Îles Kerguelen

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Îles Kerguelen 48° 58' to 49° 73'S, 68° 72' to 70° 58'E

  • One major island (Grande Terre), several minor ones, about 300 islets and rocks, and outliers; partly volcanic; in the Indian Ocean.
  • Area: 7215 km�.
  • Highest elevation: 1850 m (Grand Ross).
  • 10% glaciated.
  • Sighted and first landing 1772, sealers arrived 1791.
  • Permanent occupation (scientific station) from 1951 (previously sealers, pastoralists, and scientific personnel wintered). A whaling and sealing station operated 1908-14. 1920-29, and 1951-56.
  • French territory, part of Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises.