RHA Contact Information

Addi Drenk, President

Social Science Education, minor in History
I joined RHA to grow in my leadership, to make a difference on campus, and to advocate for students in my community.


Alyssa Schanus, Vice President/National Communications Coordinator 
Biomedical Animal Science
I initially joined RHA to meet new people on campus, and that has evolved into wanting to be involved and make a change on campus while I am here. I have made so many new connections via RHA that I wouldn’t have had without it.


Mara Visger, RHA Administrative Director 

I joined RHA to be able to create enjoyable experiences for residents, and be involved in campus community!


Zach Kent, RHA Event Board Coordinator

Industrial Engineering, Minor in Manufacturing Engineering, Master’s of Business Administration
I joined RHA to make an impact on my community in a positive way. I have been continually inspired, energized, and challenged to be better through my experience with RHA, so I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to make my community one that I am proud of!


Tyler Anderson, Public Relations Director 
Architecture, minor in Entrepreneurship
I joined hall gov because I enjoy engaging in and improving the residence hall experience as well as building positive relationships with people within the dorm communities.


Clare Beaudry, NRHH President/RHA Liaison 

I joined NRHH to serve and create a community larger than myself.

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