Department of Geosciences
North Dakota State University
List - old or outdated
Crystal 2.29 is a public domain application for stereographic projection (crystallography) on the Macintosh, written and compiled in Microsoft Quickbasic.
It draws projections for any crystal system, with great circles as desired. It has a number of utilities, including one which can be used to solve back-reflection Laue patterns. It was developed for use in a Cullity-based X-ray course, and was marketed as a "commercial" product for a few years.
Crystal 2.29 runs on Mac II series, and MAY still run on earlier smaller Macs.
CrystalView 1.0 is a public domain application for drawing and manipulating crystal unit cells on the Macintosh. It runs on Mac II series, and MAY still run on earlier smaller Macs. It runs with <>System 6.0.7 and 7.0.
"CrystalView 1.0 is a unit cell drawing Mac application written and compiled in Microsoft Quickbasic. It was written as an educational tool. One enters the crystal coordinates, screen dimension and color of each atom in the basis group, and defines the unit cell shape and centering (primitive, body-, base- or face-centering) independently of basis group. The cell can be viewed in orthonormal projection from any direction by moving the mouse around in a stereo projection circle, or by typing in indices. Drawings can be printed, or copied to the clipboard.
Since this was written as an educational tool, there is a facility for hiding any desired atoms of the basis group so one can view the configuration of a subset of atoms, say the oxygens in spinel or interior atoms in GaAs. One can attach a tetrahedron to a group of atoms, but I have never finished a more complete facility for adding other construction lines."
Copyright (C) 1992 Norimasa Yamazaki
Adapted to Macintosh by
Original ORTEP-II was developed by
This ORTEP runs on Macintosh series, which is equipped with 68020(30) CPU, FPU, a printer of 300 dpi resolution and System Software 6.07 or later.
This is a Macintosh hypercard stack explaining world map projections used by the USGS. Hypercard! Anyone remember that?
Amph-base, a Macintosh hypercard stack based on emp-amph, is a database of amphibole compositions from Deer, Howie and Zussman, An Introduction to Rock Forming Minerals (1st ed.). Hypercard! Anyone remember that?
Hyperform is an interactive Macintosh program written in hyperscript which permits the input and calculation of a mineral formula from wet chemical and electron microprobe analysis. It also includes autosaving of data, search and sort routines, etc. The calculated formula can be exported to word processing, spreadsheet programs, or graphing programs.
Gresens is a Macintosh program to calculate and plot mass balance changes, usually during alteration of rocks.
This program is by:
and was published in Computers and Geosciences. v. 19. (9). p. 1229-1238. 1993.
Seismic Duck is an entertaining but educational title for Macs that educates you on how seismic waves are used to find oil underground. The easier levels are basic enough for elementary school children, while the upper levels are challenging enough for even professionals familiar with geophysics. The object is to help the duck find oil before going broke.
It runs with System 6.0.7 and 7.0.
Thomas H. Kosel
Dept. Electrical Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(219) 631-5642
March 25, 1994
ORTEP ver. 1.12
Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose without fee is hereby granted under the restriction of ORTEP-II, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
Norimasa Yamazaki
University of Electro-Communications
Department of Physics and Chemistry
1-5-1 Choufugaoka
Tokyo 182
Johnson, C. K.
Report ORNL-5138
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
EMP-AMPH (MOGESSIE A., TESSADRI R. & VELTMAN C.B., 1988) is an interactive Macintosh program written in hypertalk to calculate the structural formulae and tabulate the names of electron microprobe analyses of amphiboles according to the IMA-scheme (Leake, 1978; Rock & Leake, 1984).
by Silvia Bjerg (1, 2)
Aberra Mogessie (1)
and Ernesto Bjerg (1, 3)
1- Dept. of Geosciences, Mining University of Leoben, Austria
2- Dept. of Mathematics, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
3- Dept. of Geology, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Potdevin Jean-Luc
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
UFR des Sciences de la Terre
Laboratoire de Sedimentologie et Geodynamique
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Tel: 20 43 47 54
Fax: 20 43 49 10
Seismic Duck 1.4 (PPC)
Link to main Geologic Software page.
B. Saini-Eidukat