2018 Fellowships

The Institute promotes the education and training of water resources research professionals through its fellowship program. Profiles of each graduate fellow, and summaries of her or his thesis research project, and publications from this project are accessed through the links below. Visitors are invited to contact the student, research advisor, or the Institute Director for further information on the projects.

The North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute announced its Graduate Research Fellowship recipients for the year 2018-2019. The fellowships were awarded to fifteen graduate students, who will conduct water resources research at NDSU and UND. These graduate research projects are supported with the annual base (104b) federal grant, and an additional fund from North Dakota State Water Commission.

The 2018-2019 NDWRRI Fellows, and their faculty advisors, academic programs, and research projects are listed as follows:

Afshin Shabani

Examining the Impact of Devils Lakes Outlets on Flood Risk and Water Quality of the Sheyenne River
Program: Earth System Science and Policy, University of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Xiaodong Zhang

Alec Lackmann

Bigmouth Buffalo Ictiobus Cyprinellus Sets Freshwater Teleost Record as Improved Age Analysis Reveals Centenarian Longevity
Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Biogoical Science, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Malcom Butler and Dr. Mark Clark

Ali Rashid

Effect of Different Water Table Levels on Canola Growth and Quality Parameters
Program: Ag and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Xinhua Jia

Cole Huggins

Performance of a Retrofit Detention basin in Fargo, ND
Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Geosciences, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Day

Haci Osman Guzel

Estimation of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Model
Program: Natural Resourcces Manage./Ag and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Halis Simsek

Hoang Pham

Application of Green Iron Nanoparticles Synthesized using Barley and other Plant-borne Polyphenols to Combat Lake Eutrophication
Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Civil and Environ. Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Achintya Bezbaruah

Justin Waraniak

Assessment of Agricultural Impact on Biotic Components of North Dakota Wetland Resources Using Landscape Genomics of Northern Leopard Frog (Rana Pipiens)
Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Biological Science, North Dakota State University and USGU
Advisor: Dr. Craig Stockwell and David Mushet

Kui Hu

Evaluating the Response of Diatoms and Cladocerans Communities to Climate Change over the Last Century in Lake P1, North Dakota
Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Biological Science, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Jon Sweetman

Mohsen Tahmasebi

Development of the Macro-Scale Hydrologic Processes Simulator (Macro-HyProS) and Applications in the Red River Basin and North Dakota
Program: Civil and Environ. Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Xuefeng Chu

Nicholas Peterson

Enhanced Removal of Heavy Metals from Stormwater by Bioretention Cells
Program: Civil Engineering, University of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Feng Xiao

Ning Wang

Development of a New Depression-oriented Hydrologic Modeling System (HYDROL-D)
Program: Civil and Environ. Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Xuefeng Chu

Tong Lin

An Integrated Social and Ecological Model for Stream Flow Simulation
Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences/Ag and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Zhulu Lin

Yavuz Fidantemiz

Response of Soybean Growth, Yield, and Some Quality Parameters to Different Water Table Depths
Program: Ag and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Halis Simsek

Zachary Phillips

Paleoflood and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Influence on Fluvial Geomorphology of the Red River Basin
Program: Geosciences/Environmental & Conservation Sciences, North Dakota State University
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Day

Zachary Ranisate

Treatment of Produced Water for Discharge to Surface Waters and Non-potable Uses
Program: Civil Engineering, University of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Feng Xiao

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