr. 12, 1834, Stockholm, Sweden; d. Dec. 7, 1882, Clifton, TX, USA) - Swedish naturalist who moved to the U.S. where he collected many insects, and then sold them to various museums throughout Europe and the U.S. Known locally as 'Belfrog the Bug Carter.' Part of his collection (insects from Illinois and Texas from 1866 and 1870) is in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden (NHRS), and part is in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History (USNM). Citations: Anonymous (1883), Edwards (1883), Packard (1883), Riley (1883), Geiser (1929, 1933, 1936, 1937), Osborn (1937), and Nowell (1975). Berg, Frederico Guillermo Carlos
(b. Apr. 2, 1843, Tuckum, Curlandia, Latvia; d. Jan. 19, 1902, Buenos Bergevin, Ernest de (b. 1859; d. 1933) - Published extensively on the faunistics and bionomics of heteropteran fauna of North Africa. Collection deposited in MNHN. Bergroth, Ernst Evald (b. April 1,
1857, Jacobstad, Finland; d. Nov. 22, 1925, Ekenäs,
Finland) - Studied at Bianchi, Valentin L’vovitsch (b. Feb. 18, 1857, Moscow, Russia; d. Jan. 10, 1920, St. Petersburg, Russia) - H&K: "Heteropt. des Leningrad, gouv. 1913 u. ausbeute aus d. Gouv. Jakutsk (1926/27, zusammen mit I. I. Ivanov) an Zool. Mus. Leningrad." [ZMAS]. Citation: Iwanow (1912). Billberg, Gustaf Johan (b. June 14, 1772; d. Nov. 26, 1844) - Mainly a Swedish botanist. HN, H&K: Types in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden (NHRS); rest of collection in the British Museum of Natural History, London, England (BMNH). Blackburn, Rev. Thomas (b. Mar. 16, 1844, Eslington (near Liverpool), England; d. May 28, 1912, Woodville (near Adelaide), Australia) - Had early interest in Entomology, and published frequently in several early British journals. In 1876, he traveled to Hawaii as Chaplain to the Bishop of Honolulu, where he continued his interest in insects. Six years of working on the Hawaiian fauna resulted in a joint paper with D. Sharp, Memoirs of the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. From there, he traveled to South Australia where he continued his religious and entomological endeavors. From 1887 on, he published many new species descriptions. Much of his collection including types were acquired by the BMNH, but some types may also be found in the South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australia (SAM), and a small part of this collection went to Ch. French, whose collection is now in various places including "Nat. Mus. Vict., Melbourne." Citations: Anonymous (1912a, 1912b, 1949), Lea (1912), Morice (1912), Semenov-Tian-Shansky (1912), and Musgrave (1932).
Blatchley, Willis Stanley (b. Oct. 6, 1859, North Madison, CT, USA; d. May 28, 1940, Indianapolis, IN, USA) - Obtained A.B. degree in 1887 from University of Indiana (Flora of Monroe County), and A.M. degree from the same University in 1891 (Butterflies of Indiana); he later (1921) received an honory doctoral degree from his alma mater. In 1894, he was elected to the office of State Geologist of Indiana. Published many scientific papers and books (246) on a wide variety of topics (plants, butterflies, beetles, true bugs, fishes). Collection and library was deposited at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. Citations: Blatchley (1930, 1939), Davis, J. J. (1932, 1941), Osborn (1937, 1946), Anonymous (1940a, b, 1941a, b), Wade (1940), Watson (1940), Davis, T. (1941a, b), Tanner (1941), Usinger (1941). Bliven, Brunson P. (b. Dec. 9, 1910; d. Oct. 1980) - Collection and library were jointly purchased by the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (CASC) and the California State Department of Agriculture; the types are currently conserved in CASC. Citation: Schwartz (1984). Blöte, Hendrik Coenraad (b. Feb. 12, 1900, Leiden; d. 1990) - Collection now in the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden (RMNH). In his list of pentatomoid species in the RMNH, Blöte would give measurements of both %’s and &’s if he had them. He then gave locality data, each location being prefaced by a number or a range of numbers indicating how many specimens he had from that locality. He would then list what specimens came from that list: Holo-, Allo-, and paratypes, but in some cases it is impossible to tell the sex of the HT. Citation: Huijbregts (1999). Bolívar, D. I. - PI: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain (MNMS). Did not designate holotypes, but often did indicate what sex(es) he had to study. Bosq, J. M. - ISCW indicates that some of his collection is in the Museo de la Plata, Universidad de la Plata, La Plata, Argentina (MLPA). Breddin, Gustav (b. Feb. 25, 1864,
