Preparing to Move In: Fall 2025

Welcome home to NDSU Residence Life. Here are some of the most important things to know as you prepare to move in!

Move-In Day 
NDSU Move-In Day is Saturday, August 23, 2025, from 8am - 1pm. First-year and transfer students are required to select an arrival time slot during that time period. Upperclassmen may check in during this time, or any time after. New international students should follow the information regarding move-in as found on the New International Student Orientation webpage.

Arrival Time Slots
To help ease traffic concerns and create a smooth move-in experience, students will select a 30-minute arrival time slot. This is simply a timeframe when you need to arrive, you are not expected to fully move-in within those 30 minutes. Selection opens at 9am on Monday, July 14 and closes on Monday, August 18. 

Hall/Room Information
Your hall will be your home away from home. Check out everything it has to offer, including its unique features and amenities. A 360-degree tour of the building, plus room renderings, room photos and floor plans (room measurements) are also important to view. All of this and more can be found by visiting your specific hall’s webpage.

Amenities and Features
Every hall has its own unique amenities and features, but all halls offer the following: printing stations, onsite mail, coinless laundry, cleaning supplies, free video streaming services, rec lounges, study lounges, community kitchen, wifi, hall office with games/videos/entertainment options, and secure entrances with ID card access.

Beds, Linens and Lofts 
Each hall is unique. Learn more about your hall's mattress size, lofting system and custom linens.

Care Packages
In a partnership between SWAKU and NDSU's Residence Hall Association, you can send your student Care Packages. Care packages are a great way to provide your student with sweet treats, essential snacks, and a reminder that you are sending love and support from home! Proceeds help fund student activities and scholarships. Link coming soon!

Driving Directions
Turn off your GPS! For move-in day, we provide specific driving directions, drop-off areas, and parking lots for each residence hall. 

We encourage you to reach out to Residence Life with any questions you have! You can also check out some of our most frequently asked questions.

Meal Plans and Dietary Needs
One of the best parts of living on campus is the amazing food provided by NDSU Dining! If you have food allergies or dietary sensitivities, inform the dietetics team of your needs. They will reach out promptly with information about the resources available on campus and to answer any questions you have. 

Packing Guidelines
Our packing guidelines provide everything you need to bring, and everything you should leave at home. Avoid buying then lugging a fridge or microwave to your room - rent it from CSI! Not only will it save you money, they will deliver to your room prior to move-in! 

Room and Roommate Assignment Information
To review your hall/room assignment or to view your roommate's name and email address, log into your Housing Portal where you will be able to view housing messages, room assignment, roommate info, and meal plan. Suiteemaite information is also located within your Housing Portal.

Welcome Week
Welcome Week activities begin at 4pm on Saturday, August 23, and attendance is required through Monday, August 25. Welcome Week activities are vital to students' success by helping to develop connections and knowledge that contribute to a positive transition to NDSU. There are mulitple ways you can check out the welcome week schedule: 1. Visit the Welcome Week website, 2. Log in to myNDSU, 3. Keep an eye out for emails, 4. Check your hall for posters.

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