Biographical & Type Information - C Sahlberg, Johan Reinhold (b. June 6, 1845, Helsinki, Finland; d. May 8, 1920, Helsinki, Finland) - Father was R. F. Sahlberg (see below). Types and synoptic collection in Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki, Finland (MZHF), rest of collection in the Zoological Museum, University of Turku, Finland (UZMT). Citations: Anonymous (1920a, b, 1921), Böving (1920), O. Salaas (1920), and U. Salaas (1960). Sahlberg, Reinhold Ferdinand (b. 1811; d. 1874) - Father of J. R. Sahlberg. Most of collection deposited in the Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki (MZHF); a few specimens may be in the Zoological Museum, University of Turku, Finland (USMT). Citations: U. Salaas (1958) and Papavero (1975). Saunders, Edward (b. 1848; d. 1910) - Palearctic Hemiptera deposited in the Museum of Natural History, London (BMNH); British Hemiptera deposited via G. B. Longstaff and F. B. Poulton in the Oxford University Museum, Oxford, England (OXUM). Citations: Anonymous (1910), Alfeken (1910), Dixey (1910), M. (1910), Shanin (1910), South (1910), Stebbing (1910), Waterhouse (1910), Poulton (1920), and Musgrave (1932). Say, Thomas (b. June 27, 1787,
Philadelphia, PA, USA; d. Oct. 10, 1834, New Harmony, IN, USA) - Father Schmidt, Karl (b. 1892; d. 1940) - Collection conserved in the Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Germany (ZSMC). Scholtz, Heinrich (b. 1812; d. 1859) - PI: Ent. Dept., Univ. Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland (UWCP). Citations: Cohn (1859) and Klette (1860). Scholz, Richard M. F. (b. 1866; d. 1935) - Collection conserved in the Phyletisches Museum, Jena, Germany (PMJG). Citations: Anonymous (1935), Heikertinger (1935), Horn (1935), and Kleine (1935). Schouteden, Henri (b. May 3, 1881, Brussels, Belgium; d. Nov. 15, 1972, Brussels, Belgium) - Most of Schouteden’s types are in the Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium (MRAC), although some may be in the Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels (ISNB). He occasionally referred to specimens in other museums which might be part of the type series. Most of the time he did not clearly delineate how many specimens he had nor what sex they were (he did so in a few papers, but interestingly these were from his mid-career - some of his later papers were more vague about the number and sex of types). In some cases, he would tell how many specimens he had, but not tell their sex. He did usually give good locality data for the types. In most cases, his types should be considered to be STS, except for when he gave more detailed information about the types. Citation: Basilewsky (1973). Schrank, Franz von Paula (b. 1747; d. 1835) - Citations: Gistel (1837) and Swainson (1840). Schumacher, Friedrich (b. 1888; d. 1934) - Most of collection should be in the Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt University, Berlin (ZMHB), but at least one type has been located in the Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SMFD). Scopoli, Johann Anton (b. 1723; d. 1788) - Collection is thought to have been lost in a shipwreck, but some specimens may possibly be in the Ljubljana Museum (teste Kormilev). Citations: Duméril (1823), Swainson (1840), Anonymous (1850), Rose (1850), and Strecker (1878), Voss (1881), Ambrosi (1889), and Pavesi (1901). Scott, John (b. Sept. 21, 1823, Morpeth, England; d. Aug. 30, 1888, Morpeth, England) - Collection is conserved in the Museum of Natural History, London (BMNH). Citations: Anonymous (1888a-c), Carrington (1888), Sharp (1888), and Dimmock (1889). Scudder, Samuel Hubbard (b. Apr.
13, 1837, Boston, MA, USA; May 17, 1911, Cambridge, MA, USA) - Seidenstücker,
Gustav (b. June 1, 1912, Nuremburg, Germany; d. Nov. 18, 1989) - Most of his
collection was purchased by the Zoologische Staatssammlung München,
Germany (ZSMC); most of his types had already been donated to (ZSMC). Some of
his collection may be in the Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SMFD), and some may be in the Staatliches Museum für
Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany (SMNS). See Heiss (1990, 1992) for bibliography. Servadei, Antonio (b. Aug. 15, 1908, Bologna; d. Dec. 3, 1979, Padua). Worked at the Agricultural Entomology Station in Florence (1934-1947), then at the University of Sassari (1948-1951), and finally at the University of Padua (1952-1978). Collection was donated to the Civic Museum of Natural History in Verona. Notable work was the Catalog of Hemiptera of Italy (1967). See Zangheri (1985) for biographical information. Serville, Jean-Guillaume Audinet (b. Nov. 11, 1775, Paris, France; d. Mar. 27, 1858, Gerte sous-Touarre, France) - Some of his heteroptera collection went to V. Signoret whose collection ended up in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria (NHMW). Citation: Amyot (1858). Shafee, Sheikh Adam (b. Jun. 2, 1941, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India; d. May 26, 1992, Aligarh, India) - Citation: Varshney (1993). Early education obtained at Guntur; M.Sc. and Ph.D. obtained from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. Joined Department of Zoology at Aligarh in 1973 as a lecturer; was promoted to reader in 1984. Although most of his work was on groups outside of the Heteroptera (Homoptera, Hymenoptera), he coauthered a number of heteropteran papers with M. N. Azim. Signoret, Victor Antoine (b. Apr.
