Miller, M.R*., Tkachenko, A., Guag, J., Alexander, S., Webb, B.T., Stenger, B.L.S* (corresponding author). Comparative evaluation of assay performance for SARS-CoV-2 detection in animal oral samples, lung homogenates, and phosphate-buffered saline using the TaqPath COVID-19 Combo kit. ACCEPTED 2024. *authors contributed equally, Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Maddock, K. J., Burbick, C. R., Cole, S. D., Daniels, J. B., LeCuyer, T. E., Li, X., Loy, J. D., Sanchez, S., Stenger, B. L. S., & Diaz-Campos, D. 2024. A One Health perspective on the use of genotypic methods for antimicrobial resistance prediction. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Maddock KJ, Bowden R, Cole SD, Diaz-Campos D, Daniels JB, LeCuyer TE, Li XZ, Loy JD, Sanchez S, Stenger BLS, Burbick CR. 2024. Current state and future directions for veterinary antimicrobial resistance research. Am J Vet Res. Jan 27:1-8. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.23.12.0294. PMID: 38262139.
Alvarez Narvaez S, Shen Z, Yan L, Stenger BLS, Goodman LB, Lim A, et al. (2022) Optimized conditions for Listeria, Salmonella and Escherichia whole genome sequencing using the Illumina iSeq100 platform with point-and-click bioinformatic analysis. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277659.
Pecoraro, H.L., Stenger, B.L.S., Rice, L.E., Webb, B.T. 2022. Gross and histopathologic description of fetal and neonatal beef calf trematodiasis in North Dkota and Minnesota. Journal of Veterinary Disease Investigation. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.
Stenger, B.L.S.*, Horčičková, M*, Clark, M.E., Kváč, M., Čondlová, S., Khan, E., Widmer, G., Xiao, L., Giddings, C.W., Pennil, C., Stanko, M., Sak, B., McEvoy, J. 2018. Cryptosporidium infecting wild cricetid rodents from the subfamilies Arvicolinae and Neotominae. Parasitology 145: 326-334 (*authors contributed equally)
Stenger, B.L.S., Clark, M.E., Kváč, M., Khan, E., Giddings, C.W., Prediger, J., McEvoy, J.M. 2015. North American tree squirrels and ground squirrels with overlapping ranges host different Cryptosporidium species and genotypes. Infection, Genetics, and Evolution 36: 287-293.
Stenger, B.L.S., Clark, M.E., Kváč, M., Khan, E., Giddings, C.W., Dyer, N.W., Schultz, J.L., McEvoy, J.M. 2015. Highly divergent 18S rRNA gene paralogs in a Cryptosporidium genotype from eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Infection, Genetics, and Evolution 32: 113-123