Application name = Model Viewer Version = 1 Title = Model name = Phast HDF File code count = 2 File code 1 = ok.h5 File code 2 = H:\parkplace\phast\examples\ok\ All Cells Active = 0 Data type count = 9 Data type active= 7 Color bar width = 20 Color bar height = 200 Color bar offset = 100 Color bar font size = 14 Color bar label color option = 0 Color bar 1 value blue = 4.71311 Color bar 1 value red = 6.71311 Color bar 1 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 1 number of labels = 5 Color bar 1 label precision = 3 Solid 1 display mode = 0 Solid 1 apply threshold = 0 Solid 1 threshold lower limit = 4.71311 Solid 1 threshold upper limit = 6.71311 Solid 1 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 1 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 1 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 1 regular min = 4.71311 Isosurfaces 1 regular max = 6.71311 Isosurfaces 1 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 1 custom value 1 = 5.71311 Color bar 2 value blue = 18651.9 Color bar 2 value red = 18653.9 Color bar 2 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 2 number of labels = 5 Color bar 2 label precision = 3 Solid 2 display mode = 0 Solid 2 apply threshold = 0 Solid 2 threshold lower limit = 18651.9 Solid 2 threshold upper limit = 18653.9 Solid 2 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 2 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 2 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 2 regular min = 18651.9 Isosurfaces 2 regular max = 18653.9 Isosurfaces 2 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 2 custom value 1 = 18652.9 Color bar 3 value blue = 3913.46 Color bar 3 value red = 3915.46 Color bar 3 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 3 number of labels = 5 Color bar 3 label precision = 3 Solid 3 display mode = 0 Solid 3 apply threshold = 0 Solid 3 threshold lower limit = 3913.46 Solid 3 threshold upper limit = 3915.46 Solid 3 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 3 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 3 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 3 regular min = 3913.46 Isosurfaces 3 regular max = 3915.46 Isosurfaces 3 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 3 custom value 1 = 3914.46 Color bar 4 value blue = 124245 Color bar 4 value red = 124247 Color bar 4 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 4 number of labels = 5 Color bar 4 label precision = 3 Solid 4 display mode = 0 Solid 4 apply threshold = 0 Solid 4 threshold lower limit = 124245 Solid 4 threshold upper limit = 124247 Solid 4 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 4 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 4 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 4 regular min = 124245 Isosurfaces 4 regular max = 124247 Isosurfaces 4 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 4 custom value 1 = 124246 Color bar 5 value blue = 2.5 Color bar 5 value red = 250000 Color bar 5 logarithmic scale = 1 Color bar 5 number of labels = 6 Color bar 5 label precision = 6 Solid 5 display mode = 0 Solid 5 apply threshold = 0 Solid 5 threshold lower limit = 235443 Solid 5 threshold upper limit = 235445 Solid 5 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 5 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 5 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 5 regular min = 235443 Isosurfaces 5 regular max = 235445 Isosurfaces 5 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 5 custom value 1 = 235444 Color bar 6 value blue = 240.561 Color bar 6 value red = 242.561 Color bar 6 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 6 number of labels = 5 Color bar 6 label precision = 3 Solid 6 display mode = 0 Solid 6 apply threshold = 0 Solid 6 threshold lower limit = 240.561 Solid 6 threshold upper limit = 242.561 Solid 6 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 6 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 6 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 6 regular min = 240.561 Isosurfaces 6 regular max = 242.561 Isosurfaces 6 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 6 custom value 1 = 241.561 Color bar 7 value blue = 452.6 Color bar 7 value red = 454.6 Color bar 7 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 7 number of labels = 5 Color bar 7 label precision = 3 Solid 7 display mode = 0 Solid 7 apply threshold = 0 Solid 7 threshold lower limit = 452.6 Solid 7 threshold upper limit = 454.6 Solid 7 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 7 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 7 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 7 regular min = 452.6 Isosurfaces 7 regular max = 454.6 Isosurfaces 7 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 7 custom value 1 = 453.6 Color bar 8 value