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Department of English
North Dakota State University
322 F Minard Hall
NDSU Dept. 2320
FARGO, ND 58108-6050

Phone: (701) 231-7152
E-mail: verena.theile@ndsu.edu



Honors 199: Fall 2007 Research Symposium
You're invited!
Come and join us for midterm presentations from this year’s Honors 199 students. Nineteen students will be presenting their research on and reading of such themes as the devil & temptation, free will & suffering, apathy & empathy, fate & coincidence, and murder & mayhem.
The presentations will take place MWF, beginning this Friday 9/29 and ending Monday 10/9, in the Bundy Reading Room. See presentation schedule for more details. Snacks and drinks will be provided. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Bundy! top
Program: Honors 199 - Fall 2007 Research Symposium

Friday, September 29 – Bundy Reading Room: 1:30-2:10 pm

1) Spenser Phelan, “The Modern Image of the Devil”
2) Daniel Zommick, “Lewis, Dostoevsky, and Christian Apologetics”

Monday, October 2 – Bundy Reading Room: 1-2:10 pm

1) Lauren Carter, “Technology and Predictability in Max Frisch’s Homo Faber
2) Chris Low, “God’s Goodness through Suffering”
3) John Lee, “How the Devils Mislead”
4) Bo Herzog, “Empathetic Attitudes of Truman Capote in In Cold Blood

Wednesday, October 4 – Bundy Reading Room: 1-2:10 pm

1) Allison Fischer, “Free Will as the Greatest Freedom of All”
2) Kendra Lyons, “Freedom and Sin: The Tree of Knowledge”
3) Andrea Walter, “Temptation in The Screwtape Letters and the World Today”
4) Laura Schoedel, “The Grand Inquisitor and the Suffering of Free Will”
5) Jill Bickelhaupt, “Screwtape and Wormwood’s Use of the Seven Deadly Sins" top

Friday, October 6 – Avery 110: 1-2:10 pm

1) Walter Brim, “Underlying Philosophies: A Comparative Study of Mersault and Don Quixote”
2) Cheryl Birks, “From Life to Narnia”
3) Emico Namatame, “Sensationalizing Crime in America
4) Eric Smith, “Fyodor Dostoevsky and Pure Christianity in The Grand Inquisitor

Monday, October 9 – Bundy Reading Room: 1-2:10 pm

1) Jamie Ellis, “The Persuasion of C. S. Lewis”
2) Carolyn Gonsky, “Depictions of the Devil in The Screwtape Letters
3) Kate McMurry, “Lewis’ Use of Conscience in The Screwtape Letters
4) Paul Wilmoth, “Viewing the World Differently: Homo Faber and Society” top

Last updated November 2007