The NDSU Feedlot School helps identify areas for improvement, including feeding, manure management, budgets and marketing.
Photo Credit:
Karl Hoppe

2022 NDSU Feedlot School January 19-20

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Since 1996, the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center has provided an annual two-day class on cattle feeding. Initially, the school was started to provide information and encourage more cattle feeding in North Dakota. 

Thinking we needed more cattle fed to finish (slaughter), the early schools focused on cattle finishing, which adds value to the animal, converts grain and forage to meat, provides manure for soil nutrients, and increases profitability for the feeder.

Cattle feeding is more than cattle finishing. It includes backgrounding calves after weaning; growing and breeding replacement heifers; developing the ration and monitoring the health transition period after weaning; and feeding cull cows, bulls, and the drylot cow herd.  All of these practices use budgets, rations, health, manure management, and facilities.   Animal stewardship and beef quality assurance are also shared in the feedlot school.

The feedlot school is located at the main office at the Carrington Research Extension Center.  Two feedlot tours are also included in the school. The school runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. January 19 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on January 20, 2022.

Feedlot school topics include facility development and management, animal nutritional requirements, feed additives, ration formulation, bunk reading and feed delivery, livestock stewardship, Beef Quality Assurance programs, implant technologies, disease diagnosis, treatments and health programs, manure and nutrient management, carcass quality and marketing on the grid, using market information for strategic planning, alternative marketing programs, and budgeting and financing

The registration fee is $175 per person. Additional participants from the same organization are $100 each. All meals, handouts and a USB flash drive with supporting documents are included with the registration. The deadline to register is Jan. 15, unless the class reaches capacity sooner. The fee does not include lodging. Register online at

Participants must make their own lodging arrangements. Lodging is available at the Chieftain Conference Center, 701- 652-3131; Carrington Inn and Suites, 701-652-3982; or Cobblestone Inn, 701-652-3000.

The school usually has a waiting list for attendees.  Early enrollment is encouraged.

Karl Hoppe
Extension Livestock Systems Specialist