blue = 1.5 Color bar 8 value red = 150 Color bar 8 logarithmic scale = 1 Color bar 8 number of labels = 3 Color bar 8 label precision = 3 Solid 8 display mode = 0 Solid 8 apply threshold = 0 Solid 8 threshold lower limit = -0.25704 Solid 8 threshold upper limit = 1.74296 Solid 8 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 8 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 8 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 8 regular min = -0.25704 Isosurfaces 8 regular max = 1.74296 Isosurfaces 8 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 8 custom value 1 = 0.74296 Color bar 9 value blue = 245 Color bar 9 value red = 360 Color bar 9 logarithmic scale = 0 Color bar 9 number of labels = 5 Color bar 9 label precision = 3 Solid 9 display mode = 0 Solid 9 apply threshold = 0 Solid 9 threshold lower limit = 379 Solid 9 threshold upper limit = 381 Solid 9 number of color bands = 0 Isosurfaces 9 show regular = 1 Isosurfaces 9 regular count = 5 Isosurfaces 9 regular min = 379 Isosurfaces 9 regular max = 381 Isosurfaces 9 custom count = 1 Isosurfaces 9 custom value 1 = 380 Vector data = 1 Vector subsample i min = 0 Vector subsample i max = 15 Vector subsample j min = 0 Vector subsample j max = 8 Vector subsample k min = 0 Vector subsample k max = 4 Vector subsample i rate = 1 Vector subsample j rate = 1 Vector subsample k rate = 1 Vector scale factor = 1000 Vector threshold apply = 0 Vector threshold lower limit = 0 Vector threshold upper limit = 0 Vector glyph active = 1 Vector glyph x length = 765.007 Vector glyph y length = 765.007 Vector glyph z length = 7.65007 Vector color option = 0 Pathline data = 0 Pathline representation = 1 Pathline tube diameter = 1 Pathline time blue = 0 Pathline time red = 1 Pathline clip mode = 0 Pathline clip time min = 0 Pathline clip time max = 0 Number of model feature types = 5 Model feature type 0 display order = 0 Model feature type 0 red = 1 Model feature type 0 green = 0.494118 Model feature type 0 blue = 0.247059 Model feature type 0 alpha = 1 Model feature type 1 display order = -1 Model feature type 1 red = 1 Model feature type 1 green = 0.156863 Model feature type 1 blue = 0.156863 Model feature type 1 alpha = 1 Model feature type 2 display order = -1 Model feature type 2 red = 0 Model feature type 2 green = 0.494118 Model feature type 2 blue = 1 Model feature type 2 alpha = 1 Model feature type 3 display order = -1 Model feature type 3 red = 0.819608 Model feature type 3 green = 0.639216 Model feature type 3 blue = 0.639216 Model feature type 3 alpha = 1 Model feature type 4 display order = -1 Model feature type 4 red = 1 Model feature type 4 green = 0.494118 Model feature type 4 blue = 1 Model feature type 4 alpha = 1 Model feature glyph size = 2581.9 Subgrid active = 0 Subgrid i min = 0 Subgrid i min = 15 Subgrid j min = 0 Subgrid j min = 8 Subgrid k min = 0 Subgrid k min = 4 Lighting diffuse = 1 Lighting ambient = 0 Lighting specular = 0 Lighting Specular power = 1 Grid shell color red = 1 Grid shell color green = 0.8 Grid shell color blue = 0.6 Grid shell color opacity = 0.2 Grid lines Position x = 15 Grid lines Position y = 8 Grid lines Position z = 3 Grid lines activation x = 1 Grid lines activation y = 1 Grid lines activation z = 1 Grid lines color option = 0 Grid outline activation = 0 Scale x = 1 Scale y = 1 Scale z = 100 Axes representation = 0 Axes normalized size = 1 Axes normalized tube diameter = 1 Axes normalized position x = 0 Axes normalized position y = 0 Axes normalized position z = 0 Bounding box color option = 0 Crop bounds x min = 0 Crop bounds x max = 1 Crop bounds y min = 0 Crop bounds y max = 1 Crop bounds z min = 0 Crop bounds z max = 1 Crop angle = 0 Cropped away pieces red = 1 Cropped away pieces green = 0.8 Cropped away pieces blue = 0.6 Cropped away pieces opacity = 0.2 Visibility Solid = 1 Visibility Isosurface = 0 Visibility Cropped away pieces = 0 Visibility Vector = 0 Visibility Pathline = 0 Visibility Model features = 0 Visibility Grid shell = 0 Visibility Activated grid lines = 1 Visibility Axes = 0 Visibility Bounding box = 1 Visibility Time label = 1 Visibility Title = 0 Visibility Color bar = 1 Crop bounds x inc = 0.1 Crop bounds y inc = 0.1 Crop bounds z inc = 0.1 Animation rotate = 0 Animation elevate = 0 Animation delay = 0 Headlight on = 1 Headlight intensity = 1 Auxiliary light on = 0 Auxiliary light intensity = 0 Auxiliary light direction x = 0 Auxiliary light direction y = 0 Auxiliary light direction z = 1 Background custom = 0 Background red = 1 Background green = 1 Background blue = 1 Camera position x = 175671 Camera position y = 166247 Camera position z = 117625 Focal point x = 37745.9 Focal point y = 40576.2 Focal point z = 20638.2 View up x = -0.361797 View up y = -0.287361 View up z = 0.886863 Parallel projection = 0 Parallel scale = 90000