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Exam 4 Review Questions

Veterinary Science 135

Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals

North Dakota State University



 The part of the diencephalon that acts as a link between the nervous system & the endocrine system is the [1] _______________.



 List the 6 hormones of the anterior pituitary gland and the target(s) of each:

                         Hormone                                              Target(s)

             [2] _____________________ ______________________________

            [3] _____________________ ______________________________

            [4] _____________________ ______________________________

            [5] _____________________ ______________________________

            [6] _____________________ ______________________________

            [7] _____________________ ______________________________


List the 2 hormones of the posterior pituitary gland and the target(s) of each:

                        Hormone                                              Target(s)

            [8] _____________________ ______________________________

            [9] _____________________ ______________________________

Where are posterior pituitary hormones produced? [10] _______________



The thyroid gland is located in the [11] ________ region. Name its hormones and their general effects:

                        Hormone                                              Effect(s)

            [12] _____________________           ______________________________

            [13] _____________________           ______________________________



The parathyroid glands are located on, in or around the [14] _________ ___________ gland.

The hormone produced by the parathyroid glands is [15] ___________ _________ and its effect is to [16] __________________________________. Its effect is the opposite of what other hormone? [17] _____________________



The hormones of the adrenal cortex are all classed as [18] ____________ based on their chemical structure. The 3 general classes of adrenal cortical hormones are:

            [19] _____________________________



The hormones of the adrenal medulla [20] ____________ and ____________are released under the control of the [21] _________________________________.



The endocrine tissue of the pancreas is contained in discrete clusters of cells called the [22] __________________ ___________. The 2 hormones produced have opposite effects. They are [23] ______________ which tends to __________ blood glucose levels, and ______________ which tends to __________ blood glucose levels.

The body's cells cannot utilize glucose from the blood without which of the pancreatic hormones? [24] ____________



The male sex hormone [25] ____________________ is produced in the testes under stimulation from what anterior pituitary hormone? [26] ____________________ 

The female sex hormone [27] _______________ is produced in the [28] _______________ of the ovary which are stimulated by which anterior pituitary hormone? [29] ____________________. The hormone necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy, [30] ____________, is produced in the [31] ____________________ of the ovary which forms under stimulation from which anterior pituitary hormone? [32] ____________________.



The hormone produced in the kidney that is necessary for red blood cells to be produced in the bone marrow is [33] ____________________.




The main functions of the urinary system are [34] blood _______________, _______ ________ regulation, ________ _______ regulation, and production of the hormone _______________.

The kidneys are located in the [35] __________ part of the abdomen.

The indented area of the kidney where blood vessels, etc., enter and leave is the [36] ____________.

The funnel-like beginning of the ureter in the kidney is the 37] ________ ________.

The outer, granular-appearing part of the kidney is the renal [38] __________ and the inner, smooth-appearing part of the kidney is the renal [39] __________.

The smallest functional unit of the kidney is the [40] ____________. In order, each is made up of a renal [41] _______________, a [42] __________ ___________ tubule, a loop of [43] ____________, a [44] _________ __________ tubule and a [45] __________________ tubule.

A renal #41 consists of a tangled "ball" of capillaries, the [46] _______________ surrounded by a double walled capsule called [47] _______________ capsule. The space between the 2 layers of #47 is called the [48] __________ __________, and it is continuous with the #42 tubule.

An intact nerve supply (is/is not) [49] ________ essential to renal function.

Blood enters the kidney via the [50] __________ __________ and leaves it via the [51] __________ __________.  Which vessel contains the “purest,” least waste filled blood? [52] __________ __________.

Blood enters the renal corpuscle via the [53] ____________ arteriole, circulates through the [54] ____________ capillaries and leaves via the [55] ____________ arteriole. It then enters a [56] ____________ ____________ network around the rest of the nephron.

