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Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
Veterinary Science 135


The nervous system is primarily a complex communication and regulatory system in the body. It allows an animal to respond to changes in its internal and external environments.


I. General terminology

II. Divisions

A. Central Nervous System
1. Brain

2. Spinal cord

B. Peripheral Nervous System

1. Nerves

2. Somatic portion

3. Autonomic portion

III. Basic anatomy and physiology

A. Neuron
1. Cell body
a. Contents

b. Groups of neuron cell bodies

2. Cell processes

a. Dendrites
i. Number

ii. Direction of impulse conduction

b. Axon

i. Number

ii. Direction of impulse conduction

iii. Schwann cells

iv. Myelin sheath

v. Nodes of Ranvier

vi. Speed of conduction

vii. Telodendron

viii. Synapse

3. Neurotransmitters

a. Acetylcholine

b. Norepinephrine

c. Others

4. Characteristics of neurons

a. No reproduction

b. Limited regeneration

c. High oxygen requirement

B. Nerve impulse

1. Resting state - cell membrane polarized

2. Threshold stimulus applied

3. Cell membrane depolarization

a. Opening/closing of sodium channel

4. Cell membrane repolarization

a. Opening/closing of potassium channel

5. Adjacent area undergoes same process

6. Process moves along membrane like a wave

7. Resting state reestablished

a. Refractory period

8. All-or-nothing principle

IV. Central Nervous System

A. Gray matter vs white matter
1. Physical basis

2. Gray matter constituents

3. White matter constituents

B. Brain

1. Cerebrum
a. Gross anatomy
i. Hemispheres

ii. Gyri

iii. Sulci

iv. Cortex

v. Medulla

b. Functions

i. Sensory functions

ii. Motor functions

iii. Integrative functions

(a). Consciousness

(b). Communication

(c). Emotions

(d). Memory

2. Cerebellum

a. Gross anatomy
i. Hemispheres

ii. Cortex

iii. Medulla

b. Functions

3. Diencephalon

a. Thalamus

b. Hypothalamus

c. Pineal body

4. Brain stem

a. Components

b. Functions

C. Spinal Cord

1. Structure
a. Cortex

b. Medulla

2. Spinal nerves

a. Dorsal root

b. Ventral root

D. Meninges

1. Dura mater

2. Arachnoid

3. Pia mater

E. Ventricles & central canal

F. Cerebrospinal fluid

G. Blood-Brain Barrier

V. Peripheral Nervous System

A. Nerves
1. Nerve fibers
a. Afferent fibers

b. Efferent fibers

2. Sensory nerves

3. Motor nerves

4. Mixed nerves

B. Autonomic nervous system

1. Function

2. Divisions

a. Sympathetic system
i. Origin

ii. Neurotransmitter

iii. Effects

b. Parasympathetic system

i. Origin

ii. Neurotransmitter

iii. Effects

C. Reflex

1. Autonomic reflexes

2. Somatic reflexes

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