Marisol Berti
NDSU Dept 7670, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Loftsfgard 270A, NDSU
Fargo, ND 58102
Ph.D., Plant Sciences, December 2007.
Plant Sciences Department, North Dakota State University (NDSU).
M.S., Crop and Weed Sciences, December 1993.
Crop and Weed Sciences Department, North Dakota State University.
Bachelor of Science in Agronomy (Agronomy Engineer), April 1990
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
1 American Forage Grassland Council. Member since 2020. Board member
2. NIRS consortium member since 2022
3. North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)-
Administrative Council member 2021-2023. Executive committee 2022-
4. Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS), member 2017-present, board
member of SWCS North Dakota Chapter
5. Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) member 2019-present
6. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops and Products (AAIC),
president, 2015-2017, chair General Crops Division 2011-2015, chair
Fiber and Cellulosics division 2023-2025; president 2024-2026member
since 2002.
7. NCCC-31 committee, Ecophysiological Aspects of Forage Management-
member 2015-present, chair 2019
8. NCCC-211 committee, Cover crops to improve agricultural sustainability
and environmental quality in the upper Midwest, member since 2011, chair
9. Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) Forage and Grazinglands, C6-
Division Chair Elect 2014-2017. CSSA board of directors member 2018-
2021, representing C6 division.
10. Gamma Sigma Delta (GSD), member of awards committee 2012-2014;president
NDSU chapter 2014-2016, member since 2005.
11. Midwest Forage Association (MFA), Board member, September 2009-present.
12. National Alfalfa Forage Alliance (NAFA), member 2009-present
13. Midwest Cover Crops Council (MCCC). Board member 2014-present, member
14. Gamma Sigma Delta (GSD) member of awards committee 2012-present.
15. Agronomy Society of America (ASA), member, 2004-present.
16. American Botanical Council (ABC), member, 2002-present.
Forage, cover crops, and bioenergy crops production research.
Sustainability and resilience and environmental impact of cropping systems.
My current research: alfalfa-corn intercropping, sunflower-alfalfa intercropping, forage sorghum, and winter camelina as a cover crop and potential low carbon intensity biofuel crop.
Significant grants awarded:
USDA-CERL 9/2023-8/2027. Effects of enhanced floral resources and nutrition on pollinators and insect pests across ecological, organismal, and molecular levels. $2,454,713 ($363,684 to my program). Co-PI. Award no. W913T2-23-2-0009
NESTE. 97/2023-6/2025. Assessing Carbon Intensity in Cropping Systems including Oilseeds in the Northern Great Plains. $49,938. PI
USDA-NIFA 4/2023-3/2027. Testing and release of forage sorghum cultivars adapted to upper Midwest States.$500,000, Co-PI Award no. 2023-67013-39304
USDA-NIFA-SAS 4/2023-3/2027. Catalyzing Cover Crop Advancement as a Climate-Smart Practice through a National Variety Improvement and Seed Production Program. $10 million, (75,000 to my program), Co-PD. Award no. 2023-68012-38993
USDA-NACA 9/2022-5/2024. Evaluating rotational cropping systems and their impact on soil microbiota, crop yield and ecosystem benefits in northern agro-ecosystem, PI $86,552.
USDA-NIFA-ASAFS 9/2022-8/2024. Establishing alfalfa in intercropping with sunflower and sorghum to improve alfalfa yield and profitability, PD, Award no. 2022-70005-38225, $587,671
USDA-NIFA-SAS. 10/2021-9/2026. Fostering Resilience and Ecosystem Services in Landscapes by Integrating Diverse Perennial Circular Systems (RESILIENCE CAP). Award no. 2021-68012-35917; $9,999,978 (to my program $747,868). Agronomy Research lead, co-PD.
USDA-NIFA- ASAFS. 9/2019-8/2023.Alfalfa management practices and their effect on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) populations- towards improving health, productivity, and sustainability of alfalfa production, $429,011, Award 2019-70005-30239. PD.
USDA-NIFA- 01/2016-12/2020, CropSys-CAP- A novel management approach to increase productivity, resilience, and long-term sustainability of cropping systems in the northern Great Plains Award no. 2016-69004-24784, $3,739,199, PD
I love gardening, traveling, and being with my family.
Associate professor, 2000-2009, Assistant professor, 1994-1999. Department of Plant Sciences, Universidad de Concepción, Chillán, Chile.
