Several red and black steers eat hay in a reinforced-bar pen.
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Backgrounding Calf Management Webinar

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High calf prices and relatively low grain prices can still make backgrounding economically feasible for 2023. North Dakota State University Extension specialists will offer a webinar on backgrounding calf management on Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. CST.

Backgrounding is the term used when feeding calves after weaning to allow growth, improve animal health, transition to different feed rations and delay marketing. Usually, backgrounding occurs during the cold winter months and does not incorporate grazing.

Many ranchers have delayed calf weaning as they switch to April-May calving to avoid late spring snow storms in North Dakota. Traditionally, October calf weaning was common in North Dakota. Now weaning is occurring in November and December with younger, lighter calves.

Webinar topics and presenters are:

  • Market outlook: What to expect and price protection – Tim Petry, NDSU Extension livestock marketing specialist 
  • Budgets for different classes of cattle – Bryon Parman, NDSU Extension agricultural finance specialist
  • Rations, feed cost and cost of gain – Karl Hoppe, NDSU Extension livestock systems specialist
  • Implants: What to use and value – Zac Carlson, NDSU Extension beef cattle specialist
  • Calf health: What to do after the vaccinations – NDSU Extension veterinarian Gerald Stokka

For additional details, read NDSU Extension offers webinar on backgrounding calf management.

To register for the backgrounding webinar, visit The webinar will be recorded and available at

For more information, contact Hoppe at 701-652-2951 or, or contact your local agriculture and natural resources Extension agent.

Karl Hoppe, Ph. D.
Extension Livestock Systems Specialist