Kyle Fokken

In his own words...

"My work is based on a love of antique toys as viewed from a modern perspective.

We are naturally drawn to relics of days gone past. In my artwork, I fuse this nostalgia with visionary art -- art often made by people using scrap material and rough construction.

Like these artists, my work transcends junk sculpture since the focus is not on the found object itself, but on how it is used to fulfill my vision as social commentary.

I employ this technique as a metaphor implying the bond between generations making do with available materials and the cultural legacy of values and ideals.

I hope you enjoy the work!"

--Kyle Fokken

Schedule of Events

Thursday, April 25
Public Lecture
2:30 PM, NDSU Renaissance Hall 

About Kyle Fokken

Kyle was born in the small farming town of Clara City, Minnesota with little to do but entertain himself with his imagination. After graduation, he went on to become the first person in his family to go to college. He graduated with honors in 1991 with a BFA in ceramics from Minnesota State University at St. Cloud State. Kyle was twice elected to the Fine Arts Chair of the University Program Board where he recruited and managed a team of student volunteers to curate and maintain the student union gallery and display cases.

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