The 3 basic mechanisms of renal action are [57] ____________ of the blood, tubular [58]____________, which returns useful substances to the blood and tubular [59] ____________, which eliminates waste products from the blood into the nephron tubules.

The capillaries in the renal corpuscle are unusual in that they are [60] ____________ capillaries and the blood pressure in them is very [61] __________.

The glomerular filtrate that enters the capsular space in the renal corpuscle is very similar to blood [62] _______________, but it normally contains no [63] _______________.

The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder are the [64] ____________.

The urinary bladder is lined by [65] _______________ epithelium which allows it to repeatedly fill and empty without damage. An animal can control when urination occurs by consciously controlling the [66] __________ _________ around the neck of the urinary bladder.

The tube that conducts urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body is the [67] _______________.  Its structure in the female is generally [68] __________ & __________. Its structure in the male is generally [69] __________ & __________.




Through the process of meiosis, the chromosome number of the reproductive cells is reduced from the [70] ____________ number to the [71] ____________ number.

The sex chromosomes can be either X or Y. Females have [72] ___ ___ sex chromosomes and males have [73] ___ ___.

In males, one reproductive stem cell (primary spermatocyte) eventually produces [74] ______ spermatozoa.

In females, one reproductive stem cell (primary oocyte) eventually produces [75] ______ ovum/ova.


Male reproductive system

The main functions of the scrotum are:

            [76] _____________________________________________


The main functions of the testes are:

            [77] _____________________________________________


The testes develop before birth in the [78] _______________. Failure of one or both testes to descend fully into the scrotum is termed [79] ____________________.

The tunics that surround the testes and spermatic cord are derived from the [80] _______________ of the abdominal cavity. The thick outer layer is the [81] __________ __________ tunic and the thin, transparent inner layer is the [82] __________ __________ tunic.

The site of spermatozoa production in the testes is the [83] _______________ tubules.

In order to produce functional spermatozoa, the testes must be kept at a temperature slightly (lower than/same as/higher than) [84] __________ internal body temperature.

The main parts of a spermatozoon are:

            [85] _______________ (contains the nucleus)

            [86] _______________ (contains many mitochondria)

            [87] _______________ (contains contractile fibrils)

Testosterone is produced by the [88] __________________ cells of the testes which are located [89] ____________ the #83 tubules.

The spermatozoa pass out of the testes through the efferent ducts and enter the head of the [90] _______________ where they will be stored until ejaculation.

At ejaculation the spermatozoa are transported up to the urethra by the [91] ______ ____________ (muscular tube).

From inside (nearest the urinary bladder) out, the 3 male accessory reproductive glands are:

            Gland name                                          Present in which species?

[92] ____________________             [93] (bull, cat, dog, stallion) _______________

[94] ____________________             [95] (bull, cat, dog, stallion) _______________

[96] ____________________.            [97] (bull, cat, dog, stallion) _______________

The male accessory reproductive glands empty into the [98] ____________ portion of the urethra.

The main portions of the penis are the [99] __________ which attach it to the brim of the pelvis, the [100] __________ which consists of 2 main erectile structures, the [101] ________ _________ _________ which surrounds the urethra and the larger [102] ________ _________ _______, and the distal free end of the penis, the [103] __________, which has a high concentration of sensory nerve endings.

The penis of the dog is different that other common domestic animals. It contains a bone called the [104] _____ __________ and an erectile structure called the [105] _____ ___ ___ ______ that swells and results in the “tie” with the female after ejaculation.

The [106] __________ __________ is the “S” shaped bend in the penis of ruminants and swine that straightens during erection.

The [107] _______________ is the fold of skin that covers the free end of the non-erect penis. Commonly called the “sheath.”

Enlargement and stiffening of the penis, [108] ____________, occurs when more blood enters the erectile tissue of the penis than leaves it.


Female reproductive system

The female gonads are the [109] ____________. Their functions are [110] _______________ and the production of 2 main hormones [111] _______________ and _______________.

