Input file: H:\ntc\03\Tuesday\feldspar.pqi Output file: H:\ntc\03\Tuesday\feldspar.pqo Database file: C:\Program Files\USGS\Phreeqc Interactive 2.7\phreeqc.dat ------------------ Reading data base. ------------------ SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES SOLUTION_SPECIES PHASES EXCHANGE_MASTER_SPECIES EXCHANGE_SPECIES SURFACE_MASTER_SPECIES SURFACE_SPECIES RATES END ------------------------------------ Reading input data for simulation 1. ------------------------------------ DATABASE C:\Program Files\USGS\Phreeqc Interactive 2.7\phreeqc.dat SOLUTION 1 END ------------------------------------------- Beginning of initial solution calculations. ------------------------------------------- Initial solution 1. -----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------ Elements Molality Moles Pure water ----------------------------Description of solution---------------------------- pH = 7.000 pe = 4.000 Activity of water = 1.000 Ionic strength = 1.001e-007 Mass of water (kg) = 1.000e+000 Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = 1.082e-010 Total carbon (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Total CO2 (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Temperature (deg C) = 25.000 Electrical balance (eq) = -1.082e-010 Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = -0.05 Iterations = 0 Total H = 1.110124e+002 Total O = 5.550622e+001 ----------------------------Distribution of species---------------------------- Log Log Log Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma OH- 1.002e-007 1.001e-007 -6.999 -6.999 -0.000 H+ 1.001e-007 1.000e-007 -7.000 -7.000 -0.000 H2O 5.551e+001 1.000e+000 1.744 0.000 0.000 H(0) 1.416e-025 H2 7.079e-026 7.079e-026 -25.150 -25.150 0.000 O(0) 0.000e+000 O2 0.000e+000 0.000e+000 -42.080 -42.080 0.000 ------------------------------Saturation indices------------------------------- Phase SI log IAP log KT H2(g) -22.00 -22.00 0.00 H2 H2O(g) -1.51 0.00 1.51 H2O O2(g) -39.12 44.00 83.12 O2 ------------------ End of simulation. ------------------ ------------------------------------ Reading input data for simulation 2. ------------------------------------ USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Gibbsite 0 KAlSi3O8 10 END ----------------------------------------- Beginning of batch-reaction calculations. ----------------------------------------- Reaction step 1. Using solution 1. Using pure phase assemblage 1. -------------------------------Phase assemblage-------------------------------- Moles in assemblage Phase SI log IAP log KT Initial Final Delta Gibbsite 0.00 8.11 8.11 KAlSi3O8 is reactant 1.000e+001 1.000e+001-3.081e-008 -----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------ Elements Molality Moles Al 3.081e-008 3.081e-008 K 3.081e-008 3.081e-008 Si 9.243e-008 9.243e-008 ----------------------------Description of solution---------------------------- pH = 7.007 Charge balance pe = 10.956 Adjusted to redox equilibrium Activity of water = 1.000 Ionic strength = 1.303e-007 Mass of water (kg) = 1.000e+000 Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = 1.234e-007 Total carbon (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Total CO2 (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Temperature (deg C) = 25.000 Electrical balance (eq) = -1.082e-010 Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = -0.04 Iterations = 9 Total H = 1.110124e+002 Total O = 5.550622e+001 ----------------------------Distribution of species---------------------------- Log Log Log Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma OH- 1.018e-007 1.018e-007 -6.992 -6.992 -0.000 H+ 9.838e-008 9.834e-008 -7.007 -7.007 -0.000 H2O 5.551e+001 1.000e+000 1.744 -0.000 0.000 Al 3.081e-008 Al(OH)4- 2.833e-008 2.832e-008 -7.548 -7.548 -0.000 Al(OH)3 1.478e-009 1.478e-009 -8.830 -8.830 0.000 Al(OH)2+ 9.867e-010 9.863e-010 -9.006 -9.006 -0.000 AlOH+2 1.240e-011 1.238e-011 -10.907 -10.907 -0.001 Al+3 1.230e-013 1.225e-013 -12.910 -12.912 -0.002 H(0) 1.677e-039 H2 8.385e-040 8.385e-040 -39.077 -39.077 0.000 K 3.081e-008 K+ 3.081e-008 3.080e-008 -7.511 -7.511 -0.000 KOH 1.086e-015 1.086e-015 -14.964 -14.964 0.000 O(0) 1.186e-014 O2 5.930e-015 5.930e-015 -14.227 -14.227 0.000 Si 9.243e-008 H4SiO4 9.229e-008 9.229e-008 -7.035 -7.035 0.000 H3SiO4- 1.384e-010 1.384e-010 -9.859 -9.859 -0.000 H2SiO4-2 9.588e-017 9.572e-017 -16.018 -16.019 -0.001 ------------------------------Saturation indices------------------------------- Phase SI log IAP log KT Al(OH)3(a) -2.69 8.11 10.80 Al(OH)3 Chalcedony -3.48 -7.03 -3.55 SiO2 Gibbsite 0.00 8.11 8.11 Al(OH)3 H2(g) -35.93 -35.93 0.00 H2 H2O(g) -1.51 -0.00 1.51 H2O K-feldspar -15.59 -13.50 2.09 KAlSi3O8 K-mica -9.98 2.72 12.70 KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 Kaolinite -5.28 2.15 7.43 Al2Si2O5(OH)4 O2(g) -11.27 71.85 83.12 O2 Quartz -3.05 -7.03 -3.98 SiO2 SiO2(a) -4.32 -7.03 -2.71 SiO2 ------------------ End of simulation. ------------------ ------------------------------------ Reading input data for simulation 3. ------------------------------------ USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Kaolinite 0 KAlSi3O8 10 END ----------------------------------------- Beginning of batch-reaction calculations. ----------------------------------------- Reaction step 1. Using solution 1. Using pure phase assemblage 1. -------------------------------Phase assemblage-------------------------------- Moles in assemblage Phase SI log IAP log KT Initial Final Delta Kaolinite -0.00 7.43 7.43 KAlSi3O8 is reactant 1.000e+001 1.000e+001-7.214e-007 -----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------ Elements Molality Moles Al 7.214e-007 7.214e-007 K 7.214e-007 7.214e-007 Si 2.164e-006 2.164e-006 ----------------------------Description of solution---------------------------- pH = 7.114 Charge balance pe = 10.638 Adjusted to redox equilibrium Activity of water = 1.000 Ionic strength = 8.135e-007 Mass of water (kg) = 1.000e+000 Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = 2.886e-006 Total carbon (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Total CO2 (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Temperature (deg C) = 25.000 Electrical balance (eq) = -1.082e-010 Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = -0.01 Iterations = 10 Total H = 1.110124e+002 Total O = 5.550622e+001 ----------------------------Distribution of species---------------------------- Log Log Log Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma OH- 1.302e-007 1.300e-007 -6.885 -6.886 -0.000 H+ 7.707e-008 7.699e-008 -7.113 -7.114 -0.000 H2O 5.551e+001 1.000e+000 1.744 -0.000 0.000 Al 7.214e-007 Al(OH)4- 6.791e-007 6.783e-007 -6.168 -6.169 -0.000 Al(OH)3 2.771e-008 2.771e-008 -7.557 -7.557 0.000 Al(OH)2+ 1.449e-008 1.448e-008 -7.839 -7.839 -0.000 AlOH+2 1.428e-010 1.422e-010 -9.845 -9.847 -0.002 Al+3 1.113e-012 1.102e-012 -11.954 -11.958 -0.004 H(0) 4.453e-039 H2 2.227e-039 2.227e-039 -38.652 -38.652 0.000 K 7.214e-007 K+ 7.214e-007 7.206e-007 -6.142 -6.142 -0.000 KOH 3.246e-014 3.246e-014 -13.489 -13.489 0.000 O(0) 1.681e-015 O2 8.407e-016 8.407e-016 -15.075 -15.075 0.000 Si 2.164e-006 H4SiO4 2.160e-006 2.160e-006 -5.666 -5.666 0.000 H3SiO4- 4.141e-009 4.137e-009 -8.383 -8.383 -0.000 H2SiO4-2 3.671e-015 3.655e-015 -14.435 -14.437 -0.002 ------------------------------Saturation indices------------------------------- Phase SI log IAP log KT Al(OH)3(a) -1.42 9.38 10.80 Al(OH)3 Chalcedony -2.11 -5.67 -3.55 SiO2 Gibbsite 1.27 9.38 8.11 Al(OH)3 H2(g) -35.50 -35.50 0.00 H2 H2O(g) -1.51 -0.00 1.51 H2O K-feldspar -8.73 -6.64 2.09 KAlSi3O8 K-mica -0.58 12.12 12.70 KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 Kaolinite -0.00 7.43 7.43 Al2Si2O5(OH)4 O2(g) -12.12 71.00 83.12 O2 Quartz -1.69 -5.67 -3.98 SiO2 SiO2(a) -2.95 -5.67 -2.71 SiO2 ------------------ End of simulation. ------------------ ------------------------------------ Reading input data for simulation 4. ------------------------------------ USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 K-mica 0 KAlSi3O8 10 END ----------------------------------------- Beginning of batch-reaction calculations. ----------------------------------------- Reaction step 1. Using solution 1. Using pure phase assemblage 1. -------------------------------Phase assemblage-------------------------------- Moles in assemblage Phase SI log IAP log KT Initial Final Delta K-mica -0.00 12.70 12.70 KAlSi3O8 is reactant 1.000e+001 1.000e+001-8.813e-007 -----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------ Elements Molality Moles Al 8.813e-007 8.813e-007 K 8.813e-007 8.813e-007 Si 2.644e-006 2.644e-006 ----------------------------Description of solution---------------------------- pH = 7.130 Charge balance pe = 10.620 Adjusted to redox equilibrium Activity of water = 1.000 Ionic strength = 9.725e-007 Mass of water (kg) = 1.000e+000 Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = 3.525e-006 Total carbon (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Total CO2 (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Temperature (deg C) = 25.000 Electrical balance (eq) = -1.082e-010 Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = -0.01 Iterations = 10 Total H = 1.110124e+002 Total O = 5.550622e+001 ----------------------------Distribution of species---------------------------- Log Log Log Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma OH- 1.352e-007 1.350e-007 -6.869 -6.870 -0.001 H+ 7.423e-008 7.414e-008 -7.129 -7.130 -0.001 H2O 5.551e+001 1.000e+000 1.744 -0.000 0.000 Al 8.813e-007 Al(OH)4- 8.319e-007 8.310e-007 -6.080 -6.080 -0.001 Al(OH)3 3.269e-008 3.269e-008 -7.486 -7.486 0.000 Al(OH)2+ 1.647e-008 1.645e-008 -7.783 -7.784 -0.001 AlOH+2 1.563e-010 1.556e-010 -9.806 -9.808 -0.002 Al+3 1.174e-012 1.161e-012 -11.931 -11.935 -0.005 H(0) 4.469e-039 H2 2.235e-039 2.235e-039 -38.651 -38.651 0.000 K 8.813e-007 K+ 8.813e-007 8.802e-007 -6.055 -6.055 -0.001 KOH 4.117e-014 4.117e-014 -13.385 -13.385 0.000 O(0) 1.670e-015 O2 8.349e-016 8.349e-016 -15.078 -15.078 0.000 Si 2.644e-006 H4SiO4 2.638e-006 2.638e-006 -5.579 -5.579 0.000 H3SiO4- 5.253e-009 5.247e-009 -8.280 -8.280 -0.001 H2SiO4-2 4.837e-015 4.814e-015 -14.315 -14.317 -0.002 ------------------------------Saturation indices------------------------------- Phase SI log IAP log KT Al(OH)3(a) -1.35 