6, 1816, Paris, France; d. Apr. 3, 1889, Paris, France) - Primary occupation was
as a pharmacologist and physician. Worked on both Homoptera and Heteroptera, and
is considered to Sjöstedt, Bror Yngve (b. 1866; d. 1948) - Specimens from his expeditions now conserved in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden (NHRS). Citations: Anonymous (1948), Pasteels (1948), Frey (1949), and Malaise (1952). Spinola, Maxmilliano Marchese (b. July 1, 1780, Toulouse, France; d. Nov. 12, 1857, Tassorolo, Italy) - Came from a wealthy and powerful Genoa family. His father, General Ambrosio Spinola, held land in Spain and South America. Spinola received many insects from these areas. He also purchased insects, especially large showy specimens; he focused primarily on Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, and Hemiptera. He was a member of the Entomological Society of London. Collection deposited in the Museo Regionale dei Scienze Naturali, Torino (MRSN) (see Casale, 1981). It also appears that some of his specimens are located in the Paris Museum (MNHN). Spinola did not designate HTS, so all type material should be considered STS until LTS can be designated. Spinola did often give separate (although brief) descriptions of the males and females, so can often tell when more than one specimen was present. In a few cases, Spinola did indicate how many specimens he had and occasionally he indicated that he had a uniques specimen; these can be considered HTS. Citations: Swainson (1840), Saunders (1858), Gestro (1915), Musgrave (1932), Ekis (1975), Vidano & Arzone (1976), and Jansson (1992). StDl,
Carl (b. Mar. 21, 1833, Castle of Carlberg, Sweden; d. June 13, 1878, Trösundavik
[near Stockholm], Sweden) - Also published on Orthoptera and Coleoptera; within
the Heteroptera published on many groups, but some emphasis on the Reduviidae
and the Pentatomomorpha. StDl is
still considered one of the greatest and most influential hemipterists of all
time. He passed the medico- I found the following excerpt, written by Carlos Carbonell on pages 4-5 of the September 2000 (vol. 20, no. 1) issue of Metaleptea, The Newsletter of the Orthopterists’ Society. I have not checked Heteroptera records to see if perhaps the same situation is true. I visited Vienna several times. Dr. Max Beier was still there in my first visits. I remember that in 1966 I looked for and found there the types of some species described by Carl Stal in 1878 (Observations Orthopterologiques, 3). They did not have Stal’s labels. It seems that at some time, a careful curator had found Stal’s labels unsatisfactory, and had replaced them by new ones in a beautiful if very small handwriting. In some of these labels, it was mentioned that the specimen had been identified by Stal. In some, it was mentioned that it was a Stal type. And some had none of these data. And none had the usual type-label of the Vienna Museum. With the help of Stal’s paper, it was easy to identify and mark them. Carl Stal was one of the best taxonomists of his time, and usually his descriptions left no room for doubt. When I had marked every one of them I took them to Dr. Beier and told him that I had found and marked all of Stal’s types in the museum collection. Dr. Beier looked at me with a puzzled expression in his face. "Stal’s types?" —he said— "As far as I know Stal acridoid types are in Stockholm". Then I showed him Stal’s paper where, at the end of his description of everyone of these species it was written "Coll. Brunner". Dr. Beier apparently was not entirely convinced that I was right and asked me to leave Stal’s paper and the specimens with him for a while. But soon afterwards, he came to the place where I was working to tell me that I was right, that these were Stal’s types, and thanked me for having studied and marked them. It seems that, after Brunner von Wattenwyl’s death, nobody in the Vienna Museum had studied these specimens, and their status of types was not apparent. As for my finding these types there, I must tell that when I reached Vienna I was coming straight from Stockholm where I had thought all the Stal types were. But I hadn’t found some of them. Besides, my seeing under the description of these species the indication "Coll. Brunner" had told me that they should be in Vienna. Stehlík, Jaroslav L. (b. Apr. 11, 1923, Jihlava, Moravia) - PI: Moravske Muzeum, Brno, Czech Republic (MMBC). Citation: Štys (1984). Stein, Johann Philip Emil Friedrich (b. 1816; d. 1882) - Collection deposited in the Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universität, Berlin (ZMHB). Citations: Dohrn (1882), Kraatz (1882), and Türckheim (1882). Stoll, Caspar (b. ?; d. 1795) - Dutchman. First entomologist to devote himself almost entirely to Hemiptera. Dolling et al. (1999) provided information on the Heteroptera contained in Stoll’s Natuurlyke en naar’t Naauwkeurig Gekleurde Afbeeldungen en beschryvingen der Cicaden en Wanzen (1780-1788). See Swainson (1840) for biographical information. Stoner, Dayton (b. 1883; d. 1944) - Employed at Iowa State University. Pentatomoidea deposited in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History (USNM). Citation: Snyder (1945). Strawinski, Konstantanty (b. 1892; d. 1966) - Citation: Cmoluch (1983). Strobl, Gabriel (b. 1846; d. 1925) - Collection conserved in the Naturhistorisches Museum der Benediktiner-Abtei, Admont, Austria (NMBA). Citations: D.P. (1894), Castefrano (1896), Pigorini (1896), Dusmet y Alonso (1919), Czerny (1925), Hedicke (1925), Kiefer (1941), and Morge (1974). Štusák, Josef Miroslav (b. 1932; d. 1993) - Modern day worker primarily on Tingidae, especially immature forms. Citation: Koleska (1993).
David A. Rider updated: 16 Nov 2010 Published by the
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