Carrington REC 65th Annual Field Day
9:00 a.m. Welcome
9:30 a.m. Wagons leave the yard for concurrent tours
- Livestock Tour
- Dakota Feeder Calf Show and Angus University feedout updates
- Livestock research update
- Estimating cattle condition with camera sensors
- Virtual fencing for cattle
- Ear tags and other precision livestock technologies
- Camera grading for quality grade at local locker plants
- Agronomy Production Tour
- NDSU crop breeder updates on spring wheat and dry beans
- Managing kochia and other difficult weeds in corn and soybean
- Soybean marketing and crush facility updates
- Nitrogen and microbe fate in different cropping and tillage systems
- Dry bean fungicide application recommendations for 2024
- Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Tour
- CREC Organic program review
- Organic practices (row crop farmers from the Organic Academy Roadshow and NCAT staff)
- equipment
- weed control
- harvest techniques
- Northern Hardy Fruit Orchard Tour
- Jim Walla: black rot disease of apple trees
- Kathy Wiederholt: walking tour of the CREC fruit orchard
12:00 p.m. Lunch on the grounds
1:15 p.m. Specialty Crop Tour
- lupin
- kernza
- pennycress
- sorghum
- cover crops
Requests for accommodations related to disability should be made to the event contact person at least two weeks in advance of the event.