Thiel, B. & Marx, A. A. (In Review, 2023). Assessing secondary teachers’ perceptions of career-readiness outcomes: construction and validation of an instrument. Journal of Career Development.
Tonnessen, K. M. & Marx, A.A. (In Review, 2023). Comparing the content and pedagogical knowledge of alternatively and traditionally certified agricultural educators. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Berg, L., Marx, A.A., & Hoffman, T.W. (2022). Describing North Dakota small farmers and their connection with extension. Journal of Agricultural Education, 63(3), 166.182.
Bowling, A., Rice, A., Curry, K., & Marx, A.A. (2022). The Essence of Agricultural Education Teachers Motivational Beliefs Across Career Stages. Teaching and Teacher Education. 114(3), Open Access.
Thiel, B. & Marx. A.A. (2021). Making the Jump: What Led Agriscience Teachers to Adopt Agriscience Research SAEs? Journal of Agricultural Education. 62(3), 167-184.
Marx, A., Smith, A. R., Smalley, S. (2017). Previous Experience Not Required: Contextualizing the Choice to Teach School-Based Agricultural Education. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(4), 126-142.