
Studies on slow-release liquid fertilizers applied at low rates as a foliar application on North Dakota spring wheat/winter wheat

(Research Report)
Publication File:

Two foliar experiments were conducted to determine the degree of effectiveness of timing and rate of N-Pact® (UAP product, Greeley, CO) on yield and quality of spring wheat. The experiments were: 1. N-rate and timing study on preplant urea and post-N applied at 5-6 leaf stage with N-Pact® at 2 or 3 g/acre rates; 2. N-rate and post-N study with urea applied preplant and N-Pact® applied at 3 g/a rate immediately after flowering.


Lead Author
Lead Author:
Dave Franzen - Professor, Extension Soil Specialist
Web only
Publication Sections

Experiment 1 - Leaf Stage

N-Rate Study with N-Pact® applied at 5-6 leaf spring wheat stage

This experiment was conducted in a field of spring wheat following barley in Barnes county, T139N, R57W, section 30, in the SW ¼ of the SW ¼. The soils were Barnes loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid, calcic Hapludolls). Preplant urea treatments were applied 4/17. The plots were seeded by the grower-cooperator 4/30 with Glenn wheat at 1 million live seeds/a. A starter fertilizer of 11-23-0-7.5S was applied with the seed at planting. Soil tests were obtained a week before treatments were applied. The soil test results are shown below.

Preplant Soil tests for the N-Pact at 5-6 leaf spring wheat experiment, April, 2008.

Nitrate-N, lb/a

P, ppm

K, ppm


OM, %

Cu, ppm

Cl, lb/a 2-feet








The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with 18 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments are as follows:


2-Check + 2 g/a+N-Pact

3- Check + 3 g/a N-Pact

4-30 lb N

5-30 lb N + 2g/a N-Pact 6-30 lb N + 3 g/a N-Pact 7-60 lb N

8-60 lb N + 2 g/a N-Pact 9-60 lb N + 3 g/a N-Pact 10-90 lb N

11-90 lb N + 2 g/a N-Pact 12-90 lb N + 3 g/a N-Pact 13-120 lb N

14-120 lb N + 2 g/a N-Pact 15-120 lb N + 3 g/a N-Pact 16-150 lb N

17-150 lb N + 2 g/a N-Pact 18-150 lb N + 3 g/a N-Pact

Bronate Advanced at 0.8 pt/a and Rimfire at 2.25 oz/a were applied by the grower when the wheat was about 3-leaf. Post application N-Pact treatments were made on 6/10 using 8001 nozzles to deliver a total of 10 g/a of mix at about 40 psi broadcast. The treatments were made from 9AM until Noon. Wind was NE at 10 mph. Temperature was 55 degrees F. Flag-leaf samples were obtained 7/10 from each plot by obtaining 20 flag leaves randomly from the center of each plot. The leaf samples were oven-dried, ground and analyzed for total N. The plots were harvested 8/18 using a plot combine with a 4-foot head. Alleyways were mowed about 8/4 to define plot end points without affecting wheat growth and development at the plot ends.

Results of 5-leaf foliar N-Pact® application on spring wheat after preplant N application, Valley City, ND, 2008.


Yield, bu/a

Test Weight, lb/bu

Leaf N, %

Protein, %


51.0 a


3.0 a

13.1 a

Check +2

48.9 a


3.0 a

13.2 a

Check +3

48.6 a


3.1 ab

13.2 a

30 lb N

56.6 ab


3.2 ab

13.4 a

30 lb N +2

57.5 b


3.1 ab

13.6 b

30 lb N +3

58.5 b


3.4 ab

13.9 bc

60 lb N

63.1 bc


3.6 b

14.2 c

60 lb N +2

63.1 bc


3.4 ab

14.4 c

60 lb N +3

65.6 cd


3.7 b

14.3 cd

90 lb N

70.3 cd


3.8 b

14.8 d

90 lb N +2

68.4 cd


3.8 b

14.7 d

90 lb N +3

70.7 d


3.7 b

14.7 d

120 lb N

68.4 cd


3.9 b

15.3 e

120 lb N +2

70.2 cd


3.2 ab

15.0 e

120 lb N +3

68.8 cd


3.9 b

15.1 e

150 lb N

71.5 d


3.8 b

15.3 e

150 lb N +2

70.8 d


4.0 b

15.2 e

150 lb N +3

73.2 d


3.8 b

15.3 e

LSD 5%





graph showing increased wheat yield with preplant N rate
Wheat yield with preplant N rate and foliar N-Pact® applied at 5-6 leaf stage.









There was an increase in wheat yield with N rate. There was not an increase in wheat yield with the addition of 2-3 g/a of N-Pact at any N rate. The graph of preplant N rate and yield shows that the response curves for the without, 2 and 3 g/a N-Pact post at 5 leaf are very similar. There is a slight visual separation between the 3 g/a curve and the other curves, but these differences are not significant.

