TITLE Central Oklahoma aquifer, demonstration of PHAST UNITS -time years -horizontal_grid meters -vertical_grid meters -head meters -hydraulic_conductivity m/s -specific_storage 1/m -dispersivity m -leaky_k m/sec -leaky_thickness m -flux m/day -river_bed_thickness m -river_bed_hydraulic_conductivity m/s -well_diameter in -well_flow_rate L/day GRID -uniform x 0 90000 16 -uniform y 0 48000 9 -uniform z 0 400 5 -print_orientation XY -chemistry_dimensions XYZ FLOW_ONLY false STEADY_FLOW true -head_tolerance 1e-3 -flow_balance_tolerance 1e-3 FLUID_PROPERTIES -compressibility 0.0 #1/Pa -density 1000. #kg/m^3 -viscosity 0.001 #Pa-s -diffusivity 0.0 #m^2/s MEDIA -zone 0. 0. 0. 90000. 48000. 400. -porosity 0.22 -long_dispersivity 4000. -trans_dispersivity 50. -Kx 1.373e-5 -Ky 1.373e-5 -Kz 1.373e-7 -storage 0 # Make bottom, east zone inactive -zone 48000. 0. 0. 90000. 48000. 100. -active 0 RIVER 1 Canadian River -default_width 200. -default_depth 1. -default_bed_thickness 1. -default_bed_hydraulic_conductivity 1 -default_solution 1 30000. 0 -head 320. 90000. 0 -head 275. RIVER 2 North Fork River -default_width 200. -default_depth 1. -default_bed_thickness 1. -default_bed_hydraulic_conductivity 1 -default_solution 1 30000. 36000. -head 335. 30000. 48000. -head 320. 90000. 48000. -head 245. RIVER 3 North Canadian River -default_width 200. -default_depth 1. -default_bed_thickness 1. -default_bed_hydraulic_conductivity 1 -default_solution 1 60000. 30000. -head 335. 90000. 20000. -head 290. FLUX_BC -zone 30000. 3000. 400. 90000. 45000. 400. -flux -10e-5 -associated_solution 1 SPECIFIED_VALUE_BC # Lake Stanley Draper -zone 30000. 14000 300. 32000. 20000. 400. -head 348. -associated_solution 1 LEAKY_BC -zone 0. 48000. 0. 29000. 48000. 400. -hydraulic 1.618e-5 -thickness 30000. -head 305.0 -associated 1 FREE_SURFACE_BC true WELL 1 Observation well 1 in arsenic zone 12000 36000 -diameter 2 # inches -pumping 1 # L/day -elevation 90 110 # m HEAD_IC -zone 0. 0. 0. 90000. 48000. 400. -head 380. # -head file ok.head.dat CHEMISTRY_IC -zone 0. 0. 0. 90000. 48000. 400. -solution 2 -equilibrium_phases 2 -exchange 2 -surface 2 SOLUTION_METHOD -direct_solver false -tolerance 1e-10 -space_differencing 0. -time_differencing 1. TIME_CONTROL -delta_time 2000 yr -end_time 100000 yr PRINT_INITIAL -velocities true -xyz_head true -xyz_ss_velocities true PRINT_FREQUENCY -xyz_chemistry 50000 yr -hdf_chemistry 2000 yr -xyz_well 2000 yr -save_final_heads true PRINT_LOCATIONS # Don't print bottom layer to ok.xyz.chem file -zone 0 0 0 90000 48000 0 -print 0 END