A field of green wheat plants after heading and flowering.
Photo Credit:
Kristin Simons

Off-station plot tours coming up

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Wondering how the newest wheat and barley varieties compare? Or soybean varieties? Check out the plots at the NDSU Dazey Research Trials or the NDSU Tri-County Research Trials near Wishek. Over 35 wheat varieties and at least 12 barley varieties are in the variety trials at each site. Interested in corn? Check out our variety trials at the NDSU Fingal Research Trials

The Dazey plot tour on July 24 will begin at 6 p.m. with discussion on the newest wheat and barley varieties. NDSU Ag and Natural Resources Extension Agent Alicia Harstad will provide an update on herbicide resistant kochia and pigweed testing. The tour will finish at the Bryn farm with a picnic style supper (sponsored by AgCounty Farm Credit Services and CHS Dakota Plains Ag Co-op). For more information and to RSVP for supper, please contact the Barnes County Extension office at 701-845-8528.

The Tri-County plot tour on July 30 begins with a picnic supper (sponsored by the ND Soybean Council and the McIntosh County Ag Improvement Association) at 6:30 p.m. The plot tour and discussion will begin at 7 p.m. Newer wheat, barley and dry bean varieties will be discussed; a pea-canola intercropping trial, a soybean spacing demonstration plot, and a dry bean inoculant demonstration are also on the agenda. Please call a Tri-County-area Extension Agent with questions or to RSVP for supper: Crystal Schaunaman for McIntosh County: 701-288-5180, Logan County: 701-754-2504 or Nancy Deis at Emmons County: 701-254-4811.

Corn enthusiasts, please join us Thursday, August 15 at 8:30 a.m. at the Fingal plot tour. The NDSU Fingal Research Trials site is 11 miles south of the Peak exit (I-94 Exit 296) or 6 miles west of Fingal on County Road 24. NDSU Extension Cereal Crop Pathologist Andrew Friskop will provide an update on corn diseases. Brunch following the tour is sponsored by Maple River Grain and Agronomy. For more information or to RSVP for brunch, call the Barnes County Extension office in Valley City at 701-845-8528.

NDSU Dazey Research Trials
2.5 miles east of Dazey on Highway 26
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
6:00 p.m.

NDSU Tri-County Research Trials
5.5 miles west of Wishek on Highway 13
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
6:30 p.m.

NDSU Fingal Research Trials
11 miles south of the Peak exit (I-94 Exit 296) or 6 miles west of Fingal on County Highway 34
Thursday, August 15, 2024
8:30 a.m.

Kristin Simons, Ph. D.
Research Agronomist