Military Affiliated Students Resource Fair (MASRF) 2024
Sorry if we missed you September 12th, 2024. But no worries because we are doing it again in September 2025!
It was a great time and lots of people showed up to learn about what benefits they were qualified for and those who do not have Veteran status yet learned what they will be eligible for when they come back home from being down range. We had great snacks and everyone that showed up received a free dinner.
We had several Vendors for services for Veterans and non-Veterans alike. Just because you do not have Veteran status yet does not mean there are not options out there to help you get through you college experience.
For next year's event the exact time/date and location will be determined (TBD) later, but it will be in September of 2025 at the Memorial Union (MU).
For those that did show up this year, Thank You!
Blake T. Sykes
Veteran Program Coordinator
Advisor to Bison Student Veterans
Veterans Educational Training
office: 112 D Morrill Hall
p: (701) 231- 4230
U.S. Army/ Retired Reserves
"Knowledge is Power"
Who and What will be There