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Tanglefoot 1904


    This advertisement was directed at the druggists or other sellers, rather than the buyers.  This flyer spends significantly more time discussing the diseases that flies may spread.  The price per box is still the same as it was in 1897 and 1898 (30 cents), but the price for a case had gone up from $2.55 to $2.80.


    The image on front depicts a young woman carrying a large yellow shield that says "Protects."  The caption reads: "Tanglefoot Sticky Fly Paper.  Flies Carry Disease.  The O.&W. Thum Co., Grand Rapids Mich. U.S.A."


    The text on back reads: "Larger Sales for 1904.  The reason why they will increase."
    The government, through its Department of Agriculture, and the press are now issuing innumerable articles upon the necessity of keeping flies off your person and especially your food on account of the disease germs they carry.  This will of course increase the use of Tanglefoot as there is no other known method of catching both the fly and the germ it carries.  Many a case of typhoid fever, consumption, diptheria, etc., the origin of which puzzles us, comes in through a door or window on the body of a fly."
    "How Tanglefoot Acts.  Soon after the fly is caught it is covered by the sticky substance.  Every germ on its body is glued in place and destroyed.  No other fly destroyer does this, or can do it."
    "Why you should push it.  Because you know Tanglefoot is one of the most satisfactory articles you handle as far as profit is concerned."
    "Prices for 1904.  30 cents a box - 25 double sheets.  $2.80 a case - 10 boxes."
    "Patrons Co-operative Corporation, Portland, Me."


David A. Rider
Associate Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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