Institutional Information

Many sponsor proposal application forms require standard information about the university, including frequently used numbers (DUNS, Unique Entity Identifier, Congressional District, Cage Code), contact information, and the authorized organizational representative.  NDSU specific information is provided below.

If you have questions, please email Sponsored Programs Administration at

Official NDSU Address

North Dakota State University
1301 12th Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102-000 



Authorized Organizational Representative

Amy Scott
Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Phone: (701) 231-8045
Fax: (701) 231-8098

Frequently Used Information

  • EIN # (Tax ID): 45-6002439
  • DUNS Number: 803882299
    Note: by April 2022, the Federal government will stop using the DUNS and will begin requiring a Unique Entity Identifier number.
  • Unique Entity Identifier: EZ4WPGRE1RD5
  • Congressional District: ND-001
  • Cage Code: 40341
  • NAICS Code: 611310
  • SAMS Expiration Date: 03/22/2025
  • FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education) Number: 009265
  • Animal Welfare Assurance #: A3244-01
  • Human Subjects Assurance: FWA00002439
  • USDA Research Facility Registration #: 45-R-002
  • NSF's Institutional Code # assigned to NDSU: 00 29975 000
  • NDSU is not a 501(c)3 organization but is tax exempt. Please see PDF download: Tax Exempt Status letter {NDSU is exempt from Federal income tax but does file a Form 990-T (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax return) to report and pay Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)}.
  • North Dakota State University receives a biennial audit. To view this information, visit the State of North Dakota Office of the State Auditor website for the Audit Report and click on State of North Dakota Single Audit - For the most current Two Year Period ending on June 30th. 
  • Cognizant Federal Agency: DHHS, Jeffrey Warren (415) 437-7820
  • Number of NDSU employees

Fringe Benefit Rates

Fringe benefits information is available on the Budget Development and Budget Justification page under Personnel Category and Fringe Benefits.

Facilities and Administration (F&A) / Indirect Cost Rates

Sponsored Activity

    On Campus

     Off Campus

Research (effective 7/1/2018–6/30/2023)*

    45.0% of MTDC

     26.0% of MTDC

Instruction (effective 7/1/2018–6/30/2023)*

    50.5% of MTDC

     26.0% of MTDC

Other Sponsored Activity (effective 7/1/2018–6/30/2023)*

    43.2% of MTDC

     26.0% of MTDC

* Effective dates are for projects starting within the date range specified.

See Federally Negotiated F&A Rate Agreement

NDSU Policies and Procedures

The NDSU Policy Manual governs NDSU, including the NDSU Agricultural Experiment Station, the NDSU Extension Service, and the North Dakota Forest Service.  NDSU policies are established by 1) federal and state laws and regulations, 2) the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education, 3) the NDSU Faculty Senate, and 4) the Office of the President.  Also included are some operating procedures established by the respective areas to facilitate delivery of a service to the campus community.

Policies and procedures specifically related to funded research and creative activities can be found in Section 8 of the Policy Manual, under Grant and Contract Accounting.  However, other pertinent policies can be found elsewhere in the Policy Manual, including Contract Review (Section 712), Employee Responsibility and Activities-Intellectual Property (Section 190), and External Activities and Conflict of Interest (Section 151.1).

Employment at NDSU indicates an agreement to abide by NDSU policies and procedures.  In addition, all NDSU employees are required to certify annually their compliance with NDSU policies.

Visit the NDSU Policy Manual website to see the policy manual in its entirety.

Highlights of policies and procedures most specific to sponsored funding and research and creative activities can be found below: 


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