My name is Tom Dunn.  This is my fifth year as a graduate student at North Dakota State University.   My advisor is Cătălin Ciupercă.  My research area is in algebra; integral closures and multiplicities.  I am currently a teaching assistant for Calculus II.  I plan on finishing in May 2014.
I am originally from Tampa, Florida.  I first moved to North Dakota in 1996 and enjoyed it here.  In 1999 I moved to Phoenix, Arizona.  After moving around to Wisconsin, Michigan, and California, I attended Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona in 2004.  I completed my bachelors degree in mathematics (and phsyics) in 2008.  I returned to North Dakota, in part because I love the winters so much.
If it wasn't obvious, I am a dog owner and I enjoy travelling.  In particular, I love to drive.  I also enjoy hiking and camping.