Derby, N.E., F.X.M. Casey, and T.M. DeSutter. 2016. Effects of oil field brine wastewater on saturated hydraulic conductivity of smectitic loam soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 96: 496–503 (2016)
O’Brien, P.L., T.M. DeSutter, F.X.M. Casey, N.E. Derby, and A.F. Wick. 2016. Implications of using thermal desorption to remediate contaminated agricultural soil: physical characteristics and hydraulic processes. J Environ. Qual. 45:1430-1436. doi:10.2134/jeq2015.12.0607
Derby, N.E., S.F. Korom, and F.X.M. Casey. 2013. Field-scale relationships among soil properties and shallow groundwater quality. Groundwater. 51(3):373-384. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00981.x.
Derby, N.E., H. Hakk, F.X.M. Casey, and T.M. DeSutter. 2011. Effects of Composting Swine Manure on Nutrients and Estrogens. Soil Sci. 176: 91-98.
Derby, N.E., Francis X. M. Casey, and Raymond E. Knighton, 2008. Long-Term Observations of Vadose Zone and Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations Under Irrigated Agriculture. Vadose Zone J. 8:290-300.
Derby, N.E., Francis X. M. Casey, and David W. Franzen. 2007. Comparison of Nitrogen Management Zone Delineation Methods for Corn Grain Yield. Agron. J. 99:405–414.
Derby, N.E., D.D. Steele, J. Terpstra, R.E. Knighton, and F.X.M. Casey. 2005. Interactions of nitrogen, weather, soil, and irrigation on corn yield. Agron. J. 97:1342-1351.
Derby, N.E., F. X. M. Casey, R. E. Knighton, and D. D. Steele. 2004. Midseason Nitrogen Fertility Management for Corn Based on Weather and Yield Prediction. Agron J. 96: 494-501.
Casey, F.X.M., N.E. Derby, R.E. Knighton, D.D. Steele, and E.C. Stegman. 2002. Initiation of irrigation effects on temporal nitrate leaching. Vadose Zone J. 1:300-309.
Casey, F.X.M., and N.E. Derby. 2002. Improved design for automated tension infiltrometer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66: 64-67.
Derby, N.E., Raymond E. Knighton, and Bruce R. Montgomery. 2002. Construction and Performance of Large Soil Core Lysimeters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:1446-1453.
Derby, N.E. and R.E. Knighton. 2001. Field-Scale Preferential Transport of Water and Chloride Tracer by Depression-Focused Recharge. J. Environ. Qual. 30:194-199.
Derby, N.E. 1997. Depression-focused recharge and solute transport to a shallow aquifer in Southeastern North Dakota. M.S. thesis, North Dakota State University.
Derby, N.E. and R.E. Knighton. 1997. Frozen soil effects on depression focused water and solute movement. P. 113-119. In I.K. Iskandar, E.A. Wright, J.K. Radke, B.S. Sharratt, P.H. Groenevelt, and L.D. Hinzman (ed.) International symposium on physics, chemistry, and ecology of seasonally frozen soils. Fairbanks, AK. June 10-12, 1997. CRREL, Hanover, NH, USA.
Derby, N.E., R.E. Knighton, D.D. Steele, and B.R. Montgomery. 1997. Methods for Monitoring Leachate Losses Under Irrigated Corn Best Management Practices. P. 243-257. In J. Schaak, A.W. Freitag, and S.S. Anderson (ed). Best management practices for irrigated agriculture and the environment. Fargo, ND. July 16-19, 1997. USCID, Denver, CO, USA.