Undergraduate Courses:
PLSC320 Principles of Forage Production (every fall semester since 2009)
PLSC350 Sugarbeet Production (coordinator every fall semester since 2010)
PLSC379-PLSC779 Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energies in Europe (Study abroad) (summers of 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018)
Graduate courses:
PLSC711 Professional Development II
Peer-reviewed publications (Corresponding author*)
1. Ashworth, A.J., L. Marshall, J.J. Volenec, M.D. Casler, M.T. Berti, E. van Santen, C.L. Williams, V. Gopakumar, J.L. Foster, T. Propst, V. Picasso, and J. Su. 2023. Framework to develop an open-source forage data network for improving primary productivity and enhancing system resiliency. Agronomy Journal
2. Ashworth, A.J., L. Marshall, J.J. Volenec, M.D. Casler, M.T. Berti, E. van Santen, C.L. Williams, V. Gopakumar, J.L. Foster, T. Propst, V. Picasso, and J. Su. 2023 Data from: Framework to develop an open-source forage data network for improving primary productivity and enhancing system resiliency. Ag Data Commons.
3. Cabello-Leiva, S. M.T. Berti *, D.W. Franzen, L. Cihacek, T. Peters, and D. Samarappuli. 2023. Can Nitrogen in Fall-Planted Cover Crops Be Useful To a Subsequent Maize Crop? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (Under review)
4. Cabello-Leiva, S. M.T. Berti *, D.W. Franzen, L. Cihacek, T. Peters, and D. Samarappuli. 2023. Do fall-seeded cover crops affect sugarbeet establishment, production, and nutrient cycling? In Hatano, R. and E.M. Baggs (Eds.)” Nitrogen Cycling and Soil Health”. Springer Nature Publisher (Accepted)
5. Chao, W.S., J.V. Anderson, X. Li, R.W. Gesch, M.T. Berti, and D.P. Horvath. 2023. Overwintering camelina and canola/rapeseed show promise for improving integrated weed management approaches in the upper Midwestern U.S. Plants 12, 1329.
6. Gesch, R.W, M.T. Berti, S. Weyers, and C. Eberle. 2023. Relay cropping as an adaptive strategy to cope with climate change. Agronomy Journal
7. Spiess, J., D. McGranahan, M.T. Berti, C. Gasch, T. Hovick, B. Geaumont, B. 2024. The grass is greener in the burned patch: Spatio-temporal patterns of rangeland forage nutritive value and grazer selection following patch-burning in the US Northern Great Plains. J. Applied Ecology. Under review
8. Wanchuk, M. D.A. McGranahan, K.K. Sedivec, M.T. Berti, K.C. Swanson, T.J. Hovick, R.F Limb. 2024 Better rangeland forage and livestock performance with patch-burn grazing than from continuous or rotational grazing without fire. J. Applied Ecology (under review)
9. Anderson, J.V, B. Bigger, K. Howatt, J. Mettler, and M.T. Berti. 2022. Weed pressure, yield and nutrient content in field grown sulfonylurea camelina and canola. Agronomy
10. Picasso, V., M. Berti, K. Cassida. S. Collier, D. Fang, A. Finan, M. Krome, D. Hanaway, W. Lamp., A.W. Stevens. 2022. Diverse perennial circular forage systems are needed to foster resilience, ecosystem services, and socioeconomic benefits in agricultural landscapes. Grassland Res. doi: 10.1002/glr2.12020
11. Anderson, J.V., M. Neubauer, D.P. Horvath, W.S. Chao, and M.T. Berti. 2022. Analysis of Camelina sativa transcriptomes identified specific transcription factors and processes associated with freezing tolerance in a winter biotype. Ind. Crops Prod. 177:114414
12. Franco, J.G., M.T. Berti, J.H. Grabber, J.R. Hendrickson, C.C. Nieman, P. Pinto, D. van Tassel, and V.D. Picasso. 2021. Ecological intensification of food production by integrating forages. Agronomy 11, 2580.
13. Pinto, A., S. Fischer, R. Wilckens, L. Bustamante, and M.T. Berti. 2021. Production efficiency and total protein yield in quinoa grown under water stress. Agriculture, 11, 1089.
14. Patel, S., C.A. Bartel, A.W. Lenssen, K.J. Moore, and M.T. Berti. 2021. Stem density, productivity, and weed community dynamics in corn-alfalfa intercropping. Agronomy 2021, 11,1696.
