Foundation Seedstocks releasing two new varieties for 2024
The 2023 foundation seedstocks planting season started on May 16, almost identical to last year’s starting date of May 17, 2022. As of June 1, we are half done planting our 25 varieties and should be finished planting by the time you read this article. A positive aspect of planting late and having adequate moisture is that crop emergence is happening quickly.
This year’s small grain increase at the Carrington REC will include five wheats, two durums, and three barleys. Broadleaf planting includes one buckwheat, three flaxes, five soybeans, five field peas, and one silage corn.
NDSU is releasing two new varieties for spring planting in 2024. ND Thresher is a hard red spring wheat and ND Victory is a green field pea.
ND Thresher HRSW was approved for release by NDSU’s variety release committee after NDSU Spring Wheat Breeder Dr. Andrew Green presented the agronomic and quality data for his experimental line.
- shorter plant height and good straw strength
- good resistance to Fusarium head blight (FSB) and Bacterial Leaf Streak (BLS)
- high yielding and is suited for eastern ND
- high protein and good milling/baking qualities
- good maturity dry down and threshes easily

ND Victory is the first semi-leafless, green cotyledon field pea to be released by NDSU’s variety release committee after NDSU Pulse Crops Breeder Dr. Nonoy Bandillo presented his varietal information.
- semi-dwarf with good standability at 3.3
- high yield potential
- high protein at 25.2%
- powdery mildew resistance and increased disease package

Please keep NDSU’s two new varieties (ND Thresher HRSW and ND Victory Field Pea) in mind as you look toward the next spring planting season. These will be distributed out to the counties by the North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association to seed growers. Contact local county agents to request seed.
Certified seed producers must file their field inspection applications by June 15.
Dave Copenhaver
Foundation Seedstock Manager