The Bison Antique Tractor (BAT) Club (formerly the Agricultural Systems Management Club) is a professional student organization recognized by ASABE and the NDSU campus student government. The BAT student club conducts business, raises money to support their activities, etc. Business meetings usually include a tour of some industry, an agricultural related speaker, bowling, pizza and pop, etc. Membership of the BAT Club gives students an opportunity to get to know other classmates and the faculty in a more social atmosphere. Membership in the BAT Club affords the opportunity for students to develop their communication, leadership, organizational, and team player skills. Each of these play an important part in the training of a well-rounded student. Many lifelong friendships develop through these activities.

Students from the BAT Club are also active in the annual Agricultural Technology Expo which is held in February. The BAT Club works with the Student Engineering Branch of ASABE to hold an annual Department spring picnic.

The BAT Club has restored two model G Allis Chalmers tractors and a model DC Case tractor. After the tractors were completed, they were put on display at Bonanzaville in West Fargo, ND. As a community service and for fun, the student club has also worked on tractors owned by Bonanzaville.


Matthew Olhoft, Ladd Hall 104H, 1-7269  


  • Once or twice monthly, Service Center; announcements are posted


  • Acquaint students with practical phases of agriculture
  • Promote professional development and provide an opportunity for social interaction

Major Activities

Membership Requirements

  • Open to students in any major

How to Join

  • Contact the club advisor, Matthew Olhoft, Ladd Hall 104H, 1-7269 or Julie Bietz, Student Services Coordinator, Ladd Hall 104B, 1-7273
  • Attend meetings and become involved
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