15. Berti, M.T*. A. Cecchin, D.P. Samarappuli, S. Patel, A.W. Lenssen, K.J. Moore, S.S. Wells, and M.J. Kazula. 2021. Alfalfa established successfully in intercropping with corn in the US Midwest Agronomy 2021, 11, 1676
16. Schmitt, M. M.T. Berti, D. Samarappuli, and J. Ransom. 2021. Factors affecting the establishment and growth of cover crops intersown into maize (Zea mays L.). Agronomy 11: 712.
17. Kandel, H. D.P. Samarappuli, K. Johnson, and M.T. Berti*. 2021. Soybean relative maturity, not row spacing affected interseeded cover crops biomass. Agriculture 11 (5): 441
18. Berti, M.T.*, J. Lukaschewsky, and D.P. Samarappuli. 2021. Intercropping alfalfa into silage maize can be more profitable than maize silage followed by spring-seeded alfalfa. Agronomy 11(6), 1196;
19. Johnson, K., H. Kandel, D.P. Samarappuli, and M.T. Berti*. 2021. Interseeding camelina and rye in soybean with varying maturity provides soil cover without affecting soybean yield. Agronomy 11, 353.
20. Sigdel, S., A. Chatterjee, M.T. Berti, C. Gasch, and A. Wick. 2021. Interseeding cover crops in sugarbeet. Field Crops Res. 263: 1080709,
21. Cecchin, A., Pourhashem, G., R.W. Gesch, A.W. Lenssen, S. Patel, Y. Mohammed and M.T. Berti. 2021. The environmental impact of ecological intensification of a cropping system in the U.S. Upper Midwest. Sustainability 13: 1696.
22. Cecchin, A., Pourhashem, G., R.W. Gesch, A.W. Lenssen, S. Patel, Y. Mohamed, and M.T. Berti. 2021. Environmental trade-offs of relay-cropping winter cover crops within maize and soybean. Agric. Systems 189:103062
23. Patel, S., A.W. Lenssen, K.J. Moore, Y.A. Mohammed, R.W. Gesch, M.S. Wells, B.L. Johnson, M.T. Berti, and H.L. Matthees. 2021. Interseeded pennycress and camelina yield and their influence on row crops. Agronomy J. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20655
24. Forcella, F., S. Patel, A.W. Lenssen, C. Hoening, J. Eckberg, M.S. Wells, R.W. Gesch, and M.T. Berti. 2021. Pollinator visitation of flowering winter oilseeds (field pennycress and winter camelina). J. Applied Entomology 245(4):286-294, doi https:// 10.1111/jen.12854
25. Wittenberg, A., J.V. Anderson, M.T. Berti*. 2020. Crop growth and productivity of winter camelina in response to sowing date. Ind. Crops Prod. 158:113036
26. Mohammed, Y.A., S. Patel, H. Matthees, A.W. Lenssen, B.L. Johnson, M.S. Wells, F. Forcella, M.T. Berti, R.W. Gesch. 2020 Soil nitrogen in response to interseeded cover crops in maize–soybean Production Systems. Agronomy 10, 1439; doi:10.3390/agronomy10091439
27. Samarappuli, D. F. Zanetti, S. Berzuini, and M.T. Berti*. 2020. Crambe (Crambe abyssinica): A non-food oilseed crop with great potential: A review. Agronomy 10: 1380, doi:10.3390/agronomy10091380
28. Podder, S., D. Samarappuli, James V. Anderson, and M.T. Berti*. 2020. Phenotyping a diverse collection of forage sorghum genotypes for chilling tolerance. Agronomy, 10:1074 doi:10.3390/agronomy10081074
29. Niu, Y., Z. Luo, L. Cai, J.A. Coulter, Y. Zhang, and M. Berti. 2020. Continuous monoculture of alfalfa and annual crops influence soil organic matter and microbial communities based on the substrate utilization pattern analysis in rainfed Loess Plateau of China. Agronomy 10:1054, doi:10.3390/agronomy10071054
30. Teuber, O., D. Samarappuli, and M.T. Berti*. 2020. Nitrogen and sulfur fertilization in kale and swede for grazing. Agronomy 10(5), 619; doi:10.3390/agronomy10050619
31. Spiess, J. D.A. McGranahan, B. Geaumont, K. Sedivec, M. Lakey, M.T. Berti, T.J. Hovick, R.F. Limb. 2020. Patch-burning buffers forage resources and livestock performance to mitigate drought in the northern Great Plains. Rangeland Ecol. Manag. 73(4):473-481
32. Acharya, K., G. Yan, and M.T. Berti. 2020. Evaluation of diverse cover crops as hosts of two populations of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. Crop Protection 135:105205 doi:1016/j.cropro.2020.105205
33. Andersen, B., D.P. Samarappuli, A. Wick and M.T. Berti*. 2020. Faba bean and pea can provide late-fall forage grazing without affecting maize yield the following season. Agronomy, 10:80.
