Structurally, the digestive system consists of a tube running from the mouth to the anus + accessory digestive organs. The food passing through this tube is broken down into smaller and simpler compounds, which are absorbed into the bloodstream for utilization by body cells.
I. General terminology
II. Main Functions
A. Prehension & MasticationB. Digestion
C. Absorption
D. Excretion
III. Effect of diet on the form of the digestive system
A. HerbivoresB. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
IV. Structure of the digestive tube
A. Layers of tube wall1. Mucosa2. Submucosa
3. Muscle layers
4. Serosa
B. Epithelial lining
1. Stratified squamous epithelium2. Simple columnar epithelium
C. Muscle
1. Skeletal muscle2. Smooth muscle
V. Parts of the digestive system
A. LipsB. Mouth
C. Teeth
1. Parts of tootha. Crownb. Root
c. Neck
d. Dentin
e. Pulp cavity
2. Sets of teeth
a. Deciduous teethb. Permanent teeth
3. Types of teeth
a. Incisor teethb. Canine teeth
c. Premolar teeth
d. Molar teeth
D. Gingiva
E. Palate
1. Hard palate2. Soft palate
F. Tongue
G. Salivary glands
1. Saliva2. Functions
H. Pharynx
1. Structure2. Functions
I. Esophagus
1. Structure2. Function
3. Cardia
J. Stomach
1. Monogastrica. Structurei. Cardiac sphincter
ii. Pyloric sphincter
b. Functions
c. Glands
d. Chyme
2. Ruminant
a. Reticulumi. Sizeii. Position
iii. Characteristics
iv. Functions
v. "Hardware disease"
b. Rumen
i. Sizeii. Position
iii. Characteristics
iv. Functions
c. Omasum
i. Sizeii. Position
iii. Characteristics
iv. Functions
d. Abomasum
i. Sizeii. Position
iii. Characteristics
iv. Functions
e. Rumination
i. Regurgitationii. Remastication
iii. Purpose
f. Eructation
i. Purposeg. Newborn ruminants
i. Stomach functionii. Esophageal groove
K. Small Intestine
1. Functionsa. Digestionb. Absorption
i. Villiii. Blood supply
2. Divisions
a. Duodenumb. Jejunum
c. Ileum
L. Large Intestine
1. Functions2. Normal microbial "flora"
3. Divisions
a. Cecumi. Carnivoresii. Herbivores/omnivores
b. Colon
c. Rectum
M. Anus
1. Defecationa. Stimulusb. Anal sphincter muscles
N. Pancreas
1. Location2. Functions
a. Endocrine secretionb. Exocrine secretion
i. NaHCO3ii. Digestive enzymes
O. Liver
1. Largest gland in the body2. Main functions
a. Metabolismb. Synthesis
c. Bile secretion
d. Detoxification
e. Storage
f. RBC formation (fetal) & destruction of worn out RBC'S
3. Portal vein
4. Gall bladder