A woman stands in a sunflower field.
Photo Credit:
Greg Endres

Sunflower Field Survey in Progress

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The bi-yearly sunflower field survey conducted by NDSU Extension in cooperation with the National Sunflower Association is currently underway. Training was provided to surveyors (Extension agents and crop specialists) at Carrington and Dickinson Research Extension Centers during September 12 and 15 to review data collection procedures and identification of potential diseases, insects and weeds.

Several people are outdoors, inspecting weed plants.
Photo Credit:
Greg Endres
Surveyors at the Carrington REC viewing palmer amaranth in the CREC Weed Arboretum.

At least one sunflower field in all North Dakota counties will be surveyed, including eight fields in Emmons County (county with greatest number of fields in state). Data to be collected includes agronomic practices (e.g. previous crop, tillage system, row spacing, plant population); calculated and visual seed yield estimates, first and second yield limiting factors, plant lodging, weed species and densities, seed loss from bird feeding, signs and/symptoms of disease (e.g. sclerotinia, phomopsis, rust), and insect presence and/or injury to plants and seeds.

The survey data will be compiled and shared with farmers, crop advisers and industry representatives for use during sunflower production education programs. The data also will be used as supporting information for future research projects by crop scientists.

Greg Endres
Extension Cropping Systems Specialist