The research trial was conducted at the Langdon Research Extension Center and was planted on May 19th 2017 with the canola variety “DKL 30-42 (Roundup Ready)” in a randomized complete block design and replicated four times. Canola production recommendations for northeast North Dakota from the North Dakota State University Extension Service were followed. The plot size was 5 ft. x 16 ft. long with a canola border between each plot. The trial was irrigated with an overhead sprinkler system set for 1 hour every day beginning one week before the start of bloom to 4 weeks after bloom to help increase disease infection levels. Fungicides were applied at 20% bloom using a CO2-pressurized backpack style sprayer with a three nozzle boom (XR-8002) at 20 GPA and were repeated 8 days after first spray. The amount of white mold infection obtained in the research plots was natural. Fifty plants per plot were rated on a scale of 0-5 (where 1=superficial lesions or small branch infected; 2=large branch(es) dead; 3=main stem at least 50% girdled; 4=main stem girdled but plant produced good seed; 5=main stem girdled, much reduced yield). The levels of incidence and severity were recorded for each plant prior to swathing (August 18). A white mold disease severity index was calculated with weighted scale of incidence and severity ratings.
Table 1: Efficacy of commercially available fungicides in managing white mold and their influence on yield and test weight.
Treatments | Dosage | White Mold | Yield | Test Weight |
| (Fl oz/A) | DSI* | (lbs/A) | (lbs/bu) |
Aproach + NIS | 9 | 0.03 | 3794 | 52 |
Endura + NIS | 6 | 1.33 | 4086 | 52 |
Proline + NIS | 4.3 | 0.28 | 4200 | 52 |
Quash + NIS | 3 | 0.19 | 3968 | 52 |
Topsin | 231(g/A) | 0.23 | 4372 | 52 |
CHECK | Check | 1.46 | 3769 | 52 |
Mean | | 0.59 | 4031 | 52 |
CV (%) | | 59 | 14 | 0.76 |
LSD | | 0.62 | 1014 | 0.7 |
p-Value | | 0.0006 | NS | NS |
NIS: Non-Ionic Surfactant 0.25% V/V | | |
DSI*: White Mold Disease Severity Index | |
NS: Non-Significant | | | |
The results indicate there were significant differences obtained among the fungicides tested and the non-treated check. More white mold DSI was observed in Endura and the non-treated check while Aproach was low. There were no significant differences among the treatments when yield and test weights were compared.
Acknowledgements: Bryan Hanson, Travis Hakanson and Lawrence Henry for their technical support.