34. Peterson, A., D. Samarappuli, and M.T. Berti*. 2019. Intersowing cover crops into standing soybean in the US Upper Midwest. Agronomy 9: 264
35. Wittenberg, A., J.V. Anderson, and M.T. Berti*. 2019. Winter and summer annual biotypes of camelina have different morphology and seed characteristics Ind. Crops Prod. 135:230-237
36. Anderson, J.V., A. Wittenberg, H. Li., and M.T. Berti. 2019. High throughput phenotyping of Camelina sativa seeds for crude protein, total oil and fatty acids profile by near infrared spectroscopy. Ind. Crops Prod. 137:501-507.
37. Acharya, K., G. Yan, and M.T. Berti. 2019. Can camelina, crambe, and brown mustard reduce soybean cyst nematode populations? Ind. Crops. Prod. 140:111637.
38. Aponte, A. D. Samarappuli, and M.T. Berti*. 2019. Alfalfa grass-mixtures in comparison to grass and alfalfa monocultures. Agron. J. 111 (2):628-638 doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.12.0753
39. Berti, M.T.* and D. Samarappuli, 2018. How does sowing rate affect plant and stem density, forage yield, and nutritive value in glyphosate-tolerant alfalfa? Agronomy 8: 169 doi:10.3390/agronomy8090169
40. Samarappuli, D. and M.T. Berti*. 2018. Intercropping forage sorghum with maize is a promising alternative to maize silage for biogas production. J. Cleaner Prod. 194:515-524
41. Berti, M.T.*, D. Samarappuli, B.L. Johnson, and R.W. Gesch. 2017. Integrating winter camelina into maize and soybean cropping systems. Ind. Crops. Prod. 107:595-601
42. Berti, M.T.*, B.L. Johnson, D. Ripplinger, R.W. Gesch, and A. Aponte. 2017. Environmental impact assessment of double- and relay-cropping with winter camelina in the northern Great Plains, USA. Agricultural Sys. 156C:1-12
43. Berti, M.T.*, R.W. Gesch, C. Eynck, J. Anderson, and S. Cermak. 2016. Camelina uses, genetics, genomics, production and management. Ind. Crops Prod. 94:690-710.
44. Berti, M.T.*, R.W, Gesch, B.L. Johnson, Y. Ji, W. Seames, and A. Aponte. 2015. Double- and relay-cropping of energy crops in the northern Great Plains. Ind. Crops Prod. 75B:26-34
45. Samarappuli, D., B.L. Johnson, H. Kandel, and M.T. Berti*. 2014. Biomass yield and nitrogen content of annual energy/forage crops preceded by cover crops. Field Crops Res. 167:31-39
46. Gesch, R., D. Archer, and M.T. Berti. 2014. Dual cropping winter camelina with soybean in the Northern Corn Belt. Agron. J. 106:1735-1745.
47. Gilbertson, P.K., M.T. Berti, and B.L. Johnson. 2014. Borage cardinal germination temperatures and seed development. Ind. Crops Prod. 46: 202-209 doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.04.046
48. Zanetti, F., A. Monti, and M.T. Berti. 2013. Challenges and opportunities for new industrial oilseed crops in EU-27: a review. Ind. Crops Prod. 50:580-595.
49. Zegada-Lizarazu, W., D. Parrish, M.T. Berti, and A. Monti. 2013. Dedicated crops for advanced biofuels: consistent and diverging agronomic points of view between the USA and the EU-27, Biofuel. Bioprod. Bior. 7(6):715-731.
50. Heaton, E. L.A. Schulte, M.T. Berti, H. Langeveld, W. Zegada-Lizarazu, D. Parrish, and A. Monti. 2013. Managing a second-generation crop portfolio through sustainable intensification: Examples from the USA and EU. Biofuel. Bioprod. Bior. 7(6):702-714.
51. Anfinrud, R., L. Cihacek, B.L. Johnson, Y. Ji, and M.T. Berti*. 2013. Sorghum and kenaf biomass yield and quality response to nitrogen fertilization in the northern Great Plains of the USA. Ind. Crops Prod. 50:159-165.
52. Kamireddy, S.R., J. Li, S. Abbina, M.T. Berti, M. Tucker, and Y. Ji. 2013. Converting forage sorghum and sunnhemp into biofuels through dilute acid pretreatment. Ind. Crops Prod. 49:598-69
53. Berti, M.T.*, S.R. Kamireddy, and Y. Ji. 2013. Row spacing affects biomass yield and composition of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) as a lignocellulosic feedstock for bioenergy. J. Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3: 68-73.
54. Kamireddy, S.R., J. Degenstein, Y. Ji, and M.T. Berti. 2013. Pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of kenaf as a potential source for lignocellulosic biofuel and green chemicals. Current Organic Chemistry 17(15):1624-1632.
55. Solis, A., I. Vidal, L. Paulino, B.L. Johnson, and M.T. Berti*. 2013. Camelina seed yield response to nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus fertilizer in South Central Chile. Ind. Crops Prod. 44: 132-138.
56. Berti, M.T.*, and B.L. Johnson. 2013. Switchgrass establishment as affected by seeding depth and soil type. Ind. Crops Prod. 41:289-293.
57. Monono, E.M., P.E. Nyren, M.T. Berti, and S.W. Pryor. 2013. Variability in biomass yield, chemical composition, and ethanol potential of individual and mixed herbaceous biomass species grown in North Dakota. Ind. Crops Prod. 41:331-339.
58. Berti, M.T.*, R. Nudell., and D.W. Meyer. 2012. Fall harvesting of alfalfa in North Dakota impacts plant density, yield, and nutritive value. Crop, Turf and Forage, doi: 10.1094 (online)
59. Rojas-Cifuentes, G.A., B.L. Johnson, M.T. Berti, and W.A. Norvell. 2012. Zinc fertilization effects on seed cadmium accumulation in oilseed and grain crops grown on North Dakota soils. Chilean J. Agric. Res. 72(1):117-124.
60. Escobar, M., M.T. Berti*, I. Matus, M. Tapia, and B.L. Johnson. 2011. Genotype ×environment interaction in canola (Brassica napus L.) seed yield in Chile. Chilean J. Agric. Res. 71(2):175-186.
61. Berti, M.T.*, R. Wilckens, S. Fischer, A. Solis, W. Gonzalez, and B.L. Johnson. 2011. Seeding date influence on camelina seed yield, yield components, and oil content in Chile. Ind. Crops Prod. 34:1358-1365.
1. Crop Science Society of America, Fellow 2023.
2. Jordan A. Engberg Endowed Presidential Professorship award, North Dakota State University, 2023. Awarded to a NDSU faculty at the rank of Professor with at least 8 years of service to NDSU.
3. Eugene R. Dahl Excellence in Research Award – North Dakota State University, December 2021. Outstanding senior researcher with more than 10 years at NDSU
4. A.E. Thompson Career Achievement Award. The Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops, September 2021
5. Conservation Research Award - US Soil and Water Conservation Society, July 2021
6. Certificate of appreciation, Global advising week, North Dakota State University, May 2021
7. Herd Award- outstanding advising to NDSU students from NDSU Agriculture Collective, April 2021.
8. Chapter Professional Award 2019- Soil and Water Conservation Society, North Dakota Chapter, October 2019.
9. Researcher of the month. Research and Creative Activity Office, North Dakota State University, November 2018.
10. Larson/Yaggie Excellence in Research Award, December 2014.
11. Best poster award for our research in winter camelina-sorghum double-cropping systems at the European Biomass Conference, 2-6 June, Copenhagen, Denmark.
12. Nominated by my students for the Odney Award of Excellence in Teaching, December 2012.
13. Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Nuble, Chillan, Chile. Outstanding researcher award, 2009.
14. College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources, North Dakota State University, Graduate School Research Award, 2007
15. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops (AAIC) Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 2007.
16. Eric Matthew Miller Memorial Scholarship, North Dakota State University, 2006.
17. NDSU Dev. Foundation Charles and Linda Moses Presidential Graduate Fellowship, 2006.
18. Jack F. Carter, Plant Sciences Graduate Student Scholastic and Leadership Scholarship, 2006.
19. Candidate of the Dep. of Plant Sciences for Gerald O. Mott Meritorious Graduate Student Award in Crop Science (An award presented by the Crop Science Society of America to the outstanding graduate Crop Science student at each land grant University), 2005.
20. Plant Sciences Department Graduate Scholarship North Dakota State University, 2005.
21. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops (AAIC) Student travel award, 2005.