Magdeburg, Germany; d. Feb. 25, 1909, Oscherleben, Germany) - Most of Brischke, Carl Gustav Alexander (b. Dec. 17, 1814, Danzig; d. 1897) - H&K: "Sammlg. (spec. Hymenopt. von Westpreussen u. schädliche Ins.) ex parte an Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkunde, Danzig; ex parte an Zool. Univ. Mus., Königsberg i. Pr.; ex parte an Zool. Kabinett Univ., Charkov." Citations: Ratzeburg (1874), Conwentz (1902), Speiser (1902), and Rossum (1903). Brooks, G. T. - Published several papers describing new species of Notonectidae. Brown, Eric Septimus (b. 1912; d. 1972) - A number of papers on aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera, including some new species descriptions. Citations: Anonymous (1972), Butler (1973), and Betts (1974). Brullé, Gaspard Auguste (b. April 7, 1809, Paris, France; d. Jan. 21, 1873) - Collection now conserved in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN). Citations: Desmarest (1872), Girard (1873), Fauvel (1874), and Marchant (1874, 1887). Bruner, Stephen Cole (b. Aug. 18, 1891, Raleigh, NC, USA; d. Aug. 27, 1953, Loma Linda, CA, USA) - Citation: Zayas (1951). Buchanan White, Francis (b. 1842; d. 1899) - Originally much of his collection deposited in the Perth Museum and Art Gallery, Perth, England (PMAG); now most types and other valuable material in the Museum of Natural History, London (BMNH); the Anthocoridae went to Reuter, so it is now in Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki, Finland (MZHF). F. B. White did not originally designate types, so in most cases, the specimens should be considered STS; occasionally he would indicate that he had a unique specimen. These can be considered HTS. He also usually indicated what sex(es) he had when he made his descriptions. Citations: Anonymous (1894a, b, 1895a-d), Elwes (1894), Coates (1895), Trail (1895). Burmeister, Carl Hermann Conrad (b.
Jan. 15, 1807, Stralsund, Germany; May 2, 1892, Buenos Aires, Argentina) -
Received M.D. from Halle University, Germany. Studied under Prof. Nitzsch who
persuaded Butler, Arthur Gardiner (b. June 27, 1844, London, England; d. May 28, 1925, Beckenham, England) - Hemiptera types in Museum of Natural History, London (BMNH). Citations: Anonymous (1925), Riley (1925), Walker (1925), Pocock (1926), Musgrave (1932). Butler, Edward Albert (b. Mar. 17, 1845, Alton, Hants, England; d. Nov. 20, 1925, Clapham, England) - Owed early love of nature to his father. Graduated from London University and received an assistant teachership at West Hill House, Hastings, in 1865, where he eventually became vice-principal. He received his B.A. degree (London) in 1870, B.Sc. degree in 1872, and subsequently became a Master of the University School, Hastings. He moved to London in 1883 where he became vice-principal of schools until his retirement in 1919. At the suggestion of Edward Saunders, he took up the study of the Hemiptera, and after Saunders’ death in 1910, Butler was considered the foremost authority on British Heteroptera. Butler was an ardent collector, and his many papers focused more on the biology of various Homoptera and Heteroptera species; he left the more systematic contributions to his countryman, W. L. Distant. Notable work was "A Biology of the British Hemiptera-Heteroptera" published in 1923. His entire collection was acquired by the Museum of Natural History, London. See Anonymous (1926a, b) and China (1926) for biographical information.
David A. Rider updated: 04 Apr 2018 Published by the
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