Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
() on Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 09:26:15

course: Math 165, Fall 2010, TR 8:00-8:50

questions1: The instructor's enthusiasm for the course.

answer1: 3

questions2: How well prepared is the instructor?

answer2: 3

questions3: How effectively is the material communicated?

answer3: 3

questions4: How effectively does the instructor use class time?

answer4: 3

questions5: Does the instructor encourage questions?

answer5: 3

questions6: Do you feel comfortable asking questions during or after class?

answer6: 3

questions7: Have the goals and procedures been explained well?

answer7: 3

questions8: Do you find the course intellectually challenging?

answer8: 3

questions9: Does the course spark your curiosity?

answer9: 3

questions10: How effective are the examples worked in lecture in increasing your
understanding of the material?

answer10: 3

questions11: How effective are the homework assignments in increasing your
understanding of the material?

answer11: 3

questions12: The level of skill or knowledge you have gained.

answer12: 3

questions13: Overall, how effective is the instructor?

answer13: 3

questions14: Overall, how effective is the course?

answer14: 3

questions15: How many hours per week do you spend on homework assignments?

answer15: 3

queries1: What are the instructor's strengths and weaknesses?

query1: ugly

queries2: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the course?

query2: boring

queries3: Additional comments:

query3: where am i?

Submit: Send

num_questions: 15

num_queries: 3
