Kelsey Griesheim, PhD

Assistant Professor 

Soil Fertility

Walster Hall 133



  • PhD, Soil chemistry/fertility; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2022
  • MSc, Soil chemistry/fertility; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2019
  • BSc, Crop Sciences; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2016

Research Interests

My research focus is identifying management practices that benefit both the farmer and the environment. Historically, I have worked towards improving nitrogen (N) management in cropping systems. Using fertilizer N uptake efficiency as a means of identifying these techniques is advantageous for both environment and producer, as more fertilizer N sequestered in the crop means less remaining in the soil as a potential source of pollution. With the use of 15N, I hope to continue work in answering the simple question of where inputs are going and how we might redirect them, which is undoubtedly tied to nutrient cycling in soil systems.



  • Griesheim, KL, Mulvaney, RL, Smith, RJ, & Hertzberger, AJ. 2023. Nitrogen-15 evaluation of fertilizer placement at planting for corn production. SSSAJ.
  • Griesheim, KL, Mulvaney, RL, Smith, RJ, Nunes, VLN & Hertzberger, AJ. 2023. Isotopic comparison of ammonium and nitrate sources applied in-season to corn. SSSAJ.
  • Griesheim, KL, Mulvaney, RL, Smith, RJ, & Hertzberger, AJ. 2023. Isotopic evaluation of in-season Y Drop applications for corn production. SSSAJ.
  • Griesheim, KL, Mulvaney, RL, Smith, RJ, Henning, SW, & Hertzberger, AJ. 2019. Nitrogen-15 Evaluation of Fall-Applied Anhydrous Ammonia: I. Efficiency of Nitrogen Uptake by Corn. SSSAJ.
  • Nunes, VLN, Mulvaney, RL, & Griesheim, KL. 2019. Simple Diffusion Methods for Determination of Nonexchangeable Ammonium in Soils. SSSAJ.
  • Griesheim, KL, & Mulvaney, RL. Improving the Accuracy of Diffusion for Inorganic 15N Analyses of Soil Extracts and Water. Comm. in Soil Sci. & Plan. Anal.
  • Griesheim, KL, Mulvaney, RL, & Smith, TJ. 2019. System for Preparing and Applying 15N-Labeled Anhydrous Ammonia in Field Plot Research. SSSAJ.
  • Mulvaney, RL, Otto, R, Griesheim, KL, Su, K, & Trivelin, PCO. 2016. Leaching Methods Can Underestimate Mineralization Potential of Soils. Comm. in Soil Sci. & Plan. Anal.
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