Chase, graffiti and stencil artist
NDSU Visual Arts, in partnership with the American Advertising Federation of North Dakota, welcomes graffiti and stencil artist known as Chase.
With more than 150 murals painted in the greater Los Angeles area and around the world, appearances on TV and in magazines, and with his limited edition items available at select stores world-wide, Chase's work has been seen by millions. The messages in his artwork are designed to not only inspire soul-searching conversations with one's self or with others, but to inspire joy, truth, love and wonder for the world around us.
Chase has created work for clients such as Adidas, Levi's, Scion, Palmer Snowboards and more.
Monday, April 18
Renaissance Hall Third Floor
Mural Painting with Chase
Open to NDSU Art students and AAF-ND members
8:30 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday, April 19
AAF-ND Presentation
Doublewood Inn
11:30 PM
Nonmembers: $45 | AAF-ND Members: $15
Mural Painting with Chase
Renaissance Hall Third Floor
2:00-5:00 PM
About the Artist
As a public service, Chase, artist/designer and Belgium transplant now living in Los Angeles, paints free murals around the world depicting young children with the text next to them saying: "Remember Who You Are". The intent behind the mural campaign is to inspire people to think back and reconnect with a state of being that we all enjoyed when we were children, a state of being that was filled with joy, truth, love and wonder for the world around us. Furthermore, the "Remember Who You Are" campaign also reminds us that we should always remember who we are, where we came from and where we are going.
Chase's other mural installations revolve around his "Awareness Geezers", who are best described as colorful characters who have stumbled upon spirituality and awareness not by following the suggested path in life, but rather by having created their own path, guided by their sense of adventure and an "irreducible element of rascality". The "Awareness Geezers" bring with them the fruits of their experiences in the form of uplifting messages such as "you can't until you say you can", "be peace", and "go without if you don't go within". The messages are designed to inspire soul-searching conversations with one's self or with others.
Some of Chase's past clients include Western Union, Flip Skateboards, Altamont, Guess, Puma, Adidas, Levi's, Scion, Acura, Hot Kiss, Bloomingdale's, GenArt, and Palmer Snowboards.
In October 2006, Italian Vogue named Chase one of their favorite artists in the world amongst Banksy, Shephard Fairey and Space Invader. Since then Chase has been featured in more than 40 magazines from over 6 countries.
With over 150 murals painted in the greater Los Angeles area and around the world, appearances on TV and in magazines, and with his limited edition items available at select stores worldwide, Chase's work has been seen by millions.
Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation
About AAF-ND
AAF-ND, one of 210 local American Advertising Federation affiliates, is a nonprofit, professional trade association serving the local advertising, marketing and communications community including agencies and marketing service firms, advertisers, media, suppliers and students. For more than 50 years, AAF-ND has strived to enhance advertising, marketing and communications by supporting and recognizing its diverse membership and their contributions to the Red River Valley's vitality, economy and culture. The organization is open to anyone in a communication-related field. For more information on the organization please visit