Ova (are/are not) [112] __________ constantly produced in the ovaries.

The ovarian cycle consists of the development of oocytes in fluid filled [113] _______________, release of the ova ([114] _______________) and development of the progesterone-secreting [115] _______ ________.

The ovaries (are/are not) [116] __________ directly connected to the uterus.

The expanded, funnel-like ovarian end of the oviduct is the [117] ____________.

The 2 main functions of the oviducts are:

            [118] _____________________________________________________


The uterus of cats, cows, dogs and mares is shaped like the letter “Y” with one [119] __________ and two [120] __________.

The layers of the uterine wall are:

            [121] ____________ (lining layer)

            [122] ____________ (middle, muscle layer)

            [123] ____________ (outermost layer, covered by visceral layer of peritoneum)

[124] __________ The "valve-like" smooth muscle sphincter between the uterus and vagina.

[125] __________ The canal from #124 to the vulva. It receives the erect penis at breeding and is the birth canal.

The structures of the vulva include the:

            [126] _______________ (external boundary of the vulva)

            [127] _______________ (short space between #125 and #126) into which the            urethra opens

            [128] _______________ (homologous to the penis of the male)

Estrous cycle intervals:

            A [129] __________________ animal cycles continue throughout the year if she          is not pregnant

            A [130] ___________ ___________ animal shows seasonal variations in the   pattern of her estrous cycles

            A [131] animal has __________________ 2 estrous cycles per year

            A [132] animal has __________________ 1 estrous cycle per year

The stages of the estrous cycle are:

            [133] _______________ (follicles develop)

            [134] _______________ (heat period, breeding permitted)

            [135] _______________ (corpus luteum develops)

            [136] _______________ (corpus luteum complete and active)

            [137] (_____________) (period between breeding seasons in some species when        the ovary temporarily "shuts down")


Fertilization and pregnancy

The process that spermatozoa undergo in the oviduct that increases their fertility is [138] _______________.

Once an ovum has been fertilized by a spermatozoon, it is called a [139] ____________.

[140] __________ The name for the series of very rapid cell divisions that occur soon after an ovum is fertilized.

The hollow "ball" of cells that implants in the uterine lining is the [141] _______________.

The placenta consists of 2 fluid filled sacs -- the inner [142] _______________ sac which surrounds the developing fetus and the outer [143] _______________ sac into which the [144] ____________ (tube from the urinary bladder) empties.

The umbilical cord that connects the fetus with the placenta contains the umbilical [145] _______________ which carry unoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta and the umbilical [146] _______________ which carries nutrient filled, freshly oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus.

The 4 main patterns of attachment between the placenta and the uterus are:

            [147] ______________ (attachment over the whole surface of the placenta)

            [148] ______________ (disc shaped area of attachment)

            [149] ______________ ("belt" shaped area of attachment)

            [150] ______________ (attachment at multiple sites called placentomes)

[151] ____________ Another word for pregnancy

What are the major events in the 3 trimesters of pregnancy?

1st trimester [152] ________________________________________________________

2nd trimester [153] _______________________________________________________

3rd trimester [154] ________________________________________________________

[155] ____________ The birth process.

The main events that occur in each of the 3 stages of the birth process are:

Stage 1 [156] ___________________________________________________________

Stage 2 [157] ___________________________________________________________

Stage 3 [158] ___________________________________________________________

[159] _______________ of the uterus after the 3rd stage of the birth process helps control hemorrhage and returns the organ to its pre-pregnant size.


Mammary glands and lactation

Mammary glands (are/are not) [160] __________ specialized skin glands.

Mammary glands (are/are not) [161] __________ present in both male and female animals.

The process of milk production is termed [162] _______________.

Continued milk production is stimulated mainly by the hormone [163] _______________ and milk letdown is stimulated by the hormone [164] _______________.

The initial secretion of the mammary gland, which is rich in antibodies, and important for the newborn to drink soon after birth is the [165] _______________.