Refereed Papers
1. Cooper, J. V., Suman, S. P., Wiegand, B. R., Schumacher, L. G., & Lorenzen, C. L. (2017). Light source influences color stability and lipid oxidation in steaks from low color stability beef Triceps brachii muscle. Meat & Muscle Biology, 1, 149-156. (20%)
2. Firman, J. D., McFadden, T. B., Schumacher, L. G., & Leigh, M. (2017). Efficacy of various wavelengths of monochromatic light emitting diode illumination on growth and performance of broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science, 16, 475-480. (25%)
3. Lorenzen, CL, Wiegand, BR, Schumacher, LG, Gruen, IU, Koc B, Cooper JV. (2016). Impact of novel and contemporary light sources on oxidation of fresh ground beef. Journal of Animal Science. 2016: 94:4457-4462. (20%)
4. Saucier, P. R., McKim, B.R., Terry, Jr., R., & Schumacher, L.G. (2014). A performance competence-based needs assessment of Missouri school-based agricultural educators in agricultural mechanics laboratory management. The Journal of Agricultural Systems, Technology, and Management. (25, 26–43). (15%)
Non-Refereed Papers/Technical Reports/Conference Papers (90)
1. Schumacher, L. G, Zhou, J. (2020) Measurement and Control for Ag Systems. Presented at the Virtual annual ASABE Annual Convention 2020.
2. Schumacher, L. G, Zhou, J. (2020) TV White Space- Bridging the Internet to the Field. Presented at the Virtual annual ASABE Annual Convention 2020.
3. Schumacher, L.G, Zhou, J. Smart Farms and the Digital Age – A Reality. ASABE Paper number 1857, 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, July 7-13, 2019.
4. Zhou, J., Schumacher, L.G, Yin, Jianjun. Development of a framework for Internet of things (IoT)-based precision farming. ASABE Paper number 1900611, 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, July 7-13, 2019.
5. Zhou, J., Beattie, A., Zhou, J., & Schumacher, L. G. (2017). Develop a low-cost remote monitoring and control system for poultry barn. Presented at the 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA.
6. Zhou, J., Beattie, A., Zhou, J., & Schumacher, L. G. (2017). Develop a low-cost remote monitoring and control system for poultry barn. Presented at the 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA.
5. Callahan, Z. D., Cooper, J. V., Wiegand, B. R., Suman, S. P., Schumacher, L. G., & Lorenzen, C. L. (2017). Impact of lighting technologies on beef steaks from the semimembranosus; a color stable muscle. In. Presented at the 70th Reciprocal Meat Conference, College Station, TX: American Meat Science Association. (20%)
6. Schumacher, L. G., Robertson, B. K., & Shannon, D. K. (2017). University of Missouri Precision Agriculture Certificate Program. In . Presented at the annual ASABE Annual Convention, Spokane, Washington. (50%)
7. Schumacher, L. G., Skouby, D., & Yost, M. (2017). A Content Review of Precision Agriculture Courses across the United States. In ASABE (Ed.). Presented at the ASABE Annual Convention, Spokane, Washington. (50%)
8. Zhou, J., Beattie, A., Zhou, J., & Schumacher, L. G. (2017). Develop a low-cost remote monitoring and control system for poultry barn. In . Presented at the 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA. (10%)
9. Zhou, J., Beattie, A., Zhou, J., & Schumacher, L. G. (2017). Develop a low-cost remote monitoring and control system for poultry barn. In . Presented at the 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, WA. (10%)