9.45 10.80 Al(OH)3 Chalcedony -2.03 -5.58 -3.55 SiO2 Gibbsite 1.34 9.45 8.11 Al(OH)3 H2(g) -35.50 -35.50 0.00 H2 H2O(g) -1.51 -0.00 1.51 H2O K-feldspar -8.30 -6.21 2.09 KAlSi3O8 K-mica -0.00 12.70 12.70 KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 Kaolinite 0.32 7.75 7.43 Al2Si2O5(OH)4 O2(g) -12.12 71.00 83.12 O2 Quartz -1.60 -5.58 -3.98 SiO2 SiO2(a) -2.87 -5.58 -2.71 SiO2 ------------------ End of simulation. ------------------ ------------------------------------ Reading input data for simulation 5. ------------------------------------ USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 K-feldspar 0 KAlSi3O8 10 END ----------------------------------------- Beginning of batch-reaction calculations. ----------------------------------------- Reaction step 1. Using solution 1. Using pure phase assemblage 1. -------------------------------Phase assemblage-------------------------------- Moles in assemblage Phase SI log IAP log KT Initial Final Delta K-feldspar -0.00 2.09 2.09 KAlSi3O8 is reactant 1.000e+001 1.000e+001-4.012e-005 -----------------------------Solution composition------------------------------ Elements Molality Moles Al 4.012e-005 4.012e-005 K 4.012e-005 4.012e-005 Si 1.204e-004 1.204e-004 ----------------------------Description of solution---------------------------- pH = 7.519 Charge balance pe = 10.230 Adjusted to redox equilibrium Activity of water = 1.000 Ionic strength = 4.028e-005 Mass of water (kg) = 1.000e+000 Total alkalinity (eq/kg) = 1.605e-004 Total carbon (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Total CO2 (mol/kg) = 0.000e+000 Temperature (deg C) = 25.000 Electrical balance (eq) = -1.082e-010 Percent error, 100*(Cat-|An|)/(Cat+|An|) = -0.00 Iterations = 11 Total H = 1.110124e+002 Total O = 5.550654e+001 ----------------------------Distribution of species---------------------------- Log Log Log Species Molality Activity Molality Activity Gamma OH- 3.329e-007 3.305e-007 -6.478 -6.481 -0.003 H+ 3.051e-008 3.029e-008 -7.515 -7.519 -0.003 H2O 5.551e+001 1.000e+000 1.744 -0.000 0.000 Al 4.012e-005 Al(OH)4- 3.936e-005 3.907e-005 -4.405 -4.408 -0.003 Al(OH)3 6.279e-007 6.279e-007 -6.202 -6.202 0.000 Al(OH)2+ 1.301e-007 1.291e-007 -6.886 -6.889 -0.003 AlOH+2 5.139e-010 4.990e-010 -9.289 -9.302 -0.013 Al+3 1.625e-012 1.522e-012 -11.789 -11.818 -0.029 H(0) 4.496e-039 H2 2.248e-039 2.248e-039 -38.648 -38.648 0.000 K 4.012e-005 K+ 4.012e-005 3.982e-005 -4.397 -4.400 -0.003 KOH 4.558e-012 4.558e-012 -11.341 -11.341 0.000 O(0) 1.650e-015 O2 8.249e-016 8.249e-016 -15.084 -15.084 0.000 Si 1.204e-004 H4SiO4 1.198e-004 1.198e-004 -3.922 -3.922 0.000 H3SiO4- 5.873e-007 5.830e-007 -6.231 -6.234 -0.003 H2SiO4-2 1.348e-012 1.309e-012 -11.870 -11.883 -0.013 ------------------------------Saturation indices------------------------------- Phase SI log IAP log KT Al(OH)3(a) -0.06 10.74 10.80 Al(OH)3 Chalcedony -0.37 -3.92 -3.55 SiO2 Gibbsite 2.63 10.74 8.11 Al(OH)3 H2(g) -35.50 -35.50 0.00 H2 H2O(g) -1.51 -0.00 1.51 H2O K-feldspar -0.00 2.09 2.09 KAlSi3O8 K-mica 10.87 23.57 12.70 KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 Kaolinite 6.20 13.63 7.43 Al2Si2O5(OH)4 O2(g) -12.12 71.00 83.12 O2 Quartz 0.06 -3.92 -3.98 SiO2 SiO2(a) -1.21 -3.92 -2.71 SiO2 ------------------ End of simulation. ------------------ ------------------------------------ Reading input data for simulation 6. ------------------------------------ ----------- End of run. -----------