Branch Participation

The NDSU Branch participates actively in several campus activities:

We are most known for our contribution to the Lawn Mower/Snow Blower Clinic that is open to students and staff every fall and spring. We partner with the NDSU ASM Club during this event. The clinic is our primary source of fundraising for the year, and the funds are split between our club and the ASM Club based on volunteered time.

Our involvement with the education of elementary students about the STEM field is also important as it is something we join other students from campus to promote. Many of our members participate in STEM Club outreach programs that are set-up through other organizations.

Our members are also actively involved in our departmental peer mentor program. Our older members serve as mentors to the first-year students in the ABEN programs each fall semester. The program allows the first-year students to meet some of the older members in the department and to ask any questions that they may have during their first semester at NDSU.

Career Educational Programs

Our ASABE branch has served as a sponsor for our annual departmental Engineering Technology Expo. The purpose of this event is to allow students to explore new processes, technology, and products in a field that they are interested in and present a poster on the subject. The expo allows students to practice research, presentation, and communication skills while also exploring areas in the industry that interest them. Our variety of different guest speakers and student speakers also create opportunities for students to learn about the diversity of the ABEN program.

Inspection Trips and Tours
Attendance at ASABE Meetings
Social Functions
Branch Publications
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