In support of the wheat response, the flag-leaf N response and protein response is similar. There are increases in flag-leaf N and protein with N rate, but there is no added effect of the N-Pact application in significant differences within N-rate treatment.

graph showing Flag-leaf N protein increase
Flag-leaf N response to preplant N and post application of N-Pact®


graph showing no added effect of the N-Pact application in significant differences within N-rate treatment.
Protein response to preplant N and post application of N-Pact® at the 5 leaf stage




Experiment 2 - Flower Stage

Experiment 2. Application of N-Pact® at flowering at 3 gal/acre rate.

This experiment, which tested the effect of N-Pact at the 3 g/a rate applied immediately after flowering, was conducted in Barnes county in the same area as the first study. The soils were similar, also a Barnes loam on 2007 barley stubble. Soil tests are shown below-

Soil tests for the N-Pact immediately after spring wheat flower experiment, April, 2008.

Nitrate-N, lb/a

P, ppm

K, ppm


OM, %

Cu, ppm

Cl, lb/a 2-feet









Preplant treatments were applied 4/16. The plots were seeded by the grower-cooperator 4/30 using Glenn spring wheat at 1 million live seeds/a. Bronate Advanced at 0.8 pt/a and Rimfire at

2.24 oz/a were applied for weed control at the 3-leaf stage. Weed control was excellent throughout the season. The N-Pact treatment of 3 g/a was applied to a total mix with water to equal a 10 g/a application rate. The application was made on 7/10 from noon to 3 PM, with a west wind at 5-10 mph. Individual plot size was 8 feet wide and 20 feet long. A 5-foot alleyway separated blocks of treatments in the randomized complete block design. There were 12 treatments and 4 replications.

Treatments are as follows-


Check + N-Pact 30 lb N

30 lb N + N-Pact 60 lb N

60 lb N + N-Pact 90 lb N

90 lb N + N-Pact 120 lb N

120 lb N + N-Pact 150 lb N

150 lb N + N-Pact

The plots were harvested 8/18 using a combine with a 4-foot header.

The application of N-Pact at 3 g/a increased wheat yield at the check level and at the 90 lb N level. The increase was not consistent across N rates. N rate itself increased yield consistent with each incremental increase up to the 120 lb N/a rate. Protein also increased with N-rate to the 120 lb N/a treatment. N-Pact application increased protein within N rate at the 30 lb N/a rate and the 120 lb N/a rate.

Results of post-flower treatment with 3 g/a N-Pact® on spring wheat, Valley City, ND, 2008.


Yield, bu/a

Test Weight, lb/bu

Protein, %


47.0 a


13.5 a

Check +NP

52.4 b


13.3 a

30 lb N

53.9 b


13.1 a

30 lb N + NP

53.4 b


13.7 ab

60 lb N

60.1 c


14.0 b

60 lb N + NP

58.7 c


14.0 b

90 lb N

59.8 c


14.3 bc

90 lb N + NP

62.8 d


14.4 c

120 lb N

62.3 d


14.5 c

120 lb N + NP

64.8 d


14.9 d

150 lb N

64.7 d


15.1 d

150 lb N + NP

63.2 d


14.8 d

LSD 5%





graph showing small yield advantage of N-Pact at lower N rates, but not at preplant N rates above 60 lb N/a
Response of spring wheat to preplant N rate and application of 3 g/a N-Pact immediately after flowering. There is a small yield advantage of N-Pact at lower N rates, but not at preplant N rates above 60 lb N/a.










graph showing preplant N Rate and protein percent
Protein response of spring wheat to preplant N rate and application of 3 g/a N-Pact®
immediately after flowering



The graph of protein vs N rate at 0 and 3 g/a N-Pact immediately after flowering shows a small advantage to N-Pact over preplant only at nearly all N-rates. However, the average incremental increase over each N-rate is about 0.1 %. The current NDSU recommendation for protein enhancement is the application of 30 lb N/a immediately following flowering for a protein enhancement average of 0.5%. This increase with the amount of N applied is close to that recommendation scale.

graph showing daily precipitation of Valley City Research Sites in 2008
Daily Precipitation, Valley City Research Sites, 2008











Summary of N-Pact® studies, 2008-

N-Pact® at 5-leaf stage- There were no significant differences within N level for the application of 2-3 g/a N-Pact at the 5-leaf stage. No differences were observed in yield, flag-leaf N or protein.

N-Pact® immediately after flowering- There were significant differences in both yield and protein at lower N rates. Impact on yield was seen in lower N rates. Protein response averaged about 0.1% for the 3 g/a rate applied, which is within the range of expectations based on 28% post-anthesis research recently conducted at Carrington, Minot and Langdon.






Summary of GP studies on barley, spring wheat and soybean


Study Summaries


In all foliar studies of three slow-release N products applied at low rates near, at or after flowering, there were no increases in protein when preplant N was applied at recommended rates. It appears that the use of these kinds of products applied at lower than 10 gpa rates would not be expected to produce measurable, and certainly not economic returns to growers. At current costs of these products, a 10 gpa rate of slow-release products would probably not be economical to growers from increases in protein. The current recommendation of 10 gpa 28% mixed with 10 gpa water, applied post-anthesis at the water-ripe stage of growth in the cool of the day continues to be the best choice for enhancing protein an average of ½ %.