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Bathycoelia Amyot & Serville, 1843

Bathycoelia Amyot & Serville, 1843: XXIII, 110.

Gastraulax Herrich-Schäffer, 1844: 61. (syn. by Herrich-Schäffer, 1851)

Jurtina Stål, 1868: 517-518. (syn. by Bergroth, 1913)

Type Species: Bathycoelia Amyot & Serville, 1843: Pentatoma buonopoziensis Palisot de Beauvois, 1807, by monotypy. Gastraulax Herrich-Schäffer, 1844: Gastraulax torquatus Herrich-Schäffer, 1844, by subsequent designation (Bergroth, 1891). Jurtina Stål, 1868: Bathycoelia longirostris Montrouzier, 1861, by original designation.

Included Species:

alkyone Linnavuori, 1989
bifoveolatus (Reuter, 1887) New Combination
bipunctulus (Stål, 1876) New Combination
boliviensis Jensen-Haarup, 1937
buonopoziensis (Palisot de Beauvois, 1807)
cascadea Roche, 1977
chlorospila Walker, 1867
christyi Schouteden, 1916
conferenda Bergroth, 1891
cuneifera Bergroth, 1913
cythereia Linnavuori, 1974
decellei Schouteden, 1964
distincta Distant, 1878
     natalicola Distant, 1912
     bequaerti Schouteden, 1912
dubia Jensen-Haarup, 1931
flavolimbata China, 1924
fleuria Roche, 1977
horvathi Schouteden, 1964
indica Dallas, 1851
longirostris Montrouzier, 1861
madagascariensis Reuter, 1887
malachitica Horváth, 1904
nesophila Horváth, 1904
ovalis Stål, 1865
praelongirostris Bergroth, 1893
rodhaini Schouteden, 1913
rugifossa Bergroth, 1913
scutellata Zheng & Liu, 1987
simmondsi (Izzard, 1932)
sinica Zheng & Liu, 1987
thalassina (Herrich-Schäffer, 1844)
torquatus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1844)
variolaria Distant, 1912





Key to West African Species
(modified from Linnavuori, 1982)

1     Small verdigris green species, length less than 14 mm; body narrow, convex, densely punctate; connexivum immaculate


-      Larger species, body broader, relatively depressed; connexivum at least in small species with black pattern


2(1) Length 11.5-12 mm; lateral margins of head and pronotum pale; body somewhat less convex, puncturing sparser; apical part of scutellum narrow, ligulate (S. Tomé)

malachitica Horváth

-      Length 12-14 mm; extreme lateral margins of head and pronotum blackish; bocy convex, puncturing very dense; apical part of scutellum relatively broad

horvathi Schouteden

3(1)  Body elongate; head broad, lateral margins distinctly insinuated basally, subparallel in middle, broadly recurved mesad apically; ground color of upper surface yellowish brown; puncturing very coarse, brown; length 14.5-15 mm

decellei Schouteden

-       Body broad; head elongate triangular, lateral margins nearly straight; puncturing concolorous, obsolete


4(3)  Small species, length 12.5-16.5 mm; head and anterior part of pronotum yellowish, the latter with a transverse row of four dark spots behind calli, rest of upper surface olivaceous

distincta Distant

-       Not as above


5(4)  Head, pronotum, and scutellum green; elytra, excluding the green costal margin, reddish brown; length 17-20 mm

variolaria Distant

-       Not as above


6(5)  Connexivum immaculate, green; length 16-19 mm

buonopoziensis (Palisot de Beauvois)

-       Connexivum with black pattern


7(6)  Puncturing of pronotum very dense, surface of disk therefore rugose, opaque; connexivum more or less black with round pale spot in middle of each segment; length 20-21 mm

thalassina (H.-S.)

-       Puncturing of pronotum more or less remote, superficial, disk shiny


8(7)  Pale greenish, with slight reddish tinge; the black lateral margins of head and pronotum bordered with pink or violet; only lateral margins and transverse segmental margins of connexival segments black; length 20-33 mm

rodhaini Schouteden

-       Coloring different


9(8)  Body broad; lateral margins of head and pronotum black, bordered with pale medially; scutellum with orange basal callosities; connexivum pale with elongate black rectangular on each segment, each rectangle reaching to posterior margin of segment; length 19-21 mm

cythereia Linnavuori

-       Body relatively elongate, upper surface green, only lateral margins of pronotum narrowly dark violet; basal scutellar callosities absent; median and transverse margins of paratergites broadly, lateral margins narrowly black; length 16.5-18 mm

ovalis Stål





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David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 11/25/2008

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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