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of Business Organizations and Some of Their Characteristics
by David M. Saxowsky and Terry W. Knoepfle
Businesses can be organized in a variety of ways based on state law and the goals of the business owner(s). This page provides an overview of select characteristics of several common forms of business ownership.
Sole Proprietorship
- Simplest form of
business ownership
- One owner
who makes the investment, makes the decisions, takes the risks, and
enjoys the profits or suffers the losses.
- Very few formal
requirements to start operating the business.
- All of the business'
assets are owned by the sole proprietor and all business debts are obligations
of the proprietor; the owner's personal (or nonbusiness) assets can
be used (can be taken through a court proceeding), if necessary, to
pay obligations owed to creditors of the business.
- The owner may
provide some of the other business assets, such as land, labor,
capital and expertise, or the owner may acquire these by renting
land, hiring staff, borrowing capital, and buying technology or
information. The owner may also manage some risks through the purchase
of insurance, but the risk that the business incurs a net operating
loss is borne solely by the business owner.
- The owner decides
whether to use any of the business' income or profit for personal or
nonbusiness purposes. Profit the owner does not withdraw from the business
can be used to expand the business; in that case, the owner's return
for investing in and operating the business is not cash, but ownership
in a growing business.
- Earnings from the
business are taxed as income to the business owner (26
U.S.C. §61(a)(2) and §62(a)(1));
earnings also are subject to self-employment tax (26
U.S.C. §1402(a)).
- Business with two
or more owners.
- For example,
"Partnership" means an association of two or more persons to carry
on as coowners a business for profit ... (N.D.C.C.
- Each partner invests
in the business, shares decision making and management of the business,
and shares the risks, profits, and losses in equal proportion (unless
they have agreed to a different split; e.g., the partner who contributes
75% of the business' assets will be considered as owning 75% of the
partnership, and entitled to that portion of the business' profit, as
well as bear that portion of the liabilities).
- Partners may develop
a legal document (a partnership agreement) that sets
forth their relationship to one another; each partner's contributions,
responsibilities, and authorities could be set forth in the partnership
- For example,
"Partnership agreement" means the agreement, whether written, oral,
or implied, among the partners concerning the partnership... (N.D.C.C.
- Assets used in
the partnership business can be owned by the partners or by the partnership;
assets owned by the partners but used by the partnership business would
be considered a contribution by the partner who owns the assets.
- Of course,
a partnership can also acquire the use of others' assets by renting
land, borrowing capital, buying technology or information, etc.
- Partners are personally
liable for the business' debts if the business' assets are
inadequate to pay the business' debts.
- Partners are personally
liable for partnership obligations even if the partner did not participate
in the business transaction; as long as the creditor thought or had
reason to believe the representative of the business was acting on behalf
of the partnership, the resulting obligation is the responsibility of
the partnership and each partner.
- Co-owners of a
business will be treated as partners even though they do not have a
partnership agreement if they act as if they are partners; that is,
they will be personally liable for unpaid partnership obligations; creditors
are the ones who will raise the issue of an implied partnership
-- when one of the business owners cannot pay and the creditors want
to collect from another business owner, the creditors will argue that
the business was a partnership (even though the owners never established
the business as a partnership), and that each partner is personally
liable for any of the business' unpaid obligations.
- This is why
the definition of a partnership is so critical; a partnership (and
its associated responsibilities) can arise from your actions. If
others perceive your actions as "co-owning a business," you will
be treated as co-owning the business.
- The partners decide
if they will take some of the business' income or profit for their personal
or nonbusiness use. If the partners have a partnership agreement, the
conditions for removing cash from the business may already be set forth
in that document. Similar to a sole proprietor, profit the partners
do not withdraw can be used to expand the business and the partners'
return is not cash, but ownership in a growing business.
- These partnerships
are often referred to as a general partnership to distinguish it from
other forms of partnerships (explained subsequently).
- An example of partnership
legislation is North Dakota Century Code (N.D.C.C.) 45-13
to 45-21.
- Earnings from the
business are taxed as income to the business owners; earnings also are
subject to self-employment tax (26
U.S.C. §1402).
- The partnership
does not pay income tax; instead, the partnership's profit is allocated
to the partners (the business owners) and they report their share
of the partnership profit as part of their individual income (26
U.S.C. §701).
- An entity that
is legally separate from its owner or owners.
- The business is
owned by shareholders, which may be as few as one shareholder
or as many as several thousand shareholders.
- The business owns
its assets and is responsible for its obligations; if the corporation's
assets are not enough to pay its debts, the creditors will go unpaid.
- Shareholders
generally contribute assets to the corporation in exchange for corporate
stock; that is, a share in the ownership of the business.
- Like a sole
proprietorship and partnership, a corporate can acquire the use
of others' assets by renting land, borrowing capital, buying technology
or information, etc.
- Shareholders are
not responsible for the corporation's unpaid debts (referred to as limited
liability) unless the shareholder has agreed to be responsible,
or the shareholder has done something that can be remedied only by the
shareholder assuming the corporation's debt (such as the shareholders
using the corporation to defraud creditors).
- The inability of
creditors to use shareholders' personal assets to pay corporate obligations
forces lending institutions, when evaluating a loan application from
the corporation, to consider only the corporation's assets and not the
shareholders' personal assets. This limitation could reduce the amount
of borrowed capital shareholders can attract to their business.
- In the situation
of a corporation with a small number of shareholders, a lending
institution may require that shareholders with extensive personal
assets or shareholders of a large portion of the corporation's shares
agree to be personally liable for the corporation's unpaid obligations
before the lender will agree to extend credit to the corporation. This
is an example of how shareholders agree to assume responsibility
for the corporation's obligations; but on the other hand, without
the limit on liability, one has to consider whether potential shareholders
would be willing to invest in the business.
- Shareholders are
entitled to a portion of the corporation's assets only after all creditors
of the corporation have been paid; that is, if the corporation was to
cease operating, sell it assets, and pay its debts, the shareholders
will receive only the cash that remains after all the debts have been
paid. If no assets remain after the creditors have been paid, the shareholders
receive nothing; thus shareholders can "lose" their investment, or equity,
in the corporation.
- Corporations must
be explicitly formed; they do not exist until the necessary
documents have been completed.
- Some of the
documents must be filed with the state or federal governments and
thus become public information. The two most important documents
for a corporation are the articles of incorporation and the by-laws.
- Shareholders
retain the decision making authority (even though the corporation
may have hired managers to oversee day-to-day operations) and participate
in proportion to the number of shares each shareholder owns; that
is, each share of stock generally entitles the shareholder
to one vote, the more shares an individual owns, the more
authority that person has in managing the corporation.
- The number of shares a shareholder owns generally reflects the amount the shareholder has invested in the corporation.
- Corporations with
many shareholders often elect a board of directors from among the shareholders who guide the managers in the daily operation. The
board of directors is a means of regularly representing shareholders'
interests to the hired mangers.
- If the corporation
earns a profit, the board of directors can declare a dividend for the
shareholders; that is, a cash payment to the shareholders in return for
having invested in the company. This is similar to a sole proprietor
or partners taking some of the business' profit for personal use.
- The corporation's
articles of incorporation and by-laws often set forth a dividend
policy to guide the board of directors in this decision. Dividends
are usually paid on a per-share basis, thus a shareholder who owns
more shares will receive a larger total dividend than a shareholder
who owns fewer shares.
- The board of directors
may decide to retain the corporation's profits in the business rather
than pay it to shareholders as a dividend. Similar to a sole proprietorship
and a partnership, the retained cash can be used to expand the business
and the shareholders' return for investing in the corporation is not
a cash dividend, but ownership in a growing company.
- Shareholders can
sell their shares to other individuals; the value of the share is negotiated
between the shareholder who wants to sell their interest in the business
and the person who wants to become part owner of the corporation.
- Some corporations
want to influence who can be a shareholder; to accomplish this, the
corporation has to limit or control whether a current shareholder can
sell to the person who is interested in buying the shares; laws generally
prohibit corporations from preventing a shareholder from selling (because
such a prohibition may block the shareholder from ever being able to
liquidate the investment); a strategy that is often used by corporations
that want to control who can be shareholders is to have the corporation
retain the right to approve all transfers of shares before they are
transferred, and to have a policy of buying shares from shareholders
(at a market price) if the selling shareholder cannot find an acceptable
buyer; such a strategy needs to be described in the articles of incorporation
or by-laws.
- Some corporations
have more than one class of shares with different rights and responsibilities;
for example, a corporation may offer a preferred stock whereby the shareholders
are entitled to be paid after all creditors have been paid but before
the holders of common stock are paid and the holders of common shares
are the last to be paid; in exchange for assuming this added risk, common
shareholders will likely have more decision making authority than the
holders of preferred shares and will be entitled to a disproportional
share of the corporation's profit during times of extraordinarily high
corporate earnings; the availability, rights and responsibilities of
classes of shares must be set forth in the corporation's articles of
- Example of legislation
authorizing corporations is N.D.C.C.
- Example of legislation
prohibiting specified businesses from being organized as a corporation
is N.D.C.C.
10-6.1 which defines and limits which corporations can own farmland
or operate a farm business in North Dakota.
- C corporations are taxed as separate entities; dividends received by shareholders generally
are taxed as "unearned income" even though the corporation does not
deduct the dividend as an expense; this is where the concern about double
taxation arises; in comparison, wages paid to employees are taxed as
ordinary income to the employee and deducted as a business expense of
the corporation; rent paid by corporations to asset owners is treated
as "unearned income" and deducted as a business expense by the corporation;
the different tax treatment of these various transactions sometimes
leads shareholders in a closely-held corporation (a corporation with
a small number of shareholders) to consider having several legal relationships
with the corporation; e.g, investor, employee, and lessor.
- Earnings from S
corporations are allocated among the shareholders who report the earnings
as income on their individual income tax returns; these earnings are
reported by the shareholders whether the income is distributed as a
dividend to the shareholders or retained in the corporation.
- Corporations may
have opportunities to treat employee benefits as business expenses.
- Corporations may
have an opportunity to convert the shareholders' "earned income" to
"unearned income" and thus reduce the amount of income subject to employment
(e.g., social security) tax.
- A form of corporation
but instead of ownership being based on how much capital a shareholder
has invested in the business, ownership is shared by those who do business
with the cooperative like corporations, the cooperative structure includes
a board of directors who represent the shareholders, and hire managers
who are responsible for the daily operation of the business.
- Each shareholder
is entitled to one vote irrespective of how many shares the
person has accumulated.
- Cooperatives often
retain business profit for expansion purposes, rather than paying dividends.
- Generally, cooperative
shares cannot be sold to other person; instead, the shareholder will
receive cash from the cooperative for the value of the shares after
the shareholder no longer does business with the cooperative; for many
agribusiness cooperatives that serve farmers, this means the person retires from active farming.
- One philosophy
is that cooperatives do not need to pay dividends to retain their shareholders
because the shareholders benefit from the company by paying lower prices
when they buy from the cooperative, receiving higher prices when they
sell to the cooperative, or receiving their return in the form of a
larger payout when they retire.
- Like a corporation,
shareholders in a cooperative are not personally liable for unpaid cooperative
obligations, unless the shareholder has agreed to be liable or imposing
liability is a necessary remedy.
- Like a corporation,
a cooperative does not exist until the necessary documents have been
completed; the key documents are the articles of incorporation and the
- Example of legislation
authorizing a cooperative corporation is N.D.C.C.
- Taxed similar to
a corporation except that some ag cooperatives have an opportunity to
qualify for alternative tax treatment (that is, dividend paid to members
are a deductible expense for the cooperative thus avoiding the concern
of "double taxation," but the cooperative must pay at least 20% of its
dividends as cash to the members so they have enough cash to pay the
income taxes on the full dividend).
Limited Partnership
- A form of partnership
where some of the partners are not personally liable for the business'
debts if the business' assets are inadequate to pay the business' debts.
- To be granted the
protected status of a limited partner, the partnership must identify
the limited partner(s) in a public document, not use the limited partner's
name in the business' activities, the limited partner may not participate
in managing the business, and the partnership must have at least one
general partner who will manage the partnership and be personally responsible
for debts that the partnership is unable to pay.
- Limited partners
will lose their status if they participate in the management of the
business; they then would be personally liable for the partnership's
unpaid obligations (as if they were a general partner).
- Example of legislation
authorizing limited partnership is N.D.C.C.
- Earnings from the
business are taxed as income to the business owners; "earned income"
from the partnership also is subject to self-employment tax.
Liability Company
- A relatively new business organization
(has become available in most states during the past 25 years) which
combines features of partnerships and corporations; that is, the investors
are not prohibited from actively engaging in the management of the business
but the investors are not liable for the business'
unpaid debts except if they agreed to be personally liable, or it is
a necessary remedy.
- A limited liability company (LLC) is different
than a limited partnership because a member of a limited liability company
will not be personally liable for the business debts even though the
member has participated in managing the business.
- Generally taxed similar to a partnership.
- Availability of LLCs has diminished the
interest in general and limited partnerships.
- Example legislation for LLC is N.D.C.C.
- An LLC must be explicitly formed.
- Different terminology is used to distinguish between an LLC and a corporation;
for example, member rather than shareholders; organizer
rather than incorporator; articles of organization
rather than articles of incorporation; board of governors
rather than board of directors, and membership interest
rather than shares.
- An LLC can be formed with as few as one
organizer and have as few as one member.
- Membership interest of an LLC is divided
into financial rights and governance rights;
this distinction allows the members to define which members are authorized
to decide how the LLC is operated; that is, members with governance
- Profits
and losses of an LLC must be allocated among all members in proportion
to the value of the contributions of the members; that is, all members
must have financial rights.
- Cash,
property, and services a member provides to the LLC in exchange for
membership are considered a contribution.
- State
law determines whether an LLC needs to be renewed or can last perpetually.
State law determines whether an LLC must file an annual report with
state government.
- Related link: Limited
Liability Company 101
Liability Partnership
- A relatively new
development (perhaps the past 10 years) in which a partnership can publicly
declare that none of its partners will be personally responsible for
partnership obligations the partnership cannot afford to pay.
- This option probably
spells the demise of general and limited partnerships.
- Example legislation
for limited liability partnership is N.D.C.C.
- This is a partnership
and is taxed accordingly.
- A modified cooperative
in that shareholders are allowed to invest in the cooperative shares,
similar to most corporations.
- A closed cooperative
may limit itself to doing business only with its members; or if it does
conduct business with non-members, the non-members do not become shareholders.
- Being a shareholder
in a closed cooperative will likely include an obligation to do business
with the cooperative; for example, the shareholders of a food processing
cooperative may be limited to farmers who raise that crop, but the members
may then be required (legally obligated) to deliver their crop to the
- Closed cooperatives
are nearly identical to corporations except that each shareholder is
entitled to one vote irrespective of how much they have invested in
the closed cooperative.
- Taxed as a cooperative.
Last